Psalms 106:33


Nu 20:10,11

he spake.

39:1; 141:3; Ge 30:1; 35:16-18; Job 2:10; 38:2; 40:4,5; 42:7,8

Jas 3:2

Psalms 119:96

I have seen.That is, I have seen that all human wisdom or knowledge, however extensive, noble, and excellent, has it bounds, and limits, and end; but Thy law, a transcript of Thine own mind, is infinite, and extends to eternity.

39:5,6; 1Sa 9:2; 17:8,49-51; 31:4,5; 2Sa 14:25; 16:23; 17:23

2Sa 18:14,17; Ec 1:2,3; 2:11; 7:20; 12:8; Mt 5:18; 24:35

but thy.

19:7,8; Mt 5:28; 22:37-40; Mr 12:29-34; Ro 7:7-12,14; Heb 4:12,13

Ecclesiastes 7:20


1Ki 8:46; 2Ch 6:36; Job 15:14-16; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Pr 20:9

Isa 53:6; Ro 3:23; Jas 3:2; 1Jo 1:8-10


Isa 64:6

Acts 6:1

1 The apostles, desirous to have the poor regarded for their bodily sustenance, as also careful themselves to dispense the word of God, the food of the soul,

3 recommend,

5 and with the church's consent ordain seven chosen men to the office of deaconship.

7 The word of God prevails,

8 Stephen, full of faith and the Holy Ghost, confuting those with whom he disputed, is brought before the council, and falsely accused of blasphemy against the law and the temple.


7; 2:41,47; 4:4; 5:14,28; Ps 72:16; 110:3; Isa 27:6; Jer 30:19


1Co 10:10; Heb 13:1; Jas 4:5; 5:9


9:29; 11:20


2Co 11:22; Php 3:5


9:39,41; De 24:19-21; 26:12; Job 29:13; 31:16; Isa 1:17; Eze 22:7

Mal 3:5; Mt 23:14; 1Ti 5:4,5,9; Jas 1:27

the daily.

2:45; 4:35

Acts 15:2


7; Ga 1:6-10; 2:5; Jude 1:3

they determined.

25; Ex 18:23; Ga 2:1,2


22,27; 10:23; 11:12


4,22,23; 1Sa 8:7; 1Co 9:19-23; Ga 2:2; Phm 1:8,9

the apostles.

6,23; 21:18; 1Co 1:1; 2Co 11:5

Romans 7:18-21

that in me.

Ge 6:5; 8:21; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Isa 64:6; Mt 15:19

Mr 7:21-23; Lu 11:13; Eph 2:1-5; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:2

in my.

5,25; 8:3-13; 13:14; Joh 3:6; Ga 5:19-21,24

for to will.

15,19,25; Ps 119:5,32,40,115-117,173,176; Ga 5:17; Php 2:13; 3:12


it is no.


a law.

23; 6:12,14; 8:2; Ps 19:13; 119:133; Joh 8:34; Eph 6:11-13; 2Pe 2:19


2Ch 30:18,19; Ps 19:12; 40:12; 65:3; 119:37; Isa 6:5-7; Zec 3:1-4

Lu 4:1; Heb 2:17; 4:15

James 3:2


1Ki 8:46; 2Ch 6:36; Pr 20:9; Ec 7:20; Isa 64:6; Ro 3:10; 7:21

Ga 3:22; 5:17; 1Jo 1:8-10


5,6; 1:26; Ps 34:13; Pr 13:3; 1Pe 3:10

a perfect.

1:4; Mt 12:37; Col 1:28; 4:12; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 5:10

to bridle.

1Co 9:27
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