‏ Genesis 50

1And Ioseph fell apon his fathers face and wepte apon him and kyssed him. 2And Ioseph commaunded his seruauntes that were Phisicions to embawme his father and the Phisicios ebawmed Israel 3.xl. dayes loge for so loge doth ye embawminge last and the Egiptians bewepte him .lxx. dayes. 4And when the dayes of wepynge were ended Ioseph spake vnto ye house of Pharao saynge: Yf I haue founde fauoure in youre eyes speake vnto Pharao and tell him how that 5my father made me swere and sayde: loo Ioye se that thou burye me in my graue which I haue made me in the lande of Canaan. Now therfore let me goo and burye my father ad tha will I come agayne. 6And Pharao sayde goo and burye thy father acordynge as he made the swere. 7And Ioseph went vp to burie his father and with him went all the seruauntes of Pharao that were the elders of his house ad all ye elders of Egipte 8and all the house of Ioseph ad his brethern and his fathers house: only their childern and their shepe and their catell lefte they behinde them in the lande of Gosan. 9And there went with him also Charettes and horsemen: so that they were an exceadynge great companye. 10And when they came to ye feld of Atad beyonde Iordane there they made great and exceadinge sore lamentacio. And he morned for his father .vij. dayes. 11When the enhabiters of the lande the Cananytes sawe the moornynge in ye felde of Atad they saide: this is a greate moornynge which the Egiptians make. Wherfore ye name of the place is called Abel mizraim which place lyeth beyonde Iordane. 12And his sonnes dyd vnto him acordynge as he had commaunded them. 13And his sonnes caried him in to the land of Canaan and buryed him in the double caue which Abraha had boughte with the felde to be a place to burye in of Ephron the Hethite before Mamre. 14And Ioseph returned to Egipte agayne and his brethern and all that went vp with him to burye his father assone as he had buryed him. 15Whe Iosephs brethern sawe that their father was deade they sayde: Ioseph myghte fortune to hate us and rewarde us agayne all the euell which we dyd vnto him. 16They dyd therfore a commaundment vnto Ioseph saynge: thy father charged before his deth saynge. 17This wise say vnto Ioseph forgeue I praye the the trespace of thy brethern and their synne for they rewarded the euell. Now therfore we praye the forgeue the trespace of the servuantes of thy fathers God. And Ioseph wepte when they spake vnto him. 18And his brethern came ad fell before him and sayde: beholde we be thy servauntes. 19And Ioseph sayde vnto them: feare not for am not I vnder god? 20Ye thoughte euell vnto me: but God turned it vnto good to bringe to passe as it is this daye euen to saue moch people a lyue 21feare not therfore for I will care for you and for youre childern and he spake kyndly vnto them. 22Ioseph dwelt in Egipte and his fathers house also ad lyved an hundred and .x. yere. 23And Ioseph sawe Ephraims childern eue vnto the thyrde generation. And vnto Machir the sonne of Manasses were childern borne and satt on Iosephs knees. 24And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethern: I die And God will suerlie vysett you and bringe you out of this lande vnto the lande which he sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob. 25And Ioseph toke an ooth of the childern of Israel ad sayde: God will not fayle but vysett you se therfore that ye carye my boones hence. 26And so Ioseph dyed when he was an hundred and .x. yere olde. And they enbawmed him and put him in a chest in Egipte.
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