Proverbs 10:15


18:11; Job 31:24,25; Ps 49:6; 52:7; Ec 7:12; Jer 9:23; Mr 10:24

Lu 12:19; 1Ti 6:17

the destruction.

14:20; 19:7; 22:22,23; Mic 2:1,2

Mark 6:2-3

he began.

1:21,22,39; Lu 4:15,31,32


Joh 6:42; 7:15; Ac 4:13,14


Mt 13:55,56; Lu 4:22; Joh 6:42


Isa 49:7; 53:2,3; 1Pe 2:4


15:40; Mt 12:46; 1Co 9:4; Ga 1:19


Joh 14:22; Jude 1:1


3:18; Ac 1:13


Mt 11:6; 13:57; Lu 2:34; 4:23-29; 7:23; Joh 6:60,61; 1Co 1:23

John 7:47-49


12; 9:27-34; 2Ki 18:29,32; 2Ch 32:15; Mt 27:63; 2Co 6:8

26,50; 12:42; Jer 5:4,5; Mt 11:25; Ac 6:7; 1Co 1:20,22-28; 2:8

9:34,40; Isa 5:21; 28:14; 29:14-19; 65:5; 1Co 1:20,21; 3:18-20

Jas 3:13-18

John 9:24-34


5:23; 8:49; 16:2; Jos 7:19; 1Sa 6:5-9; Ps 50:14,15; Isa 66:5

Ro 10:2-4

we know.

16; 8:46; 14:30; 18:30; 19:6; Mr 15:28; Ro 8:3; 2Co 5:21

a sinner.

Lu 7:39; 15:2; 19:7


30; 5:11; 1Jo 5:10


I have.

10-15; Lu 22:67


34; 7:47-52; Isa 51:7; Mt 5:11; 27:39; 1Co 4:12; 6:10; 1Pe 2:23


5:45-47; 7:19; Ac 6:11-14; Ro 2:17


1:17; Nu 12:2-7; 16:28; De 34:10; Ps 103:7; 105:26; 106:16; Mal 4:4

Ac 7:35; 26:22; Heb 3:2-5

as for.

16,24; 1Ki 22:27; 2Ki 9:11; Mt 12:24; 26:61; Lu 23:2; Ac 22:22

we know not.

7:27,41,42; 8:14; Ps 22:6; Isa 53:2,3


3:10; 12:37; Isa 29:14; Mr 6:6

and yet.

Ps 119:18; Isa 29:18; 35:5; Mt 11:5; Lu 7:22; 2Co 4:6

we know.

Job 27:8,9; 35:12; 42:8; Ps 18:41; 34:15; 66:18-20; Pr 1:28,29; 15:29

Pr 21:13; 28:9; Isa 1:15; 58:9; Jer 11:11; 14:12; Eze 8:18; Mic 3:4

Zec 7:13

if any.

Ps 34:15; Pr 15:29

and doeth.

4:34; 7:17; 15:16; Ps 40:8; 143:10; Heb 10:7; 1Jo 3:21,22


11:41,42; Ge 18:23-33; 19:29; 20:7; 1Ki 17:20-22; 18:36-38

2Ch 32:20,21; Ps 99:6; 106:23; Jer 15:1; Jas 5:15-18

Since.It is worthy of remark, that, from the foundation of the world, no person born blind had been restored to sight, even by surgical operation, till about the year 1728; when the celebrated Dr. Cheselden, by couching the eyes of a young man fourteen years of age, restored them to perfect vision. This was the effect of well-directed surgery; that performed by Christ was wholly a miracle, effected by the power of God. The simple means employed could have had no effect in this case, and were merely employed as symbols.

the world.

Job 20:4; Isa 64:4; Lu 1:70; Re 16:18


16; 3:2; Ac 5:38,39


2; 8:41; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Ga 2:15; Eph 2:3

and dost.

40; 7:48,49; Ge 19:9; Ex 2:14; 2Ch 25:16; Pr 9:7,8; 26:12; 29:1

Isa 65:5; Lu 11:45; 14:11; 18:10-14,17; 1Pe 5:5

And they.

22; 6:37; Pr 22:10; Isa 66:5; Lu 6:22; 3Jo 1:9; Re 13:17

cast him out. or, excommunicated him.

Mt 18:17,18; 1Co 5:4,5,13

1 Corinthians 1:26-29


20; 2:3-6,13; 3:18-20; Zep 3:12; Mt 11:25,26; Lu 10:21; Joh 7:47-49

Jas 3:13-17

not many mighty.

Lu 1:3; *Gr:

Lu 18:24,25; Joh 4:46-53; 19:38,39; Ac 13:7,12; 17:34; Php 4:22

Jas 1:9-11; 2:5; 2Jo 1:1

Ps 8:2; Isa 26:5,6; 29:14,19; Zep 3:12; Mt 4:18-22; 9:9; 11:25

Mt 21:16; Lu 19:39,40; 21:15; Ac 4:11-21; 6:9,10; 7:35,54; 17:18

Ac 24:24,25; 2Co 4:7; 10:4,5,10

things which.

Ro 4:17; 2Co 12:11

to bring.

2:6; De 28:63; Job 34:19,20,24; Ps 32:10; 37:35,36; Isa 2:11,17

Isa 17:13,14; 37:36; 41:12; Da 2:34,35,44,45; Re 18:17

31; 4:7; 5:6; Ps 49:6; Isa 10:15; Jer 9:23; Ro 3:19,27; 4:2; 15:17

Eph 2:9

James 2:2-6

assembly. Gr. synagogue. gold.

Es 3:10; 8:2; Lu 15:22


Ge 27:15; Mt 11:8,9

in vile.

Isa 64:6; Zec 3:3,4


Jude 1:16

in a good place. or well, or, seemly. to the.

6; Isa 65:5; Lu 7:44-46; 2Co 8:9


1:1-27; Job 34:19; Mal 2:9


4:11; Job 21:27; Ps 58:1; 82:2; 109:31; Mt 7:1-5; Joh 7:24


Jud 9:7; 1Ki 22:28; Job 34:10; 38:14; Pr 7:24; 8:32; Mr 7:14; Ac 7:2

Hath not.

1:9; Isa 14:32; 29:19; Zep 3:12; Zec 11:7,11; Mt 11:5; Lu 6:20

Lu 9:57,58; 16:22,25; Joh 7:48; 1Co 1:26-28; 2Co 8:9


Pr 8:17-21; Lu 12:21; 1Co 3:21-23; 2Co 4:15; 6:10; Eph 1:18; 3:8

1Ti 6:18; Heb 11:26; Re 2:9; 3:18; 21:7


Mt 5:3; 25:34; Lu 12:32; 22:29; Ro 8:17; 1Th 2:12; 2Th 1:5

2Ti 4:8,18; 1Pe 1:4; 2Pe 1:11

the. or, that which.

1:12; Ex 20:6; 1Sa 2:30; Pr 8:17; Mt 5:3; Lu 6:20; 12:32; 1Co 2:9

2Ti 4:8


3; Ps 14:6; Pr 14:31; 17:5; Ec 9:15,16; Isa 53:3; Joh 8:49; 1Co 11:22


5:4; Job 20:19; Ps 10:2,8,10,14; 12:5; Pr 22:16; Ec 5:8; Isa 3:14,15

Am 2:6,7; 4:1; 5:11; 8:4-6; Mic 6:11,12; Hab 3:14; Zec 7:10


5:6; 1Ki 21:11-13; Ac 4:1-3,26-28; 5:17,18,26,27; 13:50; 16:19,20

Ac 17:6; 18:12
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