Psalms 90:14


36:7,8; 63:3-5; 65:4; 103:3-5; Jer 31:15; Zec 9:17

that we.

23:6; 85:6; 86:4; 149:2; Php 4:4

Psalms 91:16

With long life. Heb. With length of days.

21:4; Ge 25:8; Job 5:26; Pr 3:2,16; 22:4; Isa 65:20-22


16:11; 50:23; Isa 45:17; Lu 2:30; 3:6

Isaiah 58:10-11

thou draw.

7; De 15:7-10; Ps 41:1; 112:5-9; Pr 11:24,25; 14:31; 28:27; Lu 18:22

thy soul.Instead of {naphshecha,} "thy soul," eleven MSS. read {lachmecha,} "thy bread," which is adopted by Bp. Lowth; but "to draw out the soul" in relieving the poor, probably means to do it not of constraint, but cheerfully.


8; 29:18; Job 11:17; Ps 37:6

the Lord.

49:10; Ps 25:9; 32:8; 48:14; 73:24; Joh 16:13; 1Th 3:11

and satisfy.

33:16; Job 5:20; Ps 33:19; 34:9,10; 37:19; Jer 17:8; Ho 13:5

drought. Heb. droughts. make fat.

Ps 92:14; Pr 3:8; 11:25; 13:4; 28:25

be like.

61:11; So 4:15; Jer 31:12; Eze 36:35

fail. Heb. lie, or deceive.

Job 6:15-20

Matthew 5:6


Ps 42:1,2; 63:1,2; 84:2; 107:9; Am 8:11-13; Lu 1:53; 6:21,25

Joh 6:27


Ps 4:6,7; 17:15; 63:5; 65:4; 145:19; So 5:1; Isa 25:6; 41:17; 44:3

Isa 49:9,10; 55:1-3; 65:13; 66:11; Joh 4:14; 6:48-58; 7:37; Re 7:16

Philippians 4:11-12

in respect.

1Co 4:11,12; 2Co 6:10; 8:9; 11:27

I have.

3:8; Ge 28:20; Ex 2:21; Mt 6:31-34; Lu 3:14; 1Ti 6:6-9; Heb 10:34

Heb 13:5,6

how to be.

1Co 4:9-13; 2Co 6:4-10; 10:1,10; 11:7,27; 12:7-10

I am.

De 32:10; Ne 9:20; Isa 8:11; Jer 31:19; Mt 11:29; 13:52; Eph 4:20,21

1 Timothy 4:8


1Sa 15:22; Ps 50:7-15; Isa 1:11-16; 58:3-5; Jer 6:20; Am 5:21-24

1Co 8:8; Col 2:21-23; Heb 13:9

little. or, for a little time.

Heb 9:9,10


6:6; Job 22:2; Tit 3:8


De 28:1-14; Job 5:19-26; Ps 37:3,4,16-19,29; 84:11; 91:10-16

Ps 112:1-3; 128:1-6; 145:19; Pr 3:16-18; Ec 8:12; Isa 3:10; 32:17,18

Isa 33:16; 65:13,14; Mt 5:3-12; 6:33; 19:29; Mr 10:19,20; Lu 12:31

Lu 12:32; Ro 8:28; 1Co 3:22; 2Pe 1:3,4; 1Jo 2:25; Re 3:12,21

1 Timothy 6:6-9


4:8; Ps 37:16; 84:11; Pr 3:13-18; 8:18-21; 15:16; 16:8; Mt 6:32,33

Lu 12:31,32; Ro 5:3-5; 8:28; 2Co 4:17,18; 5:1; Php 1:21; Heb 13:5


8; Ex 2:21; Lu 3:14; Php 4:11-13

we brought.

Job 1:21; Pr 27:24; Ec 5:15,16


Ps 49:17; Lu 12:20,21; 16:22,23

Ge 28:20; 48:15; De 2:7; 8:3,4; Pr 27:23-27; 30:8,9; Ec 2:24-26

Ec 3:12,13; Mt 6:11,25-33; Heb 13:5,6


Ge 13:10-13; Nu 22:17-19; Jos 7:11; 2Ki 5:20-27; Pr 15:27; 20:21

Pr 21:6; 22:16; 28:20-22; Isa 5:8; Ho 12:7,8; Am 8:4-6; Zec 11:5

Mt 13:22; 19:22; 26:15; Jas 5:1-4; 2Pe 2:15,16; Jude 1:11


3:7; De 7:25; Ps 11:6; Pr 1:17-19; Lu 21:35; 2Ti 2:26


Mr 4:19; Eph 4:22; 1Jo 2:15-17


1:9; Nu 31:8; Jos 7:24-26; Mt 27:3-5; Ac 5:4,5; 8:20; 2Pe 2:3
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