Romans 16:20

the God.



Ge 3:15; Isa 25:8-12; Ro 8:37; Heb 2:14,15; 1Jo 3:8; Re 12:10

Re 20:1-3

bruise. or, tread.

Job 40:12; Isa 63:3; Zec 10:5; Mal 4:3; Lu 10:19

The grace.

24; 1Co 16:2-4; 2Co 13:14; Ga 6:18; Php 4:23; 1Th 5:28; 2Th 3:18

2Ti 4:22; Phm 1:25; Re 22:21

Romans 16:24

20; 1Th 5:28

2 Corinthians 13:14

The grace.

Nu 6:23-27; Mt 28:19; Joh 1:16,17; Ro 1:7; 16:20,24; 1Co 16:23

Re 1:4,5

the love.

Ro 5:5; 8:39; Eph 6:23; 1Jo 3:16; Jude 1:21

the communion.

Joh 4:10,14; 7:38; 14:15-17; Ro 8:9,14-17; 1Co 3:16; 6:19; 12:13

Ga 5:22; Eph 2:18,22; 5:9; Php 2:1; 1Jo 1:3; 3:24


Mt 6:13; 28:20; Ro 16:20,27; 1Co 14:16 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS. The most remarkable circumstance in this Epistle, observes Mr. Scott, is the confidence of the Apostle in the goodness of his cause, and in the power of God to bear him out in it. Opposed as he then was by a powerful and sagacious party, whose authority, reputation, and interest were deeply concerned, and who were ready to seize on every thing that could discredit him, it is wonderful to hear him so firmly insist upon his apostolical authority, and so unreservedly appeal to the miraculous power which he has exercised and conferred at Corinth. So far from shrinking from the contest, as afraid of some discovery being made, unfavourable to him and the common cause, he, with great modesty and meekness indeed, but with equal boldness and decision, expressly declares that his opposers and despisers were the ministers of Satan, and menaces them with miraculous judgments, when as many of their deluded hearers had been brought to repentance and re-established in the faith, as proper means could in a reasonable time effect. It is inconceivable that a stronger internal testimony, not only of integrity, but of divine inspiration, can exist. Had there been any thing of imposture among the Christians, it was next to impossible but such a conduct must have occasioned a disclosure of it. Of the effects produced by this latter epistle we have no circumstantial account; for the journey which St. Paul took to Corinth, after he had written it, is mentioned by St. Luke only in a few words, (Ac 20:2, 3.) We know, however, that St. Paul was there after he had written this Epistle; that the contributions for the poor brethren at Jerusalem were brought to him from different parts to that city (Ro 15:26;) and that, after remaining there several months, he sent salutations from some of the principal members of that church, by whom he must have been greatly respected, to the church of Rome (Ro 16:22, 23.) From this time we hear no more of the false teacher and his party; and when Clement of Rome wrote his epistle to the Corinthians, St. Paul was considered by them as a divine apostle, to whose authority he might appeal without fear of contradiction. The false teacher, therefore, must either have been silenced by St. Paul, by virtue of his apostolical powers, and by an act of severity which he had threatened, (2 Co 13:2, 3;) or this adversary of the apostle had, at that time, voluntarily quitted the place. Whichever was the cause, the effect produced must operate as a confirmation of our faith, and as a proof of St. Paul's divine mission.

1 Timothy 6:21


10; 1:6,19; 2Ti 2:18; Heb 10:1-12:29


Ro 1:7; 16:20,24; 2Ti 4:22; Tit 3:15; Heb 13:25


Mt 6:13 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE FIRST EPISTLE TO TIMOTHY. This Epistle bears the impress of its genuineness and authenticity, which are corroborated by the most decisive external evidence; and its Divine inspiration is attested by the exact accomplishment of the prediction which it contains respecting the apostasy in the latter days. This prophecy is similar in the general subject to that in the second Epistle to the Thessalonians, though it differs in the particular circumstances; and exactly corresponds with that of the prophet Daniel on the same subject, (Da 11:38.) This important prediction might be more correctly rendered, "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall apostatize from the faith, giving heed to erroneous spirits, and doctrines concerning demons, through the hypocrisy of liars, having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats," etc. How applicable these particulars are to the corruptions of the Church of Rome need scarcely be insisted on. The worship of saints in that church is essentially the same with the worship of demons among the heathen; which has been established in the world by books forged in the name of the Apostles and saints, by lying legends of their lives, by false miracles ascribed to their relics, and by fabulous dreams and relations; while celibacy was enjoined and practised under pretence of chastity, and abstinence under pretence of devotion. None but the SPIRIT OF GOD could foresee and foretell these remarkable events.

2 Timothy 4:22

The Lord.

Mt 28:20; Ro 16:20; 2Co 13:14; Ga 6:18; Phm 1:25


Ro 1:7; 1Co 16:23; Eph 6:24; Col 4:18; 1Ti 6:21; 1Pe 5:14; Re 22:21

Hebrews 13:25

Ro 1:7; 16:20,24; Eph 6:24; 2Ti 4:22; Tit 3:15; Re 22:21
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