Psalms 35:15

in mine.

25,26; 41:8; 71:10,11; Job 31:29; Pr 17:5; 24:17,18

adversity. Heb. halting.

38:17; Jer 20:10; 1Co 13:6

the abjects.

22:16; 69:12; Job 30:1-12; Mt 27:27-30,39-44; Mr 14:65; Ac 17:5

I knew.

8; *marg:


7:2; 57:4; Job 16:9

Psalms 38:16

For I said.

13:3,4; 35:24-26


94:18; De 32:35



Psalms 137:7


74:18; 79:8-12; Ex 17:14; 1Sa 15:2; Ho 7:2

the children.

Isa 63:1-6; Jer 49:7-22; La 4:21,22; Eze 25:12-14; Ob 1:10-14,18-21

Rase it. Heb. make bare.

Jeremiah 48:27

was not.

Ps 44:13; 79:4; Pr 24:17,18; La 2:15-17; Eze 25:8; 26:2,3; 35:15

Eze 36:2,4; Ob 1:12,13; Mic 7:8-10; Zep 2:8,10; Mt 7:2

was he found.

2:26; Mt 26:55; 27:38

skippedst. or, movedst thyself.

Jeremiah 50:11

ye were.

Pr 17:5; La 1:21; 2:15,16; 4:21,22; Eze 25:3-8,15-17; 26:2,3; Ob 1:12

ye destroyers.

17; 51:34,35; Ps 74:2-8; 79:1-4; 83:1-5; Isa 10:6,7; 47:6

Zec 2:8,9; 14:1-3,12

ye are.

27; 46:21; De 32:15; Ps 22:12; Ho 10:11; Am 4:1

fat. Heb. big. or, corpulent.


bellow as bulls. or, neigh as steeds.


Lamentations 2:15

The combination of scorn, enmity, rage, and exultation, which the conquerors and spectators manifested at the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, are here described with peculiar pathos and energy. The whole scene is presented to view as in an exquisitely finished historical painting.

that pass.

De 29:22-28; 1Ki 9:7-9; 2Ch 7:21; Jer 18:16

by. Heb. by the way. clap.

1:8; Job 27:22,23; Eze 25:6; Na 3:19


16; Jer 19:8; 25:9,18; 29:18; 51:37; Mic 6:16; Zep 2:15


2Ki 19:21; Ps 22:7; 44:14,15; Isa 37:22; Jer 18:16; Mt 27:39

Mr 15:29

Is this.

6; Ps 48:2; 50:2; Isa 64:11

Lamentations 4:21-22

be glad.

Ps 83:3-12; 137:7; Ec 11:9; Eze 25:6,8; 26:2; 35:11-15; Ob 1:10-16

the land.

Ge 36:28; Job 1:1

the cup.

Isa 34:1-17; 63:1-6; Jer 25:15-29; 49:12; Eze 25:12-14; 35:3-9

Am 1:11; Ob 1:1,10-14; Mal 1:2-4

and shalt.

2Ch 28:19; Mic 1:11; Re 16:15

The punishment of thine iniquity. or, Thine iniquity.

6; *marg:

Isa 40:2; Jer 46:27,28; 50:20

he will no.

Isa 52:1; 60:18; Jer 32:40; Eze 37:28

he will visit.

21; Ps 137:7

discover thy sins. or, carry thee captive for thy sins.
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