Psalms 10:9

He lieth.

17:12; 59:3; Mic 7:2; Ac 23:21

secretly. Heb. in the secret places.

La 3:10; Am 3:4; Na 2:11,12; Zec 11:3

to catch.

Jer 5:26; Eze 19:3-6; Hab 1:15; Joh 10:12

poor, when.

12:5; 35:10; 37:14; 109:31; Job 5:15,16; Pr 14:31; 22:16; 28:15

Isa 3:15; 32:7; Eze 22:29; Am 2:6,7; 5:11,12; Hab 3:14

Psalms 17:12-13

Like, etc. Heb. The likeness of him, (that is, of every oneof them,) is as a lion that desireth to ravin.

7:2; 22:13; 2Ti 4:17; 1Pe 5:8

lurking. Heb. sitting.


3:7; 7:6; 44:23,26; 119:126; Isa 51:9

disappoint him. Heb. prevent his face. which is. or, by.



Isa 10:5,15; 13:5; 37:26; Hab 1:12; Ac 4:28

Psalms 22:13-16

gaped, etc. Heb. opened their mouths against me.

7; 35:21; Job 16:10; La 2:16; 3:46; Mt 26:3,4,59-65

as a.

21; 7:2; 17:12; 35:17; Eze 22:27,28; 1Pe 5:8

I am.

Jos 7:5; Mt 26:38; Lu 22:44; Joh 12:27


17; Da 5:6

out of joint. or, sundered. heart.

68:2; Jos 7:5; Job 23:16; Mr 14:33,34


32:3,4; Pr 17:22


69:3,21; Job 29:10; La 4:4; Joh 19:28

into the.

30:9; 104:29; Ge 3:19; 18:27; Job 7:21; 10:9; 34:15; Isa 53:12

Da 12:2; Mt 27:50; 1Co 15:3


22:1; *title

20; 59:6,14; Mt 7:6; Php 3:2; Re 22:15


Lu 11:53,54


86:14; Jer 12:6; Mt 26:57; Mr 15:16-20; Lu 22:63-71; 23:4,5,10,11

Lu 23:23

they pierced.The textual reading is {kaäri,} "as a lion my hands and feet;" but several MSS., read {kâroo,} and others {karoo} in the margin, which affords the reading adopted by our translators. So the LXX. [oryxan cheiras mou kai podas,] so also the Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic; and as all the Evangelists so quote the passage, and apply it to the crucifixion of Christ, there seems scarcely the shadow of a doubt that this is the genuine reading; especially when it is considered, that the other contains no sense at all. The whole difference lies between [vâv] {wav} and [yôwd,] {yood,} which might easily be mistaken for each other.

Zec 12:10; Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Lu 23:33; Joh 19:23,37; 20:25,27

Psalms 35:17


6:3; 13:1,2; 74:9,10; 89:46; 94:3,4


10:14; Hab 1:13


22:20,21; 57:4; 69:14,15; 142:6,7

darling. Heb. only one.

Psalms 58:6

Break their.

3:7; 10:15; Job 4:10,11; 29:17; Eze 30:21-26


17:12; 91:13; Nu 23:24; Isa 31:4; Ho 5:14; Mic 5:8

Proverbs 28:15

a roaring.

20:2; Ho 5:11; 1Pe 5:8

a ranging.

17:12; 2Ki 2:24; Ho 13:8


Ex 1:14-16,22; 1Sa 22:17-19; 2Ki 15:16; 21:16; Es 3:6-10; Mt 2:16

Daniel 6:22-24

My God.

20; 2Sa 22:7; Ps 31:14; 38:21; 118:28; Mic 7:7; Mt 27:46; Joh 20:17

Joh 20:18

hath sent.

3:28; Nu 20:16; 2Ch 32:21; Ps 34:7; Isa 63:9; Ac 12:11; 27:23

hath shut.

1Sa 17:37; Ps 91:11-13; 2Ti 4:17; Heb 11:33


23; Ps 18:19-24; 26:6; 84:11; Isa 3:10; Ac 24:16; 2Co 1:12

1Jo 3:19-21

and also.

Ge 40:15; 1Sa 24:9-11; 26:18; Ps 7:1-4; Ac 25:8-11


14,18; Ex 18:9; 1Ki 5:7; 2Ch 2:11,12


3:25,27,28; 1Ch 5:20; 2Ch 20:20; Ps 37:40; 118:8,9; 146:3-6

Pr 18:10; Isa 26:3; Mr 9:23; Heb 11:33

and they brought.

De 19:18-20; Es 7:10; 9:25; Pr 11:8

them.This savage act accorded with the customs of those times; contrary to the Divine law which enacted that "the fathers should not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers."

their children.

De 24:16; Jos 7:24,25; 2Ki 14:6; Es 9:10

the lions.

3:22; Ps 54:5; Isa 38:13
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