Psalms 116:16


86:16; 119:125; 143:12; Joh 12:26; Ac 27:23; Jas 1:1

the son.


thou hast.

107:14-16; 2Ch 33:11-13; Isa 61:1; Ro 6:22

Romans 1:1

1 Paul commends his calling to the Romans;

9 and his desire to come to them.

16 What his gospel is.

18 God is angry with sin.

21 What were the sins of the gentiles.


Ac 13:9; 21:40; 22:7,13; 26:1,14

a servant.

9; 15:16; 16:18; Joh 12:26; 13:14-16; 15:15,20; Ac 27:23; 2Co 4:5

Ga 1:10; Php 1:1; 2:11; 3:6,7; Tit 1:1; Jas 1:1; 2Pe 1:1; Jude 1:1

Re 1:1; 22:6,9


5; 11:13; Ac 9:15; 22:14,15,21; 26:16-18; 1Co 1:1; 9:1,16-18; 15:8-10

2Co 1:1; 11:5; 12:11; Ga 1:1,11-17; Eph 1:1; 3:5-7; 4:11; Col 1:1,25

1Ti 1:1,11,12; 2:7; 2Ti 1:11; Tit 1:1; Heb 5:4


Le 20:24-26; Nu 16:9,10; De 10:8; 1Ch 23:13; Isa 49:1; Jer 1:5

Ac 13:2-4; Ga 1:15; 1Ti 1:15,16; Heb 7:26

the gospel.

9,16; 15:16,29; 16:25; Mr 16:15,16; Lu 2:10,11; Ac 20:24; Eph 1:13

1Th 2:2; 2Th 2:13,14; 1Ti 1:11

1 Corinthians 9:19

I be.

1; Ga 5:1

I made.

10:33; Mt 20:26-28; Joh 13:14,15; Ro 1:14; 15:2; 2Co 4:5; Ga 5:13


20-22; 7:16; Pr 11:30; Mt 18:15; Ro 11:14; 1Ti 4:16; 2Ti 2:10

Jas 5:19,20; 1Pe 3:1

Galatians 1:10

do I now.

Ac 4:19,20; 5:29; 2Co 5:9-11; 1Th 2:4


1Sa 21:7; Mt 28:14; Ac 12:20; Ro 2:8; *Gr:

1Jo 3:9

do I seek.

2Co 12:19; 1Th 2:4

for if.

Mt 22:16; Ro 15:1,2; 1Co 10:33; Eph 6:6; Col 3:22; Jas 4:4

the servant.

Ro 1:1

Colossians 4:12


1:7; Phm 1:23

a servant.

Joh 12:26; Ga 1:10; Jas 1:1; 2Pe 1:1


2; Lu 22:44; Ga 4:19; Heb 5:7; Jas 5:16

labouring. or, striving.



1; Ro 15:30

See on ch.

1:9,22,28; Mt 5:48; 1Co 2:6; 14:20; *Gr:

2Co 13:11; Php 3:12-15; 1Th 5:23; Heb 5:14; *Gr:

Heb 6:1; Jude 1:24

complete. or, filled.

Ro 15:14

1 Peter 2:16


Joh 8:32-36; Ro 6:18,22; 1Co 7:22; Ga 5:1,13; Jas 1:25; 2:12

2Pe 2:19


Jude 1:4

using. Gr. having. a cloke.

Mt 23:14; Joh 15:22; 1Th 2:5


Eph 6:6; Col 3:24

2 Peter 1:1

1 Confirming them in hope of the increase of God's graces,

5 he exhorts them, by faith, and good works, to make their calling sure;

12 whereof he is careful to remind them, knowing that his death is at hand;

16 and warns them to be constant in the faith of Christ, who is the true Son of God, by the eyewitness of the apostles beholding his majesty, and by the testimony of the Father, and the prophets.

Simon. or, Symeon.

Ac 15:14


Mt 4:18; 10:2; Lu 22:31-34; Joh 1:42; 21:15-17; 1Pe 1:1

a servant.

Joh 12:26; Ro 1:1

an apostle.

Lu 11:49; Joh 20:21; 1Co 9:1; 15:9; Ga 2:8; Eph 3:5; 4:11; 1Pe 5:1


4; Ac 15:8,9; Ro 1:12; 2Co 4:13; Eph 4:5; Php 1:29; 2Ti 1:5

Tit 1:1,4; 1Pe 1:7; 2:7


Jer 33:16; Ro 1:17; 3:21-26; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21; Php 3:9

of God and our Saviour. Gr. of our God and Saviour.

Isa 12:2; Lu 1:47; Tit 2:13

Jude 1

1 He exhorts them to be constant in the profession of the faith.

4 False teachers are crept in to seduce them, for whose evil doctrine and manners horrible punishment is prepared;

20 whereas the godly, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, and prayers to God, may persevere, and grow in grace, and keep themselves, and recover others out of the snares of those deceivers.

A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.


Mt 10:3

Lebbeus, Thaddeus.

Mr 3:18


Lu 6:16; Joh 14:22; Ac 1:13

the servant.

Joh 12:26; Ac 27:23; Ro 1:1; 6:22; 16:18; Jas 1:1; 2Pe 1:1


Joh 15:16; 17:17,19; Ac 20:32; 1Co 1:2; 6:11; Eph 5:26; 1Th 5:23

1Pe 1:2


Joh 6:39; 10:28-30; 17:11,12,15; 2Ti 4:18; 1Pe 1:5

and called.

Ro 8:30; 9:24; 1Th 2:12; 2Th 2:13,14; 2Ti 1:9; Heb 3:1; 1Pe 2:9; 5:10
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