Song of Solomon 4:9

ravished. or, taken away, etc. my sister.

10,12; 5:1,2; Ge 20:12; Mt 12:50; 1Co 9:5; Heb 2:11-14

my spouse.

3:11; Ps 45:9; Isa 54:5; 62:5; Eze 16:8; Ho 2:19,20; Joh 3:29

2Co 11:2; Re 19:7,8; 21:2,9,10

thou hast.

6:12; 7:5,6,10; Pr 5:19,20; Zep 3:17

with one of.

1:15; 6:5

one chain.


Isaiah 3:16

the daughters.

1:8; 4:4; Mt 21:5; Lu 23:28

are haughty.

24:4; 32:9-11; Pr 16:18; 30:13; Eze 16:49,50; Zep 3:11

wanton eyes. Heb. deceiving with their eyes.Or, as {messakkaroth ainayim} is rendered in the Targum, "painting their eyes with stibium:" for {sakar} is probably the same as the Chaldee {sekar,} or that import.

mincing. or, tripping nicely. and making.The Eastern ladies wear on their ankles large rings to which smaller ones are attached, which make a tinkling sound as they move nimbly.
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