Romans 5:11

but we.

2:17; 3:29,30; 1Sa 2:1; Ps 32:11; 33:1; 43:4; 104:34; 149:2; Isa 61:10

Hab 3:17,18; Lu 1:46; Ga 4:9; 5:22; Php 3:1,3; 4:4; 1Pe 1:8

by whom.

Joh 1:12; 6:50-58; 1Co 10:16; Col 2:6

atonement. or, reconciliation.

10; 2Co 5:18,19

Romans 6:5-11


8-12; Eph 2:5,6; Php 3:10,11


Ps 92:13; Isa 5:2; Jer 2:21; Mt 15:13; Joh 12:24; 15:1-8

that our.

Ga 2:20; 5:24; 6:14; Eph 4:22; Col 3:5,9,10

that the.

7:24; 8:3,13; Col 2:11,12

that henceforth.

12,22; 7:25; 8:4; 2Ki 5:17; Isa 26:13; Joh 8:34-36

For he.

2,8; 7:2,4; Col 3:1-3; 1Pe 4:1

freed. or, justified.



3-5; 2Ti 2:11,12

we believe.

Joh 14:19; 2Co 4:10-14; 13:4; Col 3:3,4; 1Th 4:14-17


Ps 16:9-11; Ac 2:24-28; Heb 7:16,25; 10:12,13; Re 1:18


14; 5:14; Heb 2:14,15

he died unto.

8:3; 2Co 5:21; Heb 9:26-28; 1Pe 3:18

he liveth unto.

11; 14:7-9; Lu 20:38; 2Co 5:15; 1Pe 4:6



be dead.



13; 1Co 6:20; Ga 2:19,20; Col 3:3-5


23; 5:1; 16:27; Joh 20:31; Eph 2:7; Php 1:11; 4:7; Col 3:17; 1Pe 2:5

1Pe 4:11

Romans 7:4

ye also.

6; 6:14; 8:2; Ga 2:19,20; 3:13; 5:18; Eph 2:15; Col 2:14,20

the body.

Mt 26:26; Joh 6:51; 1Co 10:16; Heb 10:10; 1Pe 2:24

that ye.

Ps 45:10-15; Isa 54:5; 62:5; Ho 2:19,20; Joh 3:29; 2Co 11:2

Eph 5:23-27; Re 19:7; 21:9

that we.

6:22; Ps 45:16; Joh 15:8; Ga 5:22,23; Php 1:11; 4:17; Col 1:6,10

Galatians 2:19


3:10,24; Ro 3:19,20; 4:15; 5:20; 7:7-11,14,22,23; 8:2; 10:4,5


Ro 6:2,11,14; 7:4,6,9; Col 2:20; 3:3; 1Pe 2:24


20; Ro 14:7,8; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 5:15; 1Th 5:10; Tit 2:14; Heb 9:14

1Pe 4:1,2,6

Galatians 6:14


Ro 3:4-6; Php 3:3,7,8

that I.

2Ki 14:9-11; Job 31:24,25; Ps 49:6; 52:1; Jer 9:23,24; Eze 28:2

Da 4:30,31; 5:20,21; 1Co 1:29-31; 3:21; 2Co 11:12; 12:10,11


Isa 45:24,25; Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:23; 2:2; Php 3:3; *Gr:

Php 3:7-11

by whom. or, whereby. the world.

1:4; 2:20; 5:24; Ac 20:23,24; Ro 6:6; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 5:14-16

Php 1:20,21; 3:8,9; Col 3:1-3; 1Jo 2:15-17; 5:4,5

Colossians 3:3


2:20; Ro 6:2; Ga 2:20


4; 1:5; Joh 3:16; 4:14; 5:21,24,40; 6:39,40; 10:28-30; 14:19

Ro 5:10,21; 8:2,34-39; 1Co 15:45; 2Co 5:7; Heb 7:25; 1Pe 1:3-5


2:3; Mt 11:25; 1Co 2:14; Php 4:7; 1Pe 3:4; 1Jo 3:2; Re 2:17

1 Peter 2:24

his own self.

Ex 28:38; Le 16:22; 22:9; Nu 18:22; Ps 38:4; Isa 53:4-6,11; Mt 8:17

Joh 1:29; Heb 9:28

on. or, to. the tree.

De 21:22,23; Ac 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Ga 3:13


4:1,2; Ro 6:2,7,11; 7:6; *marg:

Col 2:20; 3:3; *Gr:

2Co 6:17; Heb 7:26


Mt 5:20; Lu 1:74,75; Ac 10:35; Ro 6:11,16,22; Eph 5:9; Php 1:11

1Jo 2:29; 3:7


Isa 53:5,6; Mt 27:26; Mr 15:15; Joh 19:1


Ps 147:3; Mal 4:2; Lu 4:18; Re 22:2
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