Psalms 69:21

gall for my meat.Bochart, from a comparison of this passage with Joh 19:29, thinks that {rosh} is the same herb as the evangelist calls [ ,] hyssop; a species of which, growing in Judea, he proves from Isaac ben Orman, an Arabian writer, to be so bitter as not to be eatable. Theophylact expressly tells us, that the hyssop was added [ ,] as being deleterious, or poisonous: and Nonnus, in his paraphrase, says, [ ] "One gave the deadly acid mixed with hyssop."

Jer 8:14; 9:15; 23:15; Mt 27:34,48


Mr 15:23,36; Lu 23:36; Joh 19:29,30

Matthew 27:48

and filled.

34; Ps 69:21; Lu 23:36; Joh 19:29,30

Mark 15:23


Mt 27:34; Lu 23:36; Joh 19:28-30


14:25; Mt 26:19; Lu 22:18

John 19:28-30


30; 13:1; 18:4; Lu 9:31; 12:50; 18:31; 22:37; Ac 13:29

that the.

Ps 22:15; 69:21

was set.

Mt 27:34,48; Mr 15:36; Lu 23:36

hyssop.This hyssop is termed a reed by Matthew and Mark; and it appears that a species of hyssop, with a reedy stalk, about two feet long, grew about Jerusalem.

Ex 12:22; Nu 19:18; 1Ki 4:33; Ps 51:7

It is.

28; *Gr:

4:34; 17:4; Ge 3:15; Ps 22:15; Isa 53:10,12; Da 9:24,26; Zec 13:7

Mt 3:15; Ro 3:25; 10:4; 1Co 5:7; Col 2:14-17; Heb 9:11-14,22-28

Heb 10:1-14; 12:2

and he.

10:11,18; Mt 20:28; 27:50; Mr 15:37; Lu 23:46; Php 2:8; Heb 2:14,15
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