Psalms 48:1-3

1 The ornaments and privileges of the church.

A.M. 3489. B.C. 515. (Title.) Song.This Psalm is supposed to have been sung at the dedication of the second temple; though some think it was composed on the victory obtained by Jehoshaphat.

2Ch 20:1-37; Ps 30:1; *title

for. or, of.

46:1; *title


86:10; 99:3,4; 145:3; 147:5


89:1-7; Ne 9:5; Re 15:3,4; 19:5


46:4; 65:1; 78:68; 87:3; Heb 12:22; Re 21:2,10-22


47:8; 99:9; Isa 2:2,3; 27:13; Jer 31:23; Ob 1:17; Mic 4:1; Zec 8:3

Mt 24:15


50:2; Jer 3:19; La 2:15; Da 8:9; 11:16


Isa 60:15-20; 66:10; Eze 20:6; Mal 3:12; Heb 12:22

on the sides.

Isa 14:13

the city.

47:7,8; Mal 1:14; Mt 5:35

76:1-5; 125:1; 2Ch 12:7; 14:9-15; 20:1-37; Isa 4:5,6; 37:33-36

Zec 2:4,5

Psalms 50:2


68:24; Isa 12:6; 26:21; Ho 5:15; Hab 2:20; Heb 12:22-26


48:2; 87:2,3; 80:17; So 5:16; Zec 9:17


80:1; De 33:2; Hab 3:3,4; Re 1:16; 21:23

Psalms 76:1-2

1 A declaration of God's majesty in the church.

11 An exhortation to serve him reverently.

(Title.) Neginoth.

4:1; 54:1; 61:1; 67:1; *titles

A Psalm. This Psalm is entitled in the Septuagint, which is followed by the Vulgate and Appollinarius, [ ,] "An ode against the Assyrian;" and it is considered by many of the best commentators to have been composed by Asaph after the defeat of Sennacherib.

of Asaph. or, for Asaph.

In Judah.

48:1-3; 147:19,20; De 4:7,8,34-36; Ac 17:23; Ro 2:17-29; 3:1,2


98:2,3; 148:13,14; 1Ch 29:10-12; 2Ch 2:5,6; Da 3:29; 4:1,2


Ge 14:18; Heb 7:1,2


132:13,14; 2Ch 6:6; Isa 12:6

Isaiah 12:6

Cry out.

40:9; 52:7-10; 54:1; Zep 3:14; Lu 19:37-40


10:24; 30:19; 33:24; Zec 8:3-8

inhabitant. Heb. inhabitress. great.

8:18; 24:23; 41:14,16; Ps 9:11; 68:16; 71:22; 89:18; 132:14; Eze 43:7

Eze 48:35; Zep 2:5; 3:15-17; Zec 2:5,10,11

Isaiah 14:32

shall one.

39:1; 2Sa 8:10; 2Ki 20:12-19

the Lord.

12:6; 37:32; Ps 87:1,5; 102:16,28; 132:13,14; Mt 16:18

and the.

11:4; 25:4; Zep 3:12; Zec 11:7,11; Jas 2:5

trust in it. or, betake themselves unto it.

Pr 18:10; Mt 24:15,16; Heb 12:22

Hebrews 12:22-24

ye are come.

Ps 2:6; 48:2; 132:13,14; Isa 12:6; 14:32; 28:16; 51:11,16; 59:20

Isa 60:14; Joe 2:32; Ro 11:26; Ga 4:26; Re 14:1

the city.

13:14; Ps 48:2; 87:3; Mt 5:35; Php 3:20; *marg:

Re 3:12; 21:2,10; 22:19

of the.

3:12; 9:14; 10:31; De 5:26; Jos 3:10; 2Ki 19:4; Ps 42:2; 84:2

Jer 10:10; Da 6:26; Ho 1:10; Mt 16:16; Ro 9:26; 1Th 1:9; Re 7:2

an innumerable.

De 33:2; Ps 68:17; Da 7:10; Jude 1:14; Re 5:11,12

the general.

Ps 89:7; 111:1; Ac 20:28; Eph 1:22; 5:24-27; Col 1:24; 1Ti 3:5

the firstborn.

Ex 4:22; 13:2; De 21:17; Ps 89:27; Jer 31:9; Jas 1:18; Re 14:4


Ex 32:32; Ps 69:28; Lu 10:20; Php 4:3; Re 13:8; 20:15

written. or, enrolled. God.

6:10-12; 9:27; Ge 18:25; Ps 50:5,6; 94:2; 96:13; 98:9; Mt 25:31-34

Joh 5:27; 2Th 1:5-7; 1Pe 2:23

the spirits.

11:4,40; Ec 12:7; 1Co 13:12; 15:49,54; 2Co 5:8; Php 1:21-23

Php 3:12-21; Col 1:12; Re 7:14-17


7:22; 8:6,8; 1Ti 2:5


13:20; Isa 55:3; Jer 31:31-33

covenant. or, testament.

9:15; Mt 26:28; Mr 14:24; Lu 22:20

to the blood.

9:21; 10:22; 11:28; Ex 24:8; 1Pe 1:2


11:4; Ge 4:10; Mt 23:35; Lu 11:51

Revelation of John 14:1-5

1 The Lamb standing on mount Sion with his company.

6 An angel preaches the gospel.

8 The fall of Babylon.

15 The harvest of the world.

20 The winepress of the wrath of God.

I looked.

14; 4:1; 6:8; 15:5; Jer 1:11; Eze 1:4; 2:9; 8:7; 10:1,9; 44:4; Da 12:5

Am 8:2; Zec 4:2

a Lamb.

5:5-9,12,13; 7:9-17


Ps 2:6; 132:13,14; Isa 49:14; Joe 2:32; Mic 4:7; Ro 9:33

Heb 12:22-24




3:12; 7:3; 13:16,17; Lu 12:8

a voice.

10:4; 11:12,15; 19:1-7

of many.

1:15; 19:6; Ps 93:4; Isa 17:13; Eze 43:2

of a.

1:10; 8:7-13; 9:1; 10:3,4; 11:15; Ex 19:16; 20:18; Zec 9:14


5:8; 15:2; 18:22; 2Sa 6:5; 1Ch 25:1-7; Ps 33:2; 43:4; 57:8; 92:3

Ps 98:5; 147:7; 149:3; 150:3-6


5:9; 15:3; Ps 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa 42:10




1; 2:17; Ps 25:14; Mt 11:25-27; 1Co 1:18; 2:14




Ps 45:14; So 1:3; 6:8; Mt 25:1; 1Co 7:25,26,28; 2Co 11:2; 1Ti 4:3

which follow.

3:4; 7:15-17; 17:14; Mt 8:19; Lu 9:57-62; Joh 8:12; 10:27; 12:26

Joh 13:37

These were.


redeemed. Gr. bought.

Ps 74:2; Ac 20:28; 1Co 6:20; Eph 1:14; 1Pe 2:9; *marg:

the first fruits.

Jer 2:3; Am 6:1; *marg:

1Co 16:15; Jas 1:18


Ps 32:2; 34:13; 55:11; Pr 8:8; Isa 53:9; Zep 3:13; Mt 12:34; Joh 1:47

1Pe 3:10


So 4:7; Da 6:4; Ho 10:2; Lu 23:4; Eph 5:27; Col 1:22; Jude 1:24
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