Psalms 35:15-16

in mine.

25,26; 41:8; 71:10,11; Job 31:29; Pr 17:5; 24:17,18

adversity. Heb. halting.

38:17; Jer 20:10; 1Co 13:6

the abjects.

22:16; 69:12; Job 30:1-12; Mt 27:27-30,39-44; Mr 14:65; Ac 17:5

I knew.

8; *marg:


7:2; 57:4; Job 16:9


1Sa 20:24-42; Isa 1:14,15; Joh 18:28; 1Co 5:8


37:12; Job 16:9; La 2:16; Ac 7:54

Psalms 69:7


22:6-8; 44:22; Jer 15:15; Joh 15:21-24


Isa 50:6; 53:3; Mt 26:67,68; 27:29,30,38-44; Lu 23:11,35-37

Heb 12:2

Psalms 69:19-20

my reproach.

7-9; 22:6,7; Isa 53:3; Heb 12:2; 1Pe 2:23


Joh 8:49


2:2-4; 38:9


42:10; 123:4; Heb 11:36

I am.

42:6; Mt 26:37,38; Joh 12:27

I looked.

Isa 63:5; Mr 14:37,50

take pity. Heb. to lament with me. but there.

142:4; Joh 16:32; 2Ti 4:16,17


Job 16:2; 19:21,22; Mt 26:56

Isaiah 49:7

the Redeemer.

48:7; Re 3:7

to him whom man despiseth. or, to him that is despised insoul.

53:3; Ps 22:6-8; 69:7-9,19; Zec 11:8; Mt 26:67; 27:38-44

Lu 23:18,23; Joh 18:40; 19:6,15

to a.

Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27


23; 52:15; 60:3,10,16; Ps 2:10-12; 68:31; 72:10,11; Re 11:15

and he.

42:1; Lu 23:35; 1Pe 2:4

Isaiah 53:3


49:7; 50:6; Ps 22:6-8; 69:10-12,19,20; Mic 5:1; Zec 11:8,12,13

Mt 26:67; 27:39-44,63; Mr 9:12; 15:19; Lu 8:53; 9:22; 16:14

Lu 23:18-25; Joh 8:48; Heb 12:2,3

a man.

4,10; Ps 69:29; Mt 26:37,38; Mr 14:34; Lu 19:41; Joh 11:35

Heb 2:15-18; 4:15; 5:7

we hid as it were our faces from him. or, he hid as it were,his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us. we esteemed.

De 32:15; Zec 11:13; Mt 27:9,10; Joh 1:10,11; Ac 3:13-15

Jeremiah 20:7

deceived. or, enticed.

1:6-8,18,19; 15:18; 17:16; Ex 5:22,23; Nu 11:11-15

thou art.

9; Eze 3:14; Mic 3:8; 1Co 9:6

I am.

15:10; 29:26; 2Ki 2:23; Ps 22:6,7; 35:15,16; 69:9-12; La 3:14

Ho 9:7; Lu 16:14; 22:63,64; 23:11,35,36; Ac 17:18,32; 1Co 4:9-13

Heb 11:36

Matthew 20:19

shall deliver.

27:2-10; Mr 15:1,16-20; Lu 23:1-5; Joh 18:28-38; Ac 3:13-16

1Co 15:3-7

to mock.

26:67,68; 27:27-31; Ps 22:7,8; 35:16; Isa 53:3; Mr 14:65

Mr 15:16-20,29-31; Lu 23:11; Joh 19:1-4

the third.

12:40; 16:21; Isa 26:19; Ho 6:2; Lu 24:46; 1Co 15:4

Hebrews 12:2-3


3; 9:28; Isa 8:17; 31:1; 45:22; Mic 7:7; Zec 12:10; Joh 1:29; 6:40

Joh 8:56; Php 3:20; 2Ti 4:8; Tit 2:13; 1Jo 1:1-3; Jude 1:21

the author. or, the beginner.

2:10; Mr 9:24; Lu 17:5; Ac 5:31; *Gr:

Re 1:8,11,17; 2:8


7:19; 10:14; *Gr:

Ps 138:8; 1Co 1:7,8; Php 1:6


2:7-9; 5:9; Ps 16:9-11; Isa 49:6; 53:10-12; Lu 24:26; Joh 12:24,32

Joh 13:3,31,32; 17:1-4; Ac 2:25,26,36; Php 2:8-11; 1Pe 1:11


10:5-12; Mt 16:21; 20:18,19,20,28; 27:31-50; Mr 14:36; Joh 12:27,28

Eph 2:16; 5:2; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:24; 3:18


10:33; 11:36; Ps 22:6-8; 69:19,20; Isa 49:7; 50:6,7; 53:3; Mt 26:67

Mt 26:68; 27:27-31,38-44; Mr 9:12; Lu 23:11,35-39; Ac 5:41

1Pe 2:23; 4:14-16

and is.

1:3,13; 8:1; Ps 110:1; 1Pe 3:22


2; 3:1; 1Sa 12:24; 2Ti 2:7,8


Mt 10:24,25; 11:19; 12:24; 15:2; 21:15,16,23,46; 22:15; Lu 2:34; *Gr:

Lu 4:28,29; 5:21; 11:15,16,53,54; 13:13,14; 14:1; 15:2; 16:14; 19:39

Lu 19:40; Joh 5:16; 7:12; 8:13,48,49,52,59; 9:40; 10:20,31-39; 12:9

Joh 12:10; 15:18-24; 18:22


5; De 20:3; Pr 24:10; Isa 40:30,31; 50:4; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 4:1,16

Ga 6:9; 2Th 3:13
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