Psalms 21:8

2:9; 18:1; *title

72:9; 89:22,23; 110:1,2; 1Sa 25:29; 31:3; 2Sa 7:1; Am 9:2,3

Lu 19:14,27; 1Co 15:25; Heb 10:28,29; Re 19:15

Psalms 106:26


95:11; Nu 14:28-35; De 1:34,35; Heb 3:11,18


Ge 14:22,23; Ex 6:8; De 32:40-42; Eze 20:15; Re 10:5,6

Isaiah 1:25

And I.

Zec 13:7-9; Re 3:19

purely. Heb. according to pureness. purge.

22; 4:4; 6:11-13; Jer 6:29; 9:7; Eze 20:38; Zep 3:11; Mal 3:3

Mt 3:12

Isaiah 11:14

the Philistines.

Ob 1:19; Zep 2:5; Zec 9:5-7


59:19; 66:19,20; Mt 8:11


33:1; Jer 49:28; Eze 38:1-39:29

them of the east. Heb. the children of the east. they shalllay, etc. Heb. Edom and Moab shall be the laying on of their hand; the children of Ammon their obedience.

25:10; 34:5,6; 60:14; Nu 24:17; Da 11:41; Joe 3:19; Am 9:12; Ob 1:18

Isaiah 14:2-4

and the house.

18:7; 60:9-12; 61:5; Ezr 2:65; Ro 15:27; 2Co 8:4,5; Ga 5:13

and they.

Ps 68:18; 2Co 10:5; Eph 4:8

whose captives they were. Heb. that had taken them captives.they shall rule over.

60:14; Jer 30:16; Da 7:18,25-27; Zec 14:2,3; Re 3:9; 11:11-18

Re 18:20-24

12:1; 32:18; De 28:48,65-68; Ezr 9:8,9; Jer 30:10; 46:27,28; 50:34

Eze 28:24; Zec 8:2,8; Re 18:20; 19:1-3

proverb. or, taunting speech.

Jer 24:9; Eze 5:15; Hab 2:6


6,17; 47:5; 49:26; 51:23; Jer 25:9-14; 27:6,7; 50:22,23

Jer 51:20-24,34,35; Da 7:19-25; Hab 1:2-10; 2:6-12,17

Re 13:15-17; 16:5,6; 17:6; 18:5-8,20

golden city. or, exactress of gold.

13:19; 45:2,3; 2Ch 36:18; La 4:1; Da 2:38; Re 18:16

Isaiah 26:11


Ps 10:12; Mic 5:9


18:3; 1Sa 6:9; Job 34:27; Jer 5:3; Ac 28:27

they shall.

Ex 9:14; 1Sa 5:6-11; Jer 44:28; Lu 16:23


11:13; 60:14; Ps 86:17; 1Pe 3:16; Re 3:9

at the. or, towards thy. fire.

5:24; Ps 21:8; Mal 4:1; Mt 25:41; 2Th 1:8; Re 19:20

Isaiah 33:10

Now will I rise.

10:16,33; 42:13,14; 59:16,17; De 32:36-43; Ps 12:5; 78:65

Ps 102:13-18; Zep 3:8

now will I be exalted.

30:17,18; Ex 14:18; 15:9-12; Ps 46:10; Am 6:1

will I lift.

Ps 7:6

Isaiah 37:36

the angel.

10:12,16-19,33,34; 30:30-33; 31:8; 33:10-12; Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16

2Ki 19:35; 1Ch 21:12,16; 2Ch 32:21,22; Ps 35:5,6; Ac 12:23

and when.

Ex 12:30; Job 20:5-7; 24:24; Ps 46:6-11; 76:5-7; 1Th 5:2,3
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