Psalms 33:11

The counsel.

Job 23:13; Pr 19:21; Isa 14:24,27; 46:10; La 3:37; Eze 38:10-23

Da 4:37; Ac 4:27,28; Eph 1:11


92:5; Isa 55:8,9; Jer 29:11; Mic 4:12

all generations. Heb. generation and generation.

Ac 15:18

Psalms 76:10


Ge 37:18-20,26-28; 50:20; Ex 9:16,17; 15:9-11; 18:11; Da 3:19,20

Ac 4:26-28; Re 11:18


46:6; 65:7; 104:9; Mt 2:13-16; 24:22; Ac 12:3-19

Isaiah 10:5-6

O Assyrian. or, Woe to the Assyrian. Heb. O Asshur.

Ge 10:11

the rod.

15; 8:4; 14:5,6; Ps 17:14; 125:3; Jer 51:20-24

and. or, though.


9:17; 19:17; 29:13; 30:9-11; 33:14; Jer 3:10; 4:14; Mt 15:7

will I give.

13,14; 37:26,27; 41:25; 45:1-5; Jer 25:9; 34:22; 47:6,7

tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.

22:5; 63:3,6; 2Sa 22:43; Mic 7:10; Zec 10:5

Isaiah 10:15

the axe.

5; Ps 17:13,14; Jer 51:20-23; Eze 28:9; Ro 9:20,21

the rod should shake itself against them. or, a rod shouldshake them. itself, as if it were no wood. or, that which is not wood.

Isaiah 37:26-27

long ago, etc. or, how I have made it long ago, and formedit of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous heaps?.

how I.

10:5,6,15; 45:7; 46:10,11; Ge 50:20; Ps 17:13; 76:10; Am 3:6

Ac 2:23; 4:27,28; 1Pe 2:8; Jude 1:4

their inhabitants.

19:16; Nu 14:9; 2Ki 19:26; Ps 127:1,2; Jer 5:10; 37:10

of small power. Heb. short of hand. as the grass of.

40:6-8; Ps 37:2; 90:5,6; 92:7; 103:15; 129:6; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24

Isaiah 45:7


Ge 1:3-5,17,18; Ps 8:3; 104:20-23; Jer 31:35; 2Co 4:6; Jas 1:17

create darkness.

Ex 10:21-23; 14:20; Jer 13:16; Eze 32:8; Joe 2:2; Am 4:13; Na 1:8

Jude 1:6,13

I make Peace.

10:5,6; Job 2:10; 34:29; Ps 29:11; 75:7; Ec 7:13,14; Jer 18:7-10

Jer 51:20; Eze 14:15-21; Am 3:6; 5:6; Ac 4:28

Isaiah 46:10-11

the end.

41:22,23; 44:7; 45:21; Ge 3:15; 12:2,3; 49:10,22-26; Nu 24:17-24

De 4:24-31; 28:15-68; Ac 15:18

My counsel.

11; 43:13; Ps 33:11; 135:6; Pr 19:21; 21:30; Da 4:35; Ac 3:23

Ac 4:27,28; 5:39; Ro 11:33,34; Eph 1:9-11; Heb 6:17


13:2-4; 21:7-9; 41:2,25; 45:1-6; Jer 50:29; 51:20-29

a ravenous bird.Or, "an eagle," a very proper emblem for Cyrus, says Bp. Lowth, as in other respects, so particularly because the ensign of Cyrus was a golden eagle, [aetos chrusous,] the very word {ayit,} which the prophet uses here, expressed as near as may be in Greek letters.

Eze 39:4

the man.

44:28; 45:13; 48:14,15; Ezr 1:2; Ps 76:10; Ac 4:28

that executeth my counsel. Heb. of my counsel.

Ps 119:24; *marg:

I have spoken.

14:24-27; 38:15; Nu 23:19; Job 23:13; Jer 50:45; Ac 5:39; Eph 1:11

Eph 3:11

Isaiah 54:16

I have.

10:5,6,15; 37:26; 46:11; Ex 9:16; Pr 16:4; Da 4:34,35; Joh 19:11
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