Titus 1:16


Nu 24:16; Isa 29:13; 48:1; 58:2; Eze 33:31; Ho 8:2,3; Ro 2:18-24

2Ti 3:5-8; Jude 1:4


Job 15:16; Re 21:8,27

and disobedient.

1Sa 15:22,24; Eph 5:6; 1Ti 1:9


Jer 6:30; Ro 1:28; 2Ti 3:8

reprobate. or, void of judgment.

Titus 2:14


Mt 20:28; Joh 6:51; 10:15; Ga 1:4; 2:20; 3:13; Eph 5:2,23-27

1Ti 1:15; 2:6; Heb 9:14; 1Pe 3:18; Re 1:5; 5:9


Ge 48:16; Ps 130:8; Eze 36:25; Mt 1:21; Ro 11:26,27


Mal 3:3; Mt 3:12; Ac 15:9; Heb 9:14; Jas 4:8; 1Pe 1:22; 1Jo 3:2


Ac 15:14; Ro 14:7,8; 2Co 5:14,15


Ex 15:16; 19:5,6; De 7:6; 14:2; 26:18; Ps 135:4; 1Pe 2:9


7; 3:8; Nu 25:13; Ac 9:36; Eph 2:10; 1Ti 2:10; 6:18; Heb 10:24

1Pe 2:12

Titus 3:1

1 Titus is yet further directed by Paul, both concerning the things that he should teach and not teach.

10 He is to reject obstinate heretics.

12 He appoints him time and place wherein he should come unto him.


Isa 43:26; 1Ti 4:6; 2Ti 1:6; 2Pe 1:12; 3:1,2; Jude 1:5

to be subject.

De 17:12; Pr 24:21; Ec 8:2-5; 10:4; Jer 27:17; Mt 22:21; 23:2,3

Ro 13:1-7; 1Ti 2:2; 1Pe 2:13-17

to be ready.

8,14; 2:14; 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9,10; Eph 2:10; Php 1:11; Col 1:10

1Ti 5:10; 2Ti 2:21; Heb 13:21

Titus 3:8

a faithful.

1:9; 1Ti 1:15

that thou.

Pr 21:28; Ac 12:15; 2Co 4:13


Ps 78:22; Joh 5:24; 12:44; Ro 4:5; 1Pe 1:21; 1Jo 5:10-13


1,14; 2:14


Job 22:2; 35:7,8; Ps 16:2,3; 2Co 9:12-15; Phm 1:11

Titus 3:14



maintain good works. or, profess honest trades.

Ac 18:3; 20:35; *Gr:

Eph 4:28; 1Th 2:9; 2Th 3:8


Isa 61:3; Mt 7:19; 21:19; Lu 13:6-9; Joh 15:8,16; Ro 15:28; Php 1:11

Php 4:17; Col 1:10; Heb 6:6-12; 2Pe 1:8

Hebrews 13:21


12:23; De 32:4; Ps 138:8; Joh 17:23; Eph 3:16-19; Col 1:9-12; 4:12

1Th 3:13; 5:23; 2Th 2:17; 1Pe 5:10


2Co 9:8; Eph 2:10; Php 1:11; 2Th 2:17; 1Ti 5:10

to do.

10:36; Mt 7:21; 12:50; 21:31; Joh 7:17; Ro 12:2; 1Th 4:3; 1Pe 4:2

1Jo 2:17

working. or, doing.

Php 2:13

well pleasing.

16; Ro 12:1; 14:17,18; Php 4:18; Col 3:20; 1Jo 3:22


Joh 16:23,24; Eph 2:18; Php 1:11; 4:13; Col 3:17; 1Pe 2:5

to whom.

Ps 72:18,19; Ro 16:27; Ga 1:5; Php 2:11; 1Ti 1:17; 6:16; 2Ti 4:18

1Pe 5:11; 2Pe 3:18; Jude 1:25; Re 4:6; 5:9,13


Mt 6:13; 28:20

1 Peter 2:12

your conversation.

3:2; Ps 37:14; 50:23; 2Co 1:12; Eph 2:3; 4:22; Php 1:27; 1Ti 4:12

Heb 13:5; Jas 3:13; 2Pe 3:11


Ro 12:17; 13:13; 2Co 8:21; 13:7; Php 4:8; 1Th 4:12; 1Ti 2:2

Heb 13:18


Ge 13:7,8; Php 2:15,16


3:1,16; 4:14-16; Mt 5:11; 10:25; Lu 6:22; Ac 24:5,6,13; 25:7

whereas. or, wherein. they may.

Mt 5:16; Tit 2:7,8


4:11; Ps 50:23; Ro 15:9; 1Co 14:25

the day.

Lu 1:68; 19:44; Ac 15:14
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