Psalms 35:13-14


69:10,11; Job 30:25; Mt 5:44; Ro 12:14,15

humbled. or, afflicted.

Le 16:29,31; 1Ki 21:27-29; Isa 58:3,5; Mt 9:14,15

my prayer.

Mt 10:13; Lu 10:6

I behaved, etc. Heb. I walked as a friend, as brother to me.I bowed.

2Sa 1:11,12,17-27; Lu 19:41,42

as one.Or, "as a mourning mother," {käavel aim.}

Ge 24:67

Proverbs 24:17

17:5; Jud 16:25; 2Sa 16:5-14; Job 31:29; Ps 35:15,19; 42:10; Ob 1:12

1Co 13:6,7

Jeremiah 9:1

1 Jeremiah laments the Jews for their manifold sins;

9 and for their judgment.

12 Disobedience is the cause of their bitter calamity.

17 He exhorts to mourn for their destruction;

23 and to trust not in themselves, but in God.

25 He threatens both Jews and Gentiles.

O that. Heb. Who will give, etc.

4:19; 13:17; 14:17; Ps 119:136; Isa 16:9; 22:4; La 2:11,18,19

La 3:48,49; Eze 21:6,7


Ps 42:3

the daughter.

6:26; 8:21,22

Amos 6:6

drink.This probably refers to the costliness and magnificence of the drinking vessels, as well as to the quantity drank.

wine in bowls. or, in bowls of wine.

Ho 3:1; 1Ti 5:23


Mt 26:7-9; Joh 12:3


Ge 37:25-28; 42:21,22; 49:22; Es 3:15; Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26

affliction. or, breach.

2Ki 15:29; 17:3-6; Jer 30:7

Matthew 5:44

Ex 23:4,5; 2Ki 6:22; 2Ch 28:9-15; Ps 7:4; 35:13,14; Pr 25:21,22

Lu 6:27,28,34,35; 23:34; Ac 7:60; Ro 12:14,20,21; 1Co 4:12,13

1Co 13:4-8; 1Pe 2:23; 3:9

2 Corinthians 11:29

is weak.

2:4,5; 7:5,6; 13:9; Ezr 9:1-3; Ro 12:15; 15:1; 1Co 8:13; 9:22; 12:26

Ga 6:2; 1Th 3:5-8

and I burn.

13-15; Nu 25:6-11; Ne 5:6-13; 13:15-20,23-25; Joh 2:17; 1Co 5:1-5

1Co 6:5-7,15-18; 11:22; 15:12-34,36; Ga 1:7-10; 2:4-6,14; 3:1-3

Ga 4:8-20; 5:2-4; 2Jo 1:10,11; Jude 1:3,4; Re 2:2,20; 3:15-18

1 Peter 3:8


Ac 2:1; 4:32; Ro 12:16; 15:5; 1Co 1:10; Php 3:16


Zec 7:9; Mt 18:33; Lu 10:33; Ro 12:15; 1Co 12:26; Jas 2:13; 3:17

love as brethren. or, loving to the brethren.

1:22; 2:17; Ro 12:10; Heb 13:1; 2Pe 1:7; 1Jo 3:14,18,19


Ps 103:13; Pr 28:8; Mt 18:33; Jas 5:11


Ac 27:3; 28:7; Eph 4:31,32; 5:1,2; Php 4:8,9; Col 3:12
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