Psalms 40:8

I delight.

112:1; 119:16,24,47,92; Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; Joh 4:34; Ro 7:22

Ro 8:29


37:30,31; Pr 3:1; Jer 31:33; 2Co 3:3

within my heart. Heb. in the midst of my bowels.

Matthew 3:15


Joh 13:7-9


Ps 40:7,8; Isa 42:21; Lu 1:6; Joh 4:34; 8:29; 13:15; 15:10

Php 2:7,8; Heb 7:26; 1Pe 2:21-24; 1Jo 2:6

Matthew 5:17-20

to destroy the law.

Lu 16:17; Joh 8:5; Ac 6:13; 18:13; 21:28; Ro 3:31; 10:4; Ga 3:17-24


3:15; Ps 40:6-8; Isa 42:21; Ro 8:4; Ga 4:4,5; Col 2:16,17

Heb 10:3-12


26; 6:2,16; 8:10; 10:15,23,42; 11:11; 13:17; 16:28; 17:20; 18:3,18

19:23,28; 21:21,31; 23:36; 24:2,34,47; 25:12,40,45; 26:13,14

Mr 3:28; 6:11; 8:12; 9:1,41; 10:15,29; 11:23; 12:43; 13:30; 14:9

Mr 14:18,25,30; Lu 4:24; 11:51; 12:37; 13:35; 18:17,29; 21:32; 23:43

Joh 1:51; 3:3,5,11; 5:19,24,25; 6:26,32,47,53; 8:34,51,58; 10:1,7

Joh 12:24; 13:16,20,21,38; 14:12; 16:20,23; 21:18


24:35; Ps 102:26; Isa 51:6; Lu 16:17; 21:33; Heb 1:11,12

2Pe 3:10-13; Re 20:11


Ps 119:89,90,152; Isa 40:8; 1Pe 1:25

shall break.

De 27:26; Ps 119:6,128; Ga 3:10-13; Jas 2:10,11


23:23; De 12:32; Lu 11:42

shall teach.

15:3-6; 23:16-22; Mal 2:8,9; Ro 3:8; 6:1,15; 1Ti 6:3,4

Re 2:14,15,20

the least.

11:11; 1Sa 2:30


28:20; Ac 1:1; Ro 13:8-10; Ga 5:14-24; Php 3:17,18; 4:8,9

1Th 2:10-12; 4:1-7; 1Ti 4:11,12; 6:11; Tit 2:8-10; 3:8


19:28; 20:26; Da 12:3; Lu 1:15; 9:48; 22:24-26; 1Pe 5:4


23:2-5,23-28; Lu 11:39,40,44; 12:1; 16:14,15; 18:10-14; 20:46,47

Ro 9:30-32; 10:2,3; 2Co 5:17; Php 3:9


3:10; 7:21; 18:5; Mr 10:15,25; Lu 18:17,24,25; Joh 3:3-5; Heb 12:14

Re 21:27

Romans 3:31

do we.

4:14; Ps 119:126; Jer 8:8,9; Mt 5:17; 15:6; Ga 2:21; 3:17-19

God.[Me genoito,] literally, let it not be, and which might be rendered less objectionably, far from it, by no means.



7:7-14,22,25; 8:4; 10:4; 13:8-10; Ps 40:8; Isa 42:21; Jer 31:33,34

Mt 3:15; 5:20; 1Co 9:21; Ga 2:19; 5:18-23; Heb 10:15,16; Jas 2:8-12

Romans 7:12

the law.

14; 3:31; 12:2; De 4:8; 10:12; Ne 9:13; Ps 19:7-12; 119:38,86,127,137

Ps 119:140,172; 1Ti 1:8

the commandment.


Romans 8:3-4

For what.

3:20; 7:5-11; Ac 13:39; Ga 3:21; Heb 7:18,19; 10:1-10,14


32; Joh 3:14-17; Ga 4:4,5; 1Jo 4:10-14

in the.

9:3; Mr 15:27,28; Joh 9:24

for sin. or, by a sacrifice for sin.

2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13


6:6; 1Pe 2:24; 4:1,2


Ga 5:22-24; Eph 5:26,27; Col 1:22; Heb 12:23; 1Jo 3:2; Jude 1:24

Re 14:5



Romans 10:4


3:25-31; 8:3,4; Isa 53:11; Mt 3:15; 5:17,18; Joh 1:17; Ac 13:38,39

1Co 1:30; Ga 3:24; Col 2:10,17; Heb 9:7-14; 10:8-12,14

the end.[Telos ,] the object, scope, or final cause; the end proposed and intended. In this sense Eisner observes that [telos ] is used by Arrian.

Galatians 3:13


10; 4:5; Isa 55:5-7,10-12; Da 9:24,26; Zec 13:7; Mt 26:28

Ro 3:24-26; 4:25; 8:3,4; 2Co 5:21; Eph 5:2; Tit 2:14

Heb 7:26,27; 9:12,15,26,28; 10:4-10; 1Pe 1:18-21; 2:24; 3:18

1Jo 2:1,2; 4:10; Re 1:5; 5:9; 13:8


2Ki 22:19; Jer 44:22; 49:13; Ro 9:3


De 21:23; 2Sa 17:23; 18:10,14,15; 21:3,9; Es 7:10; 9:14; Mt 27:5

1Pe 2:24


Jos 10:26,27

Galatians 3:21

the law.

Mt 5:17-20; Ro 3:31; 7:7-13

God forbid.

2:17; Ro 3:4,6


2:19,21; Ro 3:20


Ro 3:21,22; 9:31; 10:3-6; Php 3:6-9; Heb 11:7
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