Proverbs 27:8

a bird.

Job 39:14-16; Isa 16:2


21:16; Ge 4:16; 16:6-8; 1Sa 22:5; 27:1-12; 1Ki 19:9; Ne 6:11-13

Jon 1:3,10-17; 1Co 7:20; Jude 1:13

Luke 3:10-14


8; Ac 2:37; 9:6; 16:30

He that hath two.

11:41; 18:22; 19:8; Isa 58:7-11; Da 4:27; Mt 25:40; Mr 14:5-8

Joh 13:29; Ac 10:2,4,31; 2Co 8:3-14; 1Ti 6:18; Heb 6:10; Jas 1:27

Jas 2:15-26; 1Jo 3:17; 4:20

7:29; 15:1,2; 18:13; Mt 21:31,32


19:8; Ps 18:23; Pr 28:13; Isa 1:16,17; 55:6,7; Eze 18:21,22,27,28

Mic 6:8; Mt 7:12; 1Co 6:10; Eph 4:28; Tit 2:11,12; Heb 12:1

the soldiers.

Mt 8:5; Ac 10:7

Do violence to no man. or, Put no man in fear.

Ro 13:9,10; Php 2:15


19:8; Ex 20:16; 23:1; Le 19:11; Tit 2:3; Re 12:10

and be.

Php 4:11; 1Ti 6:8-10; Heb 13:5,6

wages. or, allowance.

1 Corinthians 7:17

as God.

7; Mt 19:12; Ro 12:3-8; 1Pe 4:10,11

as the.


so ordain.

4:17; 16:1; 2Co 11:28

1 Corinthians 7:21-23


12:13; Ga 3:28; Col 3:11; 1Ti 6:1-3; 1Pe 2:18-24

a servant.Rather, a slave, [doulos ,] the property of another, and bought with his money. In these verses the apostle shows that Christianity makes no change in our civil connections.


Lu 10:40,41; 12:29; *marg:

21:34; Php 4:6,11; Heb 13:5; 1Pe 5:7

is the.

Lu 1:74,75; Joh 8:32-36; Ro 6:18-22; Ga 5:1,13; Eph 6:5,6

Col 3:22-24; Phm 1:16; 1Pe 2:16

freeman. Gr. made free. is Christ's.

9:19; Ps 116:16; Ro 1:1; Ga 1:10; Col 4:12; 1Pe 2:16; 2Pe 1:1; Jude 1:1


6:20; Le 25:42; Ac 20:28; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 1:18,19; 3:18; Re 5:9


Mt 23:8-11; Ga 2:4

1 Thessalonians 4:11


Pr 17:1; Ec 4:6; La 3:26; 2Th 3:12; 1Ti 2:2; 1Pe 3:4


Ro 15:20; 2Co 5:9; *Gr:

and to do.

Mr 13:34; Lu 12:42,43; Ro 12:4-8; Col 3:22-24; 2Th 3:11; 1Ti 5:13

Tit 2:4-10; 1Pe 4:10,11,15

to work.

Ac 20:35; Ro 12:11; 1Co 4:12; Eph 4:28; 2Th 3:7-12; Tit 3:14; *marg:

2 Thessalonians 3:12



that with.

Ge 49:14,15; Pr 17:1; Ec 4:6; Eph 4:28; 1Th 4:11; 1Ti 2:2


8; Lu 11:3
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