Psalms 9:16


48:11; 58:10,11; 83:17,18; Ex 7:5; 14:4,10,31; De 29:22-28

Jos 2:10,11; Jud 1:7; 1Sa 6:19,20; 17:46; 2Ki 19:19,34,35


11:6; 140:9; Pr 6:2; 12:13; Isa 8:15; 28:13

Higgaion, that is, Meditation.

5:1; 19:14; 92:3; *marg:

Psalms 33:18

the eye.

34:15-20; 147:11; Job 36:7; 1Pe 3:12


13:5; 52:8; Ro 4:4-8; Heb 6:18

Psalms 64:9


40:3; 53:5; 119:20; Jer 50:28; 51:10; Re 11:13


58:11; 107:42,43; Isa 5:12; Eze 14:23; Ho 14:9

Psalms 67:4

O let.

97:1; 138:4,5; De 32:43; Isa 24:14-16; 42:10-12; 54:1; Ro 15:10,11

Ga 4:27

for thou.

9:8; 96:10-13; 98:9; Ge 18:25; Ac 17:31; Ro 2:5

govern. Heb. lead.

2:8; 82:6; Isa 55:4; Re 11:15-17

Psalms 96:13

he cometh.

98:9; Isa 25:8,9; Mal 3:1,2; 1Th 4:16-18; 2Th 1:10; 2Ti 4:8

Tit 2:13; 2Pe 3:12-14; Re 11:18; 22:10


10; 67:4; Re 19:11

Psalms 98:9

for he cometh.

96:10,13; Re 1:7

with righteousness.

67:4; 72:2; Isa 5:16; Ac 17:31; 24:25; Ro 2:5,6

Malachi 2:17


Ps 95:9,10; Isa 1:14; 7:13; 43:24; Jer 15:6; Eze 16:43; Am 2:13


14; 1:6,7; 3:8


3:13-15; Job 34:5-9,17,36; 36:17; Ps 73:3-15; Mt 11:18,19


De 32:4; 1Sa 2:3; Ps 10:11-13; Ec 8:11; Isa 5:18,19; 30:18; Eze 8:12

Eze 9:9; Zep 1:12; 2Pe 3:3,4

2 Peter 3:4-10


Ge 19:14; Ec 1:9; 8:11; Isa 5:18,19; Jer 5:12,13; 17:15

Eze 12:22-27; Mal 2:17; Mt 24:28; Lu 12:45

from the beginning.

Mr 13:19; Re 3:14

they willingly.

Pr 17:16; Joh 3:19,20; Ro 1:28; 2Th 2:10-12

by the word.

Ge 1:6,9; Ps 24:2; 33:6; 136:6; Heb 11:3

standing. Gr. consisting.

Col 1:17

2:5; Ge 7:10-23; 9:15; Job 12:15; Mt 24:38,39; Lu 17:27

the heavens.

10; Ps 50:3; 102:26; Isa 51:6; Zep 3:8; Mt 24:35; 25:41; 2Th 1:8

Re 20:11; 21:1


2:9; Mt 10:15; 11:22,24; 12:36; Mr 6:11; 1Jo 4:17

and perdition.

Ro 2:5; Php 1:28; 2Th 2:3; 1Ti 6:9; Re 17:8,11

be not.

Ro 11:25; 1Co 10:1; 12:1

that one.

Ps 90:4

is not.

Isa 46:13; Hab 2:3; Lu 18:7,8; Heb 10:37

but is.

15; Ex 34:6; Ps 86:15; Isa 30:18; Ro 9:22; 1Ti 1:16; 1Pe 3:20

not willing.

Ex 18:23; 32:32; 33:11

but that.

Ro 2:4; 1Ti 2:4; Re 2:21

the day.

Isa 2:12; Joe 1:15; 2:1,31; 3:14; Mal 4:5; 1Co 5:5; 2Co 1:14; Jude 1:6

as a.

Mt 24:42,43; Lu 12:39; 1Th 5:2; Re 3:3; 16:15

in the which.

Ps 102:26; Isa 51:6; Mt 24:35; Mr 13:31; Ro 8:20; Heb 1:11,12

Re 20:11; 21:1

the elements.



Ps 46:6; 97:5; Am 9:5,13; Na 1:5

the earth.

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