Zechariah 11:12-13

ye think good. Heb. it be good in your eyes.

1Ki 21:2; 2Ch 30:4; *margins


Mt 26:15; Joh 13:2,27-30


Ge 37:28; Ex 21:32; Mt 26:15; Mr 14:10,11; Lu 22:3-6


Isa 54:7-10; Mt 27:3-10,12; Ac 1:18,19

a goodly.

Isa 53:2,3; Ac 4:11

Matthew 26:15-16


Ge 38:16; Jud 16:5; 17:10; 18:19,20; Isa 56:11; 1Ti 3:3; 6:9,10

2Pe 2:3,14,15

thirty.Probably shekels or staters, as some read, which, reckoning the shekels at 3s., with Prideaux, would amount to about 4£ 10s., the price for the meanest slave! (See Ex 21:32)

27:3-5; Ge 37:26-28; Zec 11:12,13; Ac 1:18


Mr 14:11; Lu 22:6

Matthew 27:3-5


26:14-16,47-50; Mr 14:10,11,43-46; Lu 22:2-6,47,48; Joh 13:2,27

Joh 18:3


Job 20:5,15-29; 2Co 7:10

I have sinned.

Ge 42:21,22; Ex 9:27; 10:16,17; 12:31; 1Sa 15:24,30; 1Ki 21:27

Ro 3:19

the innocent.

19,23,24,54; 2Ki 24:4; Jer 26:15; Jon 1:14; Lu 23:22,41,47

Joh 19:7; Ac 13:28; Heb 7:26; 1Pe 1:19


25; Ac 18:15-17; 1Ti 4:2; Tit 1:16; 1Jo 3:12; Re 11:10


1Sa 28:16-20; Job 13:4; 16:2; Lu 16:25,26

and departed.

Jud 9:54; 1Sa 31:4,5; 2Sa 17:23; 1Ki 16:18; Job 2:9; 7:15; Ps 55:23

Ac 1:18,19

Acts 1:18


Mt 27:3-10


Nu 22:7,17; Jos 7:21-26; 2Ki 5:20-27; Job 20:12-15; Mt 25:15

2Pe 2:15,16

and falling.

Ps 55:15,23; Mt 27:5

Acts 8:20


1:18; De 7:26; Jos 7:24,25; 2Ki 5:26,27; Da 5:17; Hab 2:9,10

Zec 5:4; Mt 27:3-5; 1Ti 6:9; Jas 5:3; 2Pe 2:14-17; Re 18:15


22; De 15:9; 2Ki 5:15,16; Pr 15:26; Mt 15:19

the gift.

2:38; 10:45; 11:17; Mt 10:8

1 Timothy 6:9-10


Ge 13:10-13; Nu 22:17-19; Jos 7:11; 2Ki 5:20-27; Pr 15:27; 20:21

Pr 21:6; 22:16; 28:20-22; Isa 5:8; Ho 12:7,8; Am 8:4-6; Zec 11:5

Mt 13:22; 19:22; 26:15; Jas 5:1-4; 2Pe 2:15,16; Jude 1:11


3:7; De 7:25; Ps 11:6; Pr 1:17-19; Lu 21:35; 2Ti 2:26


Mr 4:19; Eph 4:22; 1Jo 2:15-17


1:9; Nu 31:8; Jos 7:24-26; Mt 27:3-5; Ac 5:4,5; 8:20; 2Pe 2:3

the love.

Ge 34:23,24; 38:16; Ex 23:7,8; De 16:19; 23:4,5,18; Jud 17:10,11

Jud 18:19,20,29-31; 2Sa 4:10,11; Pr 1:19; Isa 1:23; 56:11; Jer 5:27

Jer 5:28; Eze 13:19; 16:33; 22:12; Mic 3:11; 7:3,4; Mal 1:10

Mt 23:14; Ac 1:16-19; Tit 1:11; Re 18:13


21; 2Ti 4:10; Jude 1:11; Re 2:14,15

erred. or, been seduced. and pierced.

Ge 29:14,26,31-35; 2Ki 5:27; Ps 32:10; Pr 1:31; 2Pe 2:7,8
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