Psalms 33:1-2

1 God is to be praised for his goodness;

6 for his power;

12 and for his providence.

20 Confidence is to be placed in God.


32:11; 97:12; 1Co 1:30,31; Php 4:4

ye righteous.

118:15; Ro 3:10; 5:19


50:14-16; 78:36,37; 135:3; 147:1; Pr 15:8


81:2,3; 92:3; 98:4,5; 144:9; 149:3; 150:3-6; Ex 15:20; 2Sa 6:5

1Ch 15:16,28; 25:3,6; Re 5:8; 14:2

with the psaltery.{Benaivel âsor,} rather, "with the ten-stringed {nabla;}" see on 1 Ch 13:8.

Psalms 103:20-21


148:2; Lu 2:13,14; Re 19:5,6

that excel in strength. Heb. mighty in strength.

78:25; 2Ki 19:35; Isa 6:2; Joe 2:11; Mt 26:53

do his.

Mt 6:10; Lu 1:19; Heb 1:14

all ye his hosts.

33:6; Ge 32:2; Jos 5:14; 1Ki 22:19; 2Ch 18:18; Lu 2:13


68:17; 104:4; Ne 9:6; Da 7:9,10; Mt 13:41; 24:30,31; 2Th 1:7,8

Heb 1:6,7,14; Re 22:8,9

Psalms 134:1

1 An exhortation to bless God.

A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. (Title.) A Song of degrees.

120:1; 121:1; 122:1; 123:1; 124:1; 125:1; 126:1; 127:1; 128:1; *titles

129:1; 130:1; 131:1; 132:1; 133:1; *titles

bless ye.

103:21; 135:1,2,19-21; 1Ch 23:30-32; Re 19:5

which by night.

130:6; Le 8:35; 1Ch 9:23,33; Lu 2:37; Re 7:15

Psalms 135:1-3

1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercy;

5 for his power;

8 for his judgments.

15 The vanity of idols.

19 An exhortation to bless God.

A.M. 3000. B.C. 1004. (Title.)Bp. Patrick supposes this to be the morning hymn which the precentor called upon the Levites to sing at the opening of the gates of the temple, as the foregoing was sung at the shutting in the evening; but it is more probable that it was composed by Solomon, to be sung at the dedication of the temple.

Praise ye the Lord.

33:1,2; 96:1-4; 106:1; 107:8,15; 111:1; 112:1; 113:1; 117:1,2; 150:6

Praise ye the name.

7:17; 102:21; 113:2,3; 148:13; Ex 34:5-7; Ne 9:5

O ye servants.

113:1; 134:1; 149:1-3

that stand.

1Ch 16:37-42; 23:30; Ne 9:5; Lu 2:37

the courts.

92:13; 96:8; 116:19

for the Lord.

106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 119:68; 136:1; 145:7,8; Mt 19:17

for it is.

33:1; 63:5; 92:1,2; 147:1

Psalms 135:20


Psalms 145:10

All thy.

19:1; 96:11-13; 98:3-9; 103:22; 104:24; 148:1-13; Isa 43:20

Isa 44:23; Ro 1:19,20

and thy saints.

22:23; 30:4; 32:11; 97:12; 135:19-21; 148:14; Isa 43:21; Heb 13:15

1Pe 2:5,9; Re 7:9-12; 19:5,6

Ephesians 5:19-20

to yourselves.

Ac 16:25; 1Co 14:26; Col 3:16; Jas 5:13

psalms.Psalms, [psalmos ,] from [psallo ,] to touch or play on a musical instrument, properly denotes such sacred songs or poems as are sung to stringed instruments, and may here refer to those of David; hymns, [humnos ,] from [hudo,] to sing, celebrate, praise, signifies songs in honour of God; and songs [ode ,] from [aeido,] to sing, denotes any regular poetic composition adapted to singing, and is here restricted to those which are spiritual.

Ps 95:2; 105:2; Mt 26:30


Ps 47:7,8; 62:8; 86:12; 105:3; 147:7; Isa 65:14; Mt 15:8; Joh 4:23,24


4; Job 1:21; Ps 34:1; Isa 63:7; Ac 5:41; 1Co 1:4; Php 1:3; 4:6

Col 1:11,12; 3:17; 1Th 3:9; 5:18; 2Th 1:3; 2:13


Joh 14:13,14; 15:16; 16:23-26; Col 3:17; Heb 13:15; 1Pe 2:5; 4:11

Revelation of John 19:5

a voice.

7:15; 11:19; 16:17


Ps 103:20-22; 134:1; 135:1,19,20; 148:11-13; 150:6


11:18; 20:12
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