Numbers 4:15

after that.

7:9; 10:21; De 31:9; Jos 4:10; 2Sa 6:13; 1Ch 15:2,15

they shall.

3:38; Ex 19:12; 1Sa 6:19; 2Sa 6:6,7; 1Ch 13:9,10; Heb 12:18-29

These things.


Deuteronomy 31:9


22-24,28; Nu 33:2; Da 9:13; Mal 4:4; Mr 10:4,5; 12:19; Lu 20:28

Joh 1:17,45; 5:46


24-26; 17:18

the priests.

Ho 4:6; Mal 2:7

which bare.

Nu 4:15; Jos 3:3,14-17; 6:12; 1Ki 8:3; 1Ch 15:2,12-15

Joshua 3:6

Take up.

3; Nu 14:15; 10:33; Mic 2:13; Joh 14:2,3; Heb 6:20

Joshua 3:14-15

bearing the ark.

3,6; 6:6; De 31:26; Jer 3:16; Ac 7:44,45; 1Co 1:24,25; Heb 9:4

the feet.

13; Isa 26:6

Jordan overfloweth.The ordinary current of the Jordan, near where the Israelites crossed, is said by Maundrell, to be about twenty yards across, deeper than a man's height, and so rapid, that there is no swimming against it. It has, however, two banks; the first, or inner one, is that of the river in its natural state, and the second, or outer one, about a furlong distant, is that of its overflowings, which it does when the summer's sun has melted the snow on mount Lebanon and Hermon, in the months of March and April. And this was the time which God chose that the Israelites should pass over it; that a miraculous interposition might be necessary; and that, by the miracle, they might be convinced of his omnipotence.

4:18; 1Ch 12:15; Jer 12:5; 49:19

all the time.

5:10-12; Le 23:10-16; De 16:1-9

Joshua 4:9

set up twelve.

Ex 24:12; 28:21; 1Ki 18:31; Ps 111:2-4

and they are there.These words might be written by Joshua at the close of his life, or perhaps be added by some later prophet. It seems from this verse, that there were two sorts of stones erected as a memorial of this great event: twelve at Gilgal (ver. 20,) and twelve in the bed of the Jordan; which last might have been placed on a base of strong stone work, so high as always to be visible, and serve to mark the very spot where the priests stood with the ark. Drs. Kennicott and Shuckford, however, would read here with the Syriac, {mittoch,} "from the midst," instead of {bethoch,} "in the midst;" and render, "And Joshua took up the twelve stones (taken) from the midst of Jordan," etc. But this reading is unsupported by any MS. yet collated; and it appears wholly unnecessary.

Ge 26:33; De 34:6; Jud 1:26; 1Sa 30:25; 2Sa 4:3; 2Ch 5:9; Mt 27:8

Mt 28:15

Joshua 6:6

Take up the ark.

8,13; 3:3,6; Ex 25:14; De 20:2-4; Ac 9:1

1 Chronicles 15:2

None ought to, etc. Heb. It is not to carry the ark of God,but for the Levites. them hath.

Nu 4:2-15,19,20; 7:9; De 10:8; 31:9; Jos 3:3; 6:6; 2Ch 35:3

to minister.

Nu 8:13,14,24-26; 18:1-8; Isa 66:21; Jer 33:17-22

1 Chronicles 15:11-15


12:28; 18:16; 1Sa 22:20-23; 2Sa 8:17; 15:24-29,35; 20:25; 1Ki 2:35



Ye are the chief.

9:34; 24:31


14; Ex 19:14,15; 2Ch 5:11; 29:4,5; 30:15; 35:6; Eze 48:11

Joh 17:17; Ro 12:1,2; Re 5:9,10

ye did it.

13:7-9; 2Sa 6:3

the Lord.

13:10,11; 2Sa 6:7,8

for that.

2; Nu 4:15; 7:9; De 31:9; 2Ch 30:17-20; Pr 28:13; 1Co 11:2; 14:40

1Jo 1:8-10


Le 10:3; 2Ch 29:15,34; Joe 2:16,17

bare the ark.

Ex 25:12,12-15; 37:3-5; 40:20; Nu 4:6,15; 7:9; 1Ki 8:8; 2Ch 5:9
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