Psalms 19:7-11

law. or, doctrine.

78:1-7; 119:72,96-100,105,127,128; 147:19,20; De 6:6-9; 17:18-20

Jos 1:8; Job 23:12; Ro 3:2; 15:4


18:30; 111:7; De 32:4; Ro 12:2; Jas 1:17

converting. or, restoring.

23:3; 119:9; Jas 1:21-25


93:5; 119:14,24,111,152; Isa 8:16,20; Joh 3:32,33; 5:39; Ac 10:43

2Ti 1:8; 1Jo 5:9-12; Re 19:10


111:7; 2Sa 23:5; 2Ti 2:19; Heb 6:18,19


119:130; Pr 1:4,22,23; Col 3:16; 2Ti 3:15-17


105:45; 119:12,16,80,171; Ge 26:5; Ex 18:16; De 4:5,6; Eze 36:27


119:128; Ne 9:13


40:8; 119:14,24,54,92,121,143; De 12:11,12; 16:11,14; Ne 8:12

Isa 64:5; Jer 15:16; Ro 7:22

is pure.

12:6; 119:40; Pr 30:5; Ro 7:12-14


13:3; 119:98-100,105,130; Pr 2:6; 6:23; Ro 2:17-20; 3:20; 7:7

Ga 2:19; 3:10-13,21

The fear.

34:11-14; 36:1; 115:13; Ge 22:12; 42:18; 1Sa 12:24; 1Ki 18:3,4,12

Ne 5:15; Pr 8:13; Ac 10:22; Ro 3:10-18


111:10; 112:1-6


10:5; 36:6; 72:1,2; 119:7,39,62,75,106,137,138,142,1

147:19; Ex 21:1; De 4:8; Isa 26:8; Ro 2:2; 11:22; Re 15:3; 16:7; 19:2

true. Heb. truth.

than gold.

119:72,127; Job 28:15-17; Pr 3:13-15; 8:10,11,19; 16:16


63:5; 119:103; Job 23:12; Pr 24:13

honeycomb. Heb. the dropping of honey-combs.

1Sa 14:26-29


119:11; 2Ch 19:10; Pr 6:22,23; Eze 3:17-21; 33:3-9; Mt 3:7

Ac 20:31; 1Co 4:14; 1Th 5:14; Heb 11:7


Pr 3:16-18; 11:18; 29:18; Isa 3:10,11; Mt 6:4,6,18; Heb 11:6,26

Jas 1:25; 2Jo 1:8; Re 14:13

Mark 16:16

that believeth and.

1:15; Lu 8:12; Joh 1:12,13; 3:15,16,18,36; 5:24; 6:29,35,40; 7:37,38

Joh 11:25,26; 12:46; 20:31; Ac 10:43; 13:39; 16:30-32; Ro 3:6

Ro 4:24; 10:9; Heb 10:38,39; 1Pe 1:21; 3:21; 1Jo 5:10-13


Mt 28:19; Ac 2:38,41; 8:36-39; 22:16; Ro 10:9-14; 1Pe 3:21


Joh 3:18,19,36; 8:24; 12:47,48; Ac 13:46; 2Th 1:8; 2:12; Re 20:15

Re 21:8

John 6:63

the spirit.

Ge 2:7; Ro 8:2; 1Co 15:45; 2Co 3:6; Ga 5:25; 1Pe 3:18

the flesh.

Ro 2:25; 3:1,2; 1Co 11:27-29; Ga 5:6; 6:15; 1Ti 4:8; Heb 13:9

1Pe 3:21

the words.

68; 12:49,50; De 32:47; Ps 19:7-10; 119:50,93,130; Ro 10:8-10,17

1Co 2:9-14; 2Co 3:6-8; 1Th 2:13; Heb 4:12; Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23

John 6:68

to whom.

Ps 73:25

thou hast.

40,63; 5:24,39,40; Ac 4:12; 5:20; 7:38; 1Jo 5:11-13

John 12:50


6:63,68; 17:3; 20:31; 1Ti 1:16; 1Jo 2:25; 3:23,24; 5:11-13,20

Acts 10:6



he shall.

9:6; 11:13,14; Joh 7:17; Ro 10:14-17; Eph 4:8-12

Acts 10:22



a just.

24:15; Ho 14:9; Hab 2:4; Mt 1:19; Mr 6:20; Lu 2:25; 23:50; Ro 1:17

Heb 10:38; 12:23

of good.

6:3; 22:12; Lu 7:4,5; 1Ti 3:7; Heb 11:2; 3Jo 1:12

and to.

6,33; 11:14; Joh 5:24; 6:63,68; 13:20; 17:8,20; Ro 10:17,18; 2Co 5:18

2Pe 3:2

Acts 10:32-33



are we.

17:11,12; 28:28; De 5:25-29; 2Ch 30:12; Pr 1:5; 9:9,10; 18:15; 25:12

Mt 18:4; 19:30; Mr 10:15; 1Co 3:18; Ga 4:14; 1Th 2:13; Jas 1:19,21

1Pe 2:1,2

Acts 10:43


26:22; Isa 53:11; Jer 31:34; Da 9:24; Mic 7:18; Zec 13:1; Mal 4:2

Lu 24:25-27,44-46; Joh 1:45; 5:39,40; 1Pe 1:11; Re 19:10


3:16; 4:10-12; Joh 20:31; Ro 5:1; 6:23; Heb 13:20


13:38,39; 15:9; 26:18; Mr 16:16; Joh 3:14-17; 5:24; Ro 8:1,34; 10:11

Ga 3:22; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14

Acts 16:31


2:38,39; 4:12; 8:37; 11:13,14; 13:38,39; 15:11; Isa 45:22; Hab 2:4

Mr 16:16; Joh 1:12; 3:15,16,36; 6:40,47; 7:37,38; 11:25,26; 20:31

Ro 5:1,2; 10:9,10; Ga 3:22,26; Eph 2:7,8; 1Jo 5:10-13

and thy.

15,32; 2:39; 18:8; Ge 17:7; 18:19; Jer 32:39; Ro 11:16; Ga 3:14
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