Psalms 66:16


5; 34:2,11; 71:18; Mal 3:16; 1Ti 1:15,16; 1Jo 1:3

and I will.

22:23,24; 32:5,6; 71:20; 1Co 15:8-10

Isaiah 38:9-20


12:1-6; Ex 15:1-21; Jud 5:1-31; 1Sa 2:1-10; Ps 18:1; *title

Ps 30:11,12; 107:17-22; 116:1-4; 118:18,19; Jon 2:1-9

he had.

De 32:39; 1Sa 2:6; Job 5:18; Ho 6:1,2We have here Hezekiah's thanksgiving song, which he penned by Divine direction, after his recovery. He might have used some of the Psalms of David his father, as he had appointed the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of David, 2 Ch 29:30, but the occasion here was extraordinary. His heart being full of devout affections, he would not confine himself to the compositions he had, though of Divine inspiration, but offered up his praises in his own words. The Lord put a new song into his mouth. He put his thanksgiving into writing, that he might review it himself afterwards, for the reviving of the good impressions made upon him by the providential interference, and that it might be recommended to others also for their use upon the like occasion.

2Ch 29:30

1; Job 6:11; 7:7; 17:11-16; 2Co 1:9

Job 35:14,15; Ps 6:4,5; 27:13; 31:22; 116:8,9; Ec 9:5,6

is removed.

Job 7:7; Ps 89:45-47; 102:11,23,24

as a.

1:8; 13:20

have cut.

Job 7:6; 9:25,26; 14:2; Jas 4:14

he will cut.

Job 7:3-5; 17:1; Ps 31:22; 119:23

with pining sickness. or, from the thrum.

as a lion.

1Ki 13:24-26; 20:36; Job 10:16,17; 16:12-14; Ps 39:10; 50:22; 51:8

Da 6:24; Ho 5:14; 1Co 11:30-32

a crane.

Job 30:29; Ps 102:4-7

I did mourn.

59:11; Eze 7:16; Na 2:7

mine eyes.

Ps 69:3; 119:82,123; 123:1-4; La 4:17

I am.

Ps 119:122; 143:7

undertake for me. or, ease me.


Jos 7:8; Ezr 9:10; Ps 39:9,10; Joh 12:27

I shall.

1Ki 21:27

in the.

1Sa 1:10; 2Ki 4:27; Job 7:11; 10:1; 21:25

64:5; De 8:3; Job 33:19-28; Ps 71:20; Mt 4:4; 1Co 11:32; 2Co 4:17

Heb 12:10,11

for peace I had great bitterness. or, on my peace came greatbitterness.

Job 3:25,26; 29:18; Ps 30:6,7

in love to my soul delivered it from the pit. Heb. loved mysoul from the pit.

Ps 30:3; 40:2; 86:13; 88:4-6; Jon 2:6

thou hast cast.

43:25; Ps 10:2; 85:2; Jer 31:34; Mic 7:18,19

the grave.

Ps 6:5; 30:9; 88:11; 115:17,18; Ec 9:10

they that.

Nu 16:33; Pr 14:32; Mt 8:12; 25:46; Lu 16:26-31

the living.

Ps 146:2; Ec 9:10; Joh 9:4

the father.

Ge 18:19; Ex 12:26,27; 13:14,15; De 4:9; 6:7; Jos 4:21,22

Ps 78:3-6; 145:4; Joe 1:3


Ps 9:13,14; 27:5,6; 30:11,12; 51:15; 66:13-15; 145:2

to the stringed.

Ps 150:4; Hab 3:19

Daniel 4:1-3

1 Nebuchadnezzar confesses God's kingdom,

4 makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret.

8 Daniel hears the dream.

19 He interprets it.

28 The dream fulfilled.

Nebuchadnezzar.This is a regular decree, and one of the most ancient extant; and no doubt contains the exact words of Nebuchadnezzar, copied out by Daniel from the state papers of Babylon, and preserved in the original language.

unto all.

3:4,29; 7:14; Es 3:12; 8:9; Zec 8:23; Ac 2:6


6:25,27; 1Ch 12:18; Ezr 4:17; 5:7; Ro 1:7; Eph 1:2; 1Ti 1:2; 1Pe 1:2

I thought it good. Chal. It was seemly before me.

Jos 7:19; Ps 51:14; 71:18; 92:1,2


3:26; Ps 66:16; Ac 22:3-16; 26:9-16


6:27; De 4:34; Ps 71:19,20; 72:18; 77:19; 86:10; 92:5; 104:24; 105:27

Isa 25:1; 28:29; Ro 11:33; Heb 2:4

his kingdom.

17,34,35; 2:44; 6:26; 7:14,27; Ps 66:7; 145:13; Isa 9:7; Jer 10:10

Lu 1:32,33; 1Ti 1:17; Heb 1:8; Re 11:15

is from.

Job 25:2; 1Pe 4:11

Daniel 4:37

I Nebuchadnezzar.

3,34; 5:4,23; 1Pe 2:9,10

the King.

5:23; Mt 11:25; Ac 17:24


De 32:4; 1Sa 2:3; Ps 33:4,5; 99:4; 119:75; 145:17,18; Isa 5:16

Re 15:3; 16:7; 19:1,2

those that walk.

30,31; 5:20-24; Ex 18:11; 2Ch 33:11,12,19; Job 40:11,12

Eze 16:56,63; Jas 4:6,7; 1Pe 5:5,6

Daniel 6:25-27


4:1; Ezr 1:1,2; Es 3:12; 8:9


Ezr 4:17; 1Pe 1:2; 2Pe 1:2; Jude 1:2


3:29; Ezr 6:8-12; 7:12,13


Ps 2:11; 99:1-3; 119:120; Isa 66:2; Jer 10:10; Lu 12:5; Heb 12:29


4:34; De 5:26; 1Sa 17:26,36; Ho 1:10; Ac 17:25; Ro 9:26; 1Th 1:9

Re 4:10; 5:14

and stedfast.

Ps 93:1,2; 146:10; Mal 3:6; Heb 6:17,18; Jas 1:17

and his kingdom.

2:44; 4:3,34; 7:14,27; Ps 29:10; 145:12,13; Isa 9:7; Mt 6:13

Lu 1:33; Re 11:15


Job 36:15; Ps 18:48,50; 32:7; 35:17; 97:10; Lu 1:74,75; 2Co 1:8-10

2Ti 4:17,18

and he.

4:2,3,34; Jer 32:19,20; Mr 16:17,18; Ac 4:30; Heb 2:4

power. Chal. hand.

Jonah 2

1 The prayer of Jonah.

10 He is delivered out of the belly of the fish.


2Ch 33:11-13; Ps 50:15; 91:15; Isa 26:16; Ho 5:15; 6:1-3; Jas 5:13


Job 13:15; Ps 130:1,2; La 3:53-56; Ac 16:24,25

I cried.

Ge 32:7-12,24-28; 1Sa 30:6; Ps 4:1; 18:4-6; 22:24; 34:6; 65:2

Ps 120:1; 142:1-3; Lu 22:44; Heb 5:7

by reason of mine. or, out of mine.

1Sa 1:16


Ps 18:5,6; 61:2; 86:13; 88:1-7; 116:3

hell. or, the grave.

Ps 16:10; Isa 14:9; Mt 12:40; Ac 2:27

and thou.

Ps 34:6; 65:2


1:12-16; Ps 69:1,2,14,15; 88:5-8; La 3:54

midst. Heb. heart. all.

Ps 42:7

I said.

Ps 31:22; 77:1-7; Isa 38:10-14,17; 49:14; Eze 37:11


1Ki 9:7; Jer 7:15; 15:1


1Ki 8:38,39,42,48; 2Ch 6:38; Ps 5:7; Da 6:10

Ps 40:2; 69:1,2; La 3:54

bottoms. Heb. cuttings off. mountains.

De 32:22; Ps 65:6; 104:6,8; Isa 40:12; Hab 3:6,10

the earth.

Job 38:4-11; Pr 8:25-29


Ps 16:10; Isa 38:17; Ac 13:33-37

corruption. or, the pit.

Job 33:24,28; Ps 30:3,9; 55:23; 143:7

my soul.

Ps 22:14; 27:13; 119:81-83; Heb 12:3

I remembered.

1Sa 30:6; Ps 20:7; 42:5,11; 43:5; 77:10,11; 143:5; Isa 50:10

La 3:21-26; 2Co 1:9,10

my prayer.

2Ch 30:27; Ps 18:6


4; Ps 11:4; 65:4; Mic 1:2; Hab 2:20

1Sa 12:21; 2Ki 17:15; Ps 31:6; Jer 2:13; 10:8,14,15; 16:19

Hab 2:18-20

I will sacrifice.

Ge 35:3; Ps 50:14,23; 66:13-15; 107:22; 116:17,18; Jer 33:11

Ho 14:2; Ro 12:1; Heb 13:15

I will pay.

De 23:18; 2Sa 15:7; Job 22:27; Ec 5:4,5


Ps 3:8; 37:39,40; 68:20; Isa 45:17; Joh 4:22; Ac 4:12; Re 7:10

1:17; Ge 1:3,7,9,11,14; Ps 33:9; 105:31,34; Isa 50:2

Mt 8:8,9,26,27

John 4:29

17,18,25; 1:41-49; 1Co 14:24,25; Re 22:17
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