Psalms 115:4-8

Their idols.They are metal, stone, and wood; and though generally made in the form of man, they can neither see, hear, smell, feel, walk, nor speak! Even the wiser heathen made them the objects of their jests.

97:7; 135:15-17; De 4:28; Isa 40:19,20; 42:17; 46:1,2,6,7

Jer 10:3-5; Ho 8:6; Hab 2:18-20; Ac 19:26,35; 1Co 10:19,20




135:18; Isa 44:9-20; Jer 10:8; Jon 2:8; Hab 2:18,19

Isaiah 37:18-19

the kings.

2Ki 15:29; 16:9; 17:6,24; 1Ch 5:26; Na 2:11,12

nations. Heb. lands.

And have.

10:9-11; 36:18-20; 46:1,2; Ex 32:20; 2Sa 5:21

cast. Heb. given. no gods.

40:19-21; 41:7; 44:9,10,17; Ps 115:4-8; Jer 10:3-6,11; Ho 8:6

Isaiah 44:9-20


41:24,29; De 27:15; Ps 97:7; Jer 10:3-8,14,15

and their.

2:20,21; 37:18-20; 46:1,2,6,7; Jud 10:14; 1Ki 18:26-40

Jer 2:11,27,28; 14:22; 16:19,20; Da 5:23; Ho 8:4-6; Hab 2:18-20

1Co 8:4

delectable. Heb. desirable.

Da 11:38

their own.

18,20; 42:18; 43:8; 45:20; Ps 115:8; 135:18; Ro 1:22; 2Co 4:4

Eph 4:18; 5:8

1Ki 12:28; Jer 10:5; Da 3:1,14; Hab 2:18; Ac 19:26; 1Co 8:4

all his.

1:29; 42:17; 45:16; 1Sa 5:3-7; 6:4,5; Ps 97:7; Jer 2:26,27; 10:14

Jer 51:17

let them all.

41:5-7; Jud 6:29-32; 16:23-30; 1Ki 18:19-29,40; Da 3:1-7; 5:1-6

Ac 19:24-34; Re 19:19-21

The smith

40:19; 41:6,7; 46:6,7; Ex 32:4,8; Jer 10:3-11

the tongs. or, an axe. yea, he is.

Hab 2:13

he marketh.

Ex 20:4,5; De 4:16-18,28; Ac 17:29; Ro 1:23

that it may.

Ge 31:19,30,32; 35:2; De 27:15; Jud 17:4,5; 18:24; Eze 8:12


40:20; Jer 10:3-8; Ho 4:12; Hab 2:19

strengtheneth. or, taketh courage.

he maketh a god.

10; 45:20; Jud 2:19; 2Ch 25:14; Re 9:20


Deliver me.

36:19,20; 37:38; Da 3:17,29; 6:16,20-22,27

have not.

9,20; 45:20; 46:7,8; Jer 10:8,14; Ro 1:21-23

for he hath.

6:10; 29:10; Ps 81:12; Mt 13:14,15; Ac 14:16; Ro 1:28; 11:8-10

2Co 4:3,4; 2Th 2:9-12

shut. Heb. daubed. cannot.

56:11; Ps 92:6; Pr 2:5-9; 28:5; Jer 5:21; Da 12:10; Ho 14:9

Mt 12:34; Joh 5:44; 8:43; 12:39,40; 2Pe 2:14

considereth in his heart. Heb. setteth to his heart.

46:8; Ex 7:23; De 32:46; Eze 40:4; Hag 1:5; *marg:

Ho 7:2

an abomination.

De 27:15; 1Ki 11:5,7; 2Ki 23:13

the stock of a tree. Heb. that which comes of a tree.


Job 15:2; Ps 102:9; Pr 15:14; Ho 12:1; Lu 15:16

a deceived.

1Ki 22:20-23; Job 15:31; Ho 4:12; Ro 1:20-22,28; 2Th 2:11

2Ti 2:13; Re 12:9; 13:14; 18:23; 20:3

Is there.

28:15-17; Jer 16:19; Hab 2:18; 2Th 2:9-11; 1Ti 4:2

Jeremiah 10:3-9

customs. Heb. statutes, or ordinances, are vanity.

8; 2:5; Le 18:30; 1Ki 18:26-28; Mt 6:7; Ro 1:21; 1Pe 1:18


Isa 40:19-31; 44:9-20; 45:20; Ho 8:4-6; Hab 2:18,19


Ps 115:4; 135:15; Isa 40:19,20


Isa 41:6; 44:12; 46:7


Ps 115:5-8; 135:16-18; Hab 2:19; 1Co 12:2; Re 13:14,15

be borne.

Isa 46:1,7

do evil.

Isa 41:23,24; 44:9,10; 45:20; 1Co 8:4


Ex 8:10; 9:14; 15:11; De 32:31; 33:26; 2Sa 7:22; Ps 35:10; 86:8-10

Ps 89:6-8; Isa 40:18,25; 46:5,9


32:18; Ne 4:14; 9:32; Ps 48:1; 96:4; 145:3; 147:5; Isa 12:6

Da 4:3,34; Mal 1:11


5:22; Job 37:23,24; Lu 12:5; Re 15:4

O King.

Ps 22:28; 72:11; 86:9; Isa 2:4; Zec 2:11; Re 11:15

to thee. or, it liketh thee.

Ps 76:7


6; Ps 89:6; 1Co 1:19,20

altogether. Heb. in one, or at once. brutish.

14; 51:17,18; Ps 115:8; 135:18; Isa 41:29; Hab 2:18; Zec 10:2

Ro 1:21,22

the stock.

2:27; Isa 44:19; Ho 4:12




1Ki 10:22; Eze 27:12


Da 10:5

are all.

Ps 115:4

Jeremiah 10:14-16


8; 51:17,18; Ps 14:2; 92:6; 94:8; Pr 30:2; Isa 44:18-20; 46:7,8

Ro 1:22,23

brutish in his knowledge. or, more brutish than to know.founder.

51:17; Ps 97:7; Isa 42:17; 44:11; 45:16


Ps 115:4-8; 135:16-18; Hab 2:18,19


8; 8:19; 14:22; 51:18; De 32:21; 1Sa 12:21; Isa 41:24,29; Jon 2:8

Ac 14:15

in the.

11; 8:12; Isa 2:18-21; Zep 1:3,4; Zec 13:2


51:19; Ps 16:5,6; 73:26; 119:57; 142:5; La 3:24


12; Pr 16:4; Isa 45:7


Ex 19:5; De 32:9; Ps 74:2; 135:4; Isa 47:6

The Lord.

31:35; 32:18; 50:34; Isa 47:4; 51:15; 54:5

Acts 17:29

we ought.

Ps 94:7-9; 106:20; 115:4-8; Isa 40:12-18; 44:9-20; Hab 2:19,20

Ro 1:20-23


Ex 20:4; 32:4; Isa 46:5,6; Jer 10:4-10
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