Psalms 53:6

Oh, etc. Heb. Who will give salvations, etc.



50:2; Isa 12:6; 14:32

God.Instead of {elohim,} "God," more than 20 MSS., with the LXX., Syriac, and Chaldee, read {yehowah,} "Jehovah," as in Ps 14:7.


85:1; 126:1-4; Job 42:10; Jer 30:18; 31:23; Joe 3:1; Am 9:14


106:46-48; Ezr 3:11; Ne 12:43; Isa 12:1-3

Psalms 126:1-2

1 The church, celebrating her incredible return out of captivity,

4 prays for, and prophesies the good success thereof.

(Title.) A Song of degrees.This Psalm evidently appears to have been composed in consequence of the proclamation of Cyrus in favour of the Jews, giving them leave to return to their own land, and rebuild their city and temple.

120:1; 121:1; 122:1; 123:1; 124:1; 125:1; *titles

turned again, etc. Heb. returned the returning of Zion.

53:6; 85:1; Ezr 1:1-11; Job 42:10; Jer 31:8-10; Ho 6:11; Joe 3:1

we were like.

Job 9:16; Mr 16:11; Lu 24:11,41; Ac 12:9,14-16

Then was.

14:7; 53:6; 106:47,48; Ezr 3:11; Job 8:21; Isa 35:10; 49:9-13

Jer 31:12,13; 33:11; Re 11:15-17

then said.

Nu 23:23; Jos 2:9-11; 9:9,10; Ne 6:16; Zec 8:22,23; Ro 11:15

done great thing for them. Heb. magnified to do with them.

Isaiah 12:1

1 A joyful thanksgiving of the faithful for the mercies of God.

And in that.

2:11; 11:10,11,16; 14:3; 26:1; 27:1-3,12,13; 35:10; Zec 14:9,20

O Lord.

25:1,9; 49:13; 60:18,19; Ps 34:1-22; 67:1-4; 69:34-36; 72:15-19

Ps 149:6-9; Ro 11:15; Re 15:3,4; 19:1-7


10:4,25; 40:1,2; 51:3; 54:8; 57:15-18; 66:13; De 30:1-3; Ps 30:5

Ps 85:1-3; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 39:24-29; Ho 6:1; 11:8; 14:4-9

Isaiah 35:10

the ransomed.

51:10,11; Mt 20:28; 1Ti 2:6

and come.

Ps 84:7; Jer 31:11-14; 33:11; Joh 16:22; Jude 1:21; Re 14:1-4

Re 15:2-4; 18:20; 19:1-7

and sorrow.

25:8; 30:19; 60:20; 65:19; Re 7:9-17; 21:4

Isaiah 51:11

the redeemed.

35:10; 44:23; 48:20; 49:13; Jer 30:18,19; 31:11,12; 33:11

Ac 2:41-47; Re 5:9-13; 7:9,10; 14:1-4; 19:1-7


60:19; 61:7; 2Co 4:17,18; 2Th 2:16; Jude 1:24

and sorrow.

25:8; 60:20; 65:19; Re 7:17; 21:1,4; 22:3

Isaiah 52:9


14:7; 42:10,11; 44:23; 48:20; 49:13; 54:1-3; 55:12; 65:18,19

66:10-13; Ps 96:11,12; Zep 3:14,15; Ga 4:27

ye waste.

44:26; 51:3; 61:4

Zephaniah 3:14-20


Ezr 3:11-13; Ne 12:43; Ps 14:7; 47:5-7; 81:1-3; 95:1,2; 100:1,2

Ps 126:2,3; Isa 12:6; 24:14-16; 35:2; 40:9; 42:10-12; 51:11; 54:1

Isa 65:13,14,18,19; Jer 30:19; 31:13; 33:11; Zec 2:10,11; 9:9,10

Zec 9:15-17; Mt 21:9; Lu 2:10-14; Re 19:1-6

O daughter of Jerusalem.

Mic 4:8

hath taken.

Ge 30:23; Ps 85:3; Isa 25:8; 40:1,2; 51:22; Mic 7:18-20; Zec 1:14-16

Zec 8:13-15; 10:6,7

he hath.

Isa 13:1-14:32; Jer 50:1-51:64; Mic 7:10,16,17; Hab 2:8,17

Zec 2:8,9; 12:3; Ro 8:33,34; Re 12:10

the king.

Isa 33:22; Eze 37:24,25; Zec 9:9; Joh 1:49; 12:15; 19:19; Re 19:16

is in.

5,17; Eze 37:26-28; 48:35; Joe 3:20,21; Re 7:15; 21:3,4


Isa 35:10; 51:22; 60:18; 65:19; Eze 39:29; Joe 3:17; Am 9:15

Zec 14:11

be said.

Isa 35:3,4; 40:9; 41:10,13,14; 43:1,2; 44:2; 54:4; Jer 46:27,28

Hag 2:4,5; Zec 8:15; Joh 12:12; Heb 12:12

slack. or, faint.

2Co 4:1; Ga 6:9; Eph 3:13; Heb 12:3-5; Re 2:3

in the.


is mighty.

Ge 17:1; 18:14; Ps 24:8-10; Isa 9:6; 12:2,6; 63:12; Heb 7:25

will rejoice.

Nu 14:8; De 30:9; Ps 147:11; 149:4; Isa 62:4,5; 65:19; Jer 32:41

Lu 15:5,6,23,24,32; Joh 15:11

he will.

Ge 1:31; 2:2; Isa 18:4; Joh 13:1

rest. Heb. be silent.


20; Jer 23:3; 31:8,9; Eze 34:13; 36:24; Ho 1:11; Ro 11:25,26


Ps 42:2-4; 43:3; 63:1,2; 84:1,2; 137:3-6; La 1:4,7; 2:6,7; Ho 9:5

the reproach of it was a burden. Heb. the burden upon it wasreproach.

I will undo.

15; Isa 25:9-12; 26:11; 41:11-16; 43:14-17; 49:25,26; 51:22,23

Isa 66:14-16; Jer 30:16; 46:28; 51:35,36; Eze 39:17-22; Joe 3:2-9

Mic 7:10; Na 1:11-14; Zec 2:8,9; 12:3,4; 14:2,3; Re 19:17-21; 20:9

and I will save.

Jer 31:8; Eze 34:16; Mic 4:6,7; Heb 12:13

and I will.

Isa 60:14; 61:7; 62:7; Jer 33:9; Eze 39:26

get them praise. Heb. set them for a praise. where they havebeen put to shame. Heb. of their shame.


Isa 11:11,12; 27:12,13; 56:8; Eze 28:25; 34:16; 37:21; 39:28; Am 9:14


19; Isa 60:15; 61:9; 62:7,12; Mal 3:12

I turn.

Ps 35:6; Jer 29:14; Eze 16:53; Joe 3:1
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