Psalms 135:18

They that.

97:7; 115:8; Isa 44:18-20; Jer 10:8; 2Co 4:4

Isaiah 44:9-20


41:24,29; De 27:15; Ps 97:7; Jer 10:3-8,14,15

and their.

2:20,21; 37:18-20; 46:1,2,6,7; Jud 10:14; 1Ki 18:26-40

Jer 2:11,27,28; 14:22; 16:19,20; Da 5:23; Ho 8:4-6; Hab 2:18-20

1Co 8:4

delectable. Heb. desirable.

Da 11:38

their own.

18,20; 42:18; 43:8; 45:20; Ps 115:8; 135:18; Ro 1:22; 2Co 4:4

Eph 4:18; 5:8

1Ki 12:28; Jer 10:5; Da 3:1,14; Hab 2:18; Ac 19:26; 1Co 8:4

all his.

1:29; 42:17; 45:16; 1Sa 5:3-7; 6:4,5; Ps 97:7; Jer 2:26,27; 10:14

Jer 51:17

let them all.

41:5-7; Jud 6:29-32; 16:23-30; 1Ki 18:19-29,40; Da 3:1-7; 5:1-6

Ac 19:24-34; Re 19:19-21

The smith

40:19; 41:6,7; 46:6,7; Ex 32:4,8; Jer 10:3-11

the tongs. or, an axe. yea, he is.

Hab 2:13

he marketh.

Ex 20:4,5; De 4:16-18,28; Ac 17:29; Ro 1:23

that it may.

Ge 31:19,30,32; 35:2; De 27:15; Jud 17:4,5; 18:24; Eze 8:12


40:20; Jer 10:3-8; Ho 4:12; Hab 2:19

strengtheneth. or, taketh courage.

he maketh a god.

10; 45:20; Jud 2:19; 2Ch 25:14; Re 9:20


Deliver me.

36:19,20; 37:38; Da 3:17,29; 6:16,20-22,27

have not.

9,20; 45:20; 46:7,8; Jer 10:8,14; Ro 1:21-23

for he hath.

6:10; 29:10; Ps 81:12; Mt 13:14,15; Ac 14:16; Ro 1:28; 11:8-10

2Co 4:3,4; 2Th 2:9-12

shut. Heb. daubed. cannot.

56:11; Ps 92:6; Pr 2:5-9; 28:5; Jer 5:21; Da 12:10; Ho 14:9

Mt 12:34; Joh 5:44; 8:43; 12:39,40; 2Pe 2:14

considereth in his heart. Heb. setteth to his heart.

46:8; Ex 7:23; De 32:46; Eze 40:4; Hag 1:5; *marg:

Ho 7:2

an abomination.

De 27:15; 1Ki 11:5,7; 2Ki 23:13

the stock of a tree. Heb. that which comes of a tree.


Job 15:2; Ps 102:9; Pr 15:14; Ho 12:1; Lu 15:16

a deceived.

1Ki 22:20-23; Job 15:31; Ho 4:12; Ro 1:20-22,28; 2Th 2:11

2Ti 2:13; Re 12:9; 13:14; 18:23; 20:3

Is there.

28:15-17; Jer 16:19; Hab 2:18; 2Th 2:9-11; 1Ti 4:2

Jeremiah 10:8

altogether. Heb. in one, or at once. brutish.

14; 51:17,18; Ps 115:8; 135:18; Isa 41:29; Hab 2:18; Zec 10:2

Ro 1:21,22

the stock.

2:27; Isa 44:19; Ho 4:12

Jonah 2:8

1Sa 12:21; 2Ki 17:15; Ps 31:6; Jer 2:13; 10:8,14,15; 16:19

Hab 2:18-20

Habakkuk 2:18-19


Isa 37:38; 42:17; 44:9,10; 45:16,20; 46:1,2,6-8; Jer 2:27,28; 10:3-5

Jer 50:2; Ro 6:21

a teacher.

Jer 10:8,14,15; Jon 2:8; Zec 10:2; Ro 1:23-25; 2Th 2:9-11

1Ti 4:1,2; Re 13:11-15; 19:20

that the.

Ps 115:4-8; 135:15-18; Isa 1:31; 44:14-20

maker of his work. Heb. fashioner of his fashion. dumb.

1Co 12:2


1Ki 18:26-29; Ps 97:7; Isa 44:17; Jer 51:47; Da 3:7,18,29; 5:23

Jon 1:5

it is.

Isa 40:19; 46:6; Jer 10:4,9; Da 3:1; Ac 17:29; Re 17:4

and there.

Ps 135:17
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