Proverbs 16:18

11:2; 17:19; 18:12; 29:23; Es 3:5; 6:6; 7:10; Isa 2:11,12

Isa 37:10-13,38; Da 4:30-37; 5:22,24; Ob 1:3,4; Mt 26:33-35,74

Ro 11:20; 1Ti 3:6

Isaiah 10:8-14

36:8; 2Ki 18:24; 19:10; Eze 26:7; Da 2:37


Am 6:1,2



2Ch 35:20; Jer 46:2


36:19; 37:13; 2Sa 8:9; 2Ki 17:24; Jer 49:23


7:8; 17:3; 2Ki 16:9; 17:5,6; 18:9,10

the kingdoms.

14; 2Ki 18:33-35; 19:12,13,17-19; 2Ch 32:12-16,19

as I have.

36:19,20; 37:10-13

when the Lord.

5,6; 14:24-27; 27:9; 46:10,11; Ps 76:10; 1Pe 4:17

I will.

16-19,25-34; 17:12-14; 29:7,8; 30:30-33; 31:5-9; 37:36-38; 50:11

Jer 50:18

punish the fruit of the stout heart. Heb. visit upon thefruit of the greatness of the heart.

9:9; Job 40:11,12; Ps 21:10; Mt 12:33; 15:19

the glory.

2:11; 5:15; Ps 18:27; Pr 30:13; Eze 31:10,14; Da 4:37

For he saith.

8; 37:23,24; De 8:17; Eze 25:3; 26:2; 28:2-9; 29:3; Da 4:30; Am 6:13

Hab 1:16

I have removed.

2Ki 15:29; 17:6,24; 18:11,32; 1Ch 5:26; Am 5:27; 6:1,2


2Ki 16:8; 18:15; Ho 13:15,16

a valiant man. or, many people.

And my.

5:8; Job 31:25; Pr 18:12; 21:6,7; Ho 12:7,8; Na 2:9-13; 3:1

Hab 2:5-11

peeped.That is, chirped, from the Latin {pipio.} We still use the term pipe to express the note of the bullfinch.

Isaiah 37:11-15

18,19; 10:7-14; 14:17; 36:18-20; 2Ki 17:4-6; 18:33-35

the gods.

36:20; 46:5-7


2Ki 17:6; 18:11; 19:12

Haran.Haran, the Carrhæ of the Greeks and Romans, is situated in the north-west part of Mesopotamia, between the Euphrates and the river Chebar; about 110 miles west of Nisibis, 90 east of Bir, 100 south of Diarbekir, and 170 north of Palmyra.

Ge 11:31; 12:14; 28:10; 29:4; Ac 7:2

Eden.It is probable that this Eden is the country near Diarbekir, on the Tigris, called Mâdon, according to Asseman.

Ge 2:8; Eze 27:23; 28:13; Am 1:5

Telassar.Telassar is probably the same as Ellasar, Ge 14:1, as the Jerusalem Targum reads; for both of which the Syriac has Dolassar; and perhaps, as Doederlein supposes, the same as Sharra, a city of Mesopotamia, half a mile from the Euphrates.

2Ki 19:12



10:9; 36:19; Jer 49:23

Hena.Hena is probably the same as Anah, a city of Mesopotamia, situated on an island in the Euphrates.


2Ki 17:24,30,31

Ava, Avites.

2Ki 18:34; 19:13


2Ki 19:14

and Hezekiah went.

1; 1Ki 8:28-30,38; 9:3; 2Ch 6:20-42; Ps 27:5; 62:1-3; 74:10; 76:1-3

Ps 123:1-4; 143:6; Joe 2:17-20

1Sa 7:8,9; 2Sa 7:18-29; 2Ki 19:15-19; 2Ch 14:11; 20:6-12

Da 9:3,4; Php 4:6,7; Jas 5:13

Ezekiel 31:3-18

the Assyrian.

Na 3:1-19; Zep 2:13

a cedar.

17:3,4,22; Isa 10:33,34; 37:24; Da 4:10,20-23; Zec 11:2

with fair branches. Heb. fair of branches. of an high.

6; Jud 9:15; Da 4:12


17:5,8; Pr 14:28; Jer 51:36; Re 17:1,15

made him great. or, nourished him. set. or, brought.little rivers. or, conduits.

his height.The Assyrian king, to whom Pharaoh is compared, from his great power, extensive dominion, and the protection he afforded, resembled the spreading branches, thick shade, and high stature of a flourishing cedar on mount Lebanon. The fruitful lands of Assyria; the immense revenues he drew from vast multitudes in his extensive territories; his lucrative commerce, by the river Tigris, with the countries on the Indian ocean; and all the various sources of his wealth and prosperity, resembled the rivers and streams which cause the trees planted by them to grow and flourish exceedingly; and hence the empire and its head were exalted above all the kingdoms of the earth.

Ps 37:35,36; Isa 10:8-14; 36:4,18,19; 37:11-13; Da 4:11

he shot forth. or, it sent them forth.

17:23; Da 4:12,21; Mt 13:32



28:13; Ge 2:8; 13:10; Ps 80:10; Isa 51:3

nor any.

Ps 37:35; Isa 10:7-14; 36:4-18; 37:11-13


16:14; Ex 9:16; Ps 75:6,7; Da 2:21,37,38; 4:22-25; 5:20-23

all the trees.

17:22,24; Jud 9:8-20; Ps 96:12,13; Isa 55:12; Zec 11:2


Ge 26:14; 37:11; 1Sa 18:15; Pr 27:4; Ec 4:4; Jas 4:5,6

Therefore.The allegory and its interpretation are here combined; and the Assyrian monarch, though already destroyed, is poetically addressed.


Mt 23:12

and his.

14; 28:17; 2Ch 25:19; 32:25; Job 11:11,12; Pr 16:18; 18:12

Isa 14:13-15; Da 4:30; 5:20; Ob 1:3; Jas 4:6


11:9; 21:31; 23:28; Jud 16:23; 1Ti 1:20

the mighty.Nebuchadnezzar, the subverter of the Assyrian empire.

32:11,12; Jer 25:9; Da 5:18,19

he shall surely deal with him. Heb. in doing he shall dounto him.

Jud 1:7; Mt 7:1,2; Jas 2:13

I have driven.

Le 18:24-28; 20:22,23; De 18:12; La 1:21; Na 3:18


28:7; 30:11; Hab 1:6,11


32:4,5; 35:5,8; 39:4; Isa 34:5-7


Da 4:12-14; Na 3:17,18; Re 17:16

29:5; 32:4; Isa 18:6; Re 19:17,18

the end.

De 13:11; 21:21; Ne 13:18; Da 4:32; 5:22,23; 1Co 10:11; 2Pe 2:6

stand up in their height. or, stand upon themselves fortheir height. delivered.

Ps 82:7; Heb 9:27

the nether.

32:18-32; Ps 63:9,10

I caused a.The deep and all the mighty rivers which cherished this fair tree are here described as mourning at his downfall: they stop their usual courses to bewail his fate, and Lebanon with all its stately trees, (his confederates and allies,) sympathise with him in his misfortunes.

Na 2:8-10; Re 18:9-11,18,19

mourn. Heb. be black.

Mal 3:4


26:10,15; 27:28; Na 2:3; Hag 2:7; Heb 12:26,27; Re 11:13; 18:9-24

When I.

32:18-32; Isa 14:15

and all.

9,18; Isa 14:8; Hab 2:17

shall be comforted.

14; 32:31; Isa 14:15


32:20-30; Ps 9:17; Isa 14:9

that were.

30:6-8,21-25; Ne 3:17,18


3,6; 32:31; La 4:20; Da 4:11,12; Mr 4:32

To whom.Pharaoh is here called upon to look in his mirror, and see the termination of his glory and greatness.

art thou.

2; 32:19

with the.


thou shalt.

28:10; 32:10,19,21,24-32; 1Sa 17:26,36; 2Sa 1:20; Jer 9:25,26

This is.That is, the judgment that befel the king of Assyria, is an exact representation of the destruction that remains for Pharaoh and all his people.

2Ch 28:22; Ps 52:7; Mt 13:19; 26:26-28; 1Co 10:14

Daniel 4:30

Is not.

5:20; Ps 73:8; Pr 16:18; Hab 1:15,16; 2:4,5; Lu 12:19,20; 14:11

1Pe 5:5


Ge 10:10; 11:2-9; Re 16:19; 17:5; 18:10,21


1Ch 29:12-14; 2Ch 2:5,6; Isa 10:8-15; 37:24,25; Eze 28:2-5; 29:3

and for.

5:18,19; Es 1:4; Ps 49:20; 104:1; 145:5-12; 1Co 10:31; Re 21:24-26

Acts 12:22-23

14:10-13; Ps 12:2; Da 6:7; Jude 1:16; Re 13:4

the angel.

Ex 12:12,23,29; 1Sa 25:38; 2Sa 24:17; 1Ch 21:14-18; 2Ch 32:21


10:25,26; 14:14,15; Ex 9:17; 10:3; Ps 115:1; Isa 37:23; Eze 28:2,9

Da 4:30-37; 5:18-24; Lu 12:47,48; 2Th 2:4

and he.

2Ch 21:18,19; Job 7:5; 19:26; Isa 14:11; 51:8; 66:24; Mr 9:44-48
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