Psalms 2:4

He that.

11:4; 68:33; 115:3; Isa 40:22; 57:15; 66:1

shall laugh.

37:13; 53:5; 59:8; 2Ki 19:21; Pr 1:26

Psalms 33:10

The Lord.

2:1-4; 9:15; Ex 1:10-12; 2Sa 15:31,34; 17:14,23; Job 5:12,13

Pr 21:30; Isa 7:5-7; 8:9,10; 19:3,11-14; 44:23

bringeth. Heb. maketh frustrate.

Isa 44:25

he maketh.

21:11; 140:8

Proverbs 21:30

19:21; Isa 7:5-7; 8:9,10; 14:27; 46:10,11; Jer 9:23; Jon 1:13

Ac 4:27,28; 5:39; 1Pe 2:8

Lamentations 3:37


Ps 33:9-11; Pr 16:9; 19:21; 21:30; Isa 46:10; Da 4:35; Ro 9:15

Eph 1:11; Jas 4:13-15

Lamentations 3:55-58

2Ch 33:11,12; Ps 18:5,6; 40:1,2; 69:13-18; 116:3,4; 130:1,2

Ps 142:3-7; Jer 38:6; Jon 2:2-4; Ac 16:24-28


2Ch 33:13,19; Job 34:28; Ps 3:4; 6:8,9; 34:6; 66:19; 116:1,2

Isa 38:5


Ps 55:1; 88:13,14; Ro 8:26


Ps 69:18; 145:18; Isa 58:9; Jas 4:8

thou saidst.

Isa 41:10,14; 43:1,2; Jer 1:17; Ac 18:9; 27:24; Re 1:17; 2:10

thou hast pleaded.

1Sa 25:39; Ps 35:1; Jer 51:36

thou hast redeemed.

Ge 48:16; Ps 34:22; 71:23; 103:4

Daniel 3:11-25



2:49; 6:13; 1Sa 18:7-11; Es 3:8; Pr 27:4; Ec 4:4

not regarded thee. Chal. set no regard upon thee.

Ac 5:28; 17:7

in his.

19; 2:12; Ge 4:5; 1Sa 20:30-33; Es 3:5,6; Pr 17:12; 27:3; 29:22

Lu 6:11


Mt 10:18; Mr 13:9; Lu 21:12; Ac 5:25-27; 24:24

true. or, of purpose.

Ex 21:13,14

my gods.

1; 4:8; Isa 46:1; Jer 50:2

ye hear.


harp.{Kaithros,} in Arabic, {kitharat,} Greek [kithara,] the guitar.

sackbut.{Sabbecha,} [sambuke,] sambuke, a kind of harp.

psaltery.Pesanter, [psalterion,] a stringed instrument struck with a plectrum; probably similar to what is called a psalterium in Egypt, which Hasselquist describes as a large oblique triangle, with two bottoms two inches from each other, and about twenty catguts of different sizes.

dulcimer.{Soomphanya,} probably the same as the Talmudic [cûwmpówneyâh ,] a pipe.

ye fall.

Lu 4:7,8


17; Ex 32:32; Lu 13:9

and who.

28,29; 6:16,20; Ex 5:2; 2Ki 18:35; 2Ch 32:15-17; Isa 36:20; 37:23

Mt 27:43

we are.

Mt 10:19; Mr 13:11; Lu 12:11; 21:14,15; Ac 4:8-12,19; 5:29; 6:15

Ac 24:10-13


our God.

4:35; 6:20-22,27; Ge 17:1; 18:14; 1Sa 17:37,46; Job 5:19; 34:29

Ps 27:1,2; 62:1-6; 73:20; 115:3; 121:5-7; 18:10,11; Isa 12:2; 26:3,4

Isa 54:14; Lu 1:37; Ac 20:24; 21:13; 27:20-25; Ro 8:31; Heb 7:25

be it.

Job 13:15; Pr 28:1; Isa 51:12,13; Mt 10:28,32,33,39; 16:2

Lu 12:3-9; Ac 4:10-13,19; 5:29-32; Re 2:10,11; 12:11


Ex 20:3-5; Le 19:4

was Nebuchadnezzar.

13; Pr 21:24; Isa 51:23; Lu 12:4,5; Ac 5:33; 7:54

full. Chal. filled. the form.

5:6; Ge 4:5,6; 31:2

he spake.

Ex 15:9,10; 1Ki 20:10,11; 2Ki 19:27,28; Ps 76:10; Pr 16:14; 27:3,4

one seven.

6:24; Le 26:18,21,24,28


1Ki 18:33-35; Mt 27:63-66

most mighty men. Chal. mighty of strength. to bind.

15; Ac 12:4,5; 16:23,25

in their.Herodotus says the Babylonish dress was a linen tunic, another of woollen, a white short cloak, and a turban.

coats. or, mantles. hats. or, turbans.


commandment. Chal. word. urgent.

Ex 12:33

flame. or, spark. slew.

6:24; Pr 11:8; 21:18; Zec 12:2,3; Mt 27:5; Ac 12:19


6:16,17; Ps 34:19; 66:11,12; 124:1-5; Jer 38:6; La 3:52-54

2Co 1:8-10; 4:17; 1Pe 4:12,13


5:6; Ac 5:23-25; 9:6; 12:13

counsellors. or, governors.


O king.

9,10,17; 4:22,27; 5:18; 6:7,22; 1Sa 17:55; Ac 26:13,27


Isa 43:2

they have no hurt. Chal. there is no hurt in them.

Ps 91:3-9; Mr 16:18; Ac 28:5; 1Pe 3:13

the Son of God.Or, as {bar elahin} may be rendered, "a son of the gods," i.e., a divine person or angel.

18,28; Job 1:6; 38:7; Ps 34:7; Pr 30:4; Lu 1:35; Joh 19:7,8

Ro 1:4

Daniel 6:22-24

My God.

20; 2Sa 22:7; Ps 31:14; 38:21; 118:28; Mic 7:7; Mt 27:46; Joh 20:17

Joh 20:18

hath sent.

3:28; Nu 20:16; 2Ch 32:21; Ps 34:7; Isa 63:9; Ac 12:11; 27:23

hath shut.

1Sa 17:37; Ps 91:11-13; 2Ti 4:17; Heb 11:33


23; Ps 18:19-24; 26:6; 84:11; Isa 3:10; Ac 24:16; 2Co 1:12

1Jo 3:19-21

and also.

Ge 40:15; 1Sa 24:9-11; 26:18; Ps 7:1-4; Ac 25:8-11


14,18; Ex 18:9; 1Ki 5:7; 2Ch 2:11,12


3:25,27,28; 1Ch 5:20; 2Ch 20:20; Ps 37:40; 118:8,9; 146:3-6

Pr 18:10; Isa 26:3; Mr 9:23; Heb 11:33

and they brought.

De 19:18-20; Es 7:10; 9:25; Pr 11:8

them.This savage act accorded with the customs of those times; contrary to the Divine law which enacted that "the fathers should not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers."

their children.

De 24:16; Jos 7:24,25; 2Ki 14:6; Es 9:10

the lions.

3:22; Ps 54:5; Isa 38:13

Acts 5:19

12:7-11; 16:26; Ps 34:7; 105:17-20; 146:7; Isa 61:1
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