‏ Acts 4

1As they spake vnto the people the prestes and the rular of the teple and the Saduces came vpon them 2takynge it grevously that they taught ye pople and preached in Iesus the resurreccion fro deeth. 3And they layde hondes on them and put them in holde vntill the nexte daye: for it was now even tyde. 4How be it many of them which hearde the wordes beleved and the noumbre of the men was aboute fyve thousande. 5And it chaunsed on the morowe that their rulars and elders and Scribes 6as Annas the chefe Prest and Cayphas and Iohn and Alexander and as many as were of ye kynred of the hye prestes gadered to geder at Ierusalem 7and set the other before them and axed: by what power or what name have ye done this syrs? 8Then Peter full of ye holy goost sayd vnto them: ye rulars of the people and elders of Israel 9yf we this daye are examined of the good dede done to the sycke man by what meanes he is made whoale: 10be yt knowen vnto you all and to the people of Israel that in the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye crucified and whom God raysed agayne from deeth: even by him doth this man stonde here present before you whoale. 11This is ye stone cast a syde of you bylders which is set in the chefe place of the corner. 12Nether is ther salvacio in eny other. Nor yet also is ther eny other name geven to men wherin we must be saved. 13When they sawe the boldnes of Peter and Iohn and vnderstode that they were vnlerned men and laye people they marveyled and they knew them that they were with Iesu: 14and beholdinge also the ma which was healed stondinge with the they coulde not saye agaynst it. 15But they comaunded them to go a syde out of the counsell and counceled amoge them selves 16sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest signe is done by the and is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem and we canot denye it. 17But that it be noysed no farther amoge the people let us threaten and charge them that they speake hence forth to no man in this name. 18And they called them and comaunded them that in no wyse they shuld speake or teache in the name of Iesu. 19But Peter and Iohn answered vnto them and sayde: whether it be right in the syght of God to obeye you moare then God iudge ye. 20For we canot but speake that which we have sene and hearde. 21So threatened they them and let them goo and founde no thinge how to punysshe them because of the people. For all me lauded God for the myracle which was done: 22for the man was above fourty yeare olde on whom this myracle of healinge was shewed. 23Assone as they were let goo they came to their felowes and shewed all that the hye prestes and elders had sayde to them. 24And when they hearde that they lyfte vp their voyces to God with one accorde and sayde: Lorde thou arte God which hast made heaven and erth the see and all that in them is 25which by the mouth of thy servaunt David hast sayd: Why dyd the hethen rage and the people immagen vayne thinges. 26The kynges of the erth stode vp and the rulars came to gedder agaynst the Lorde and agaynst his Christ. 27For of a trueth agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus whom thou hast annoynted bothe Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Gentils and the people of Israel gaddered them selves to gedder 28for to do whatsoever thy honde and thy counsell determined before to be done. 29And now Lorde beholde their threatenynges and graunte vnto thy servauntes with all confidence to speake thy worde. 30So that thou stretche forth thy honde that healynge and signes and wonders be done by the name of thy holy chylde Iesus. 31And assone as they had prayed the place moved wheare they were assembled to gedder and they were all filled with the holy goost and they spake the worde of God boldely. 32And the multitude of them that beleved were of one hert and of one soule. Also none of them sayde that eny of the thinges which he possessed was his awne: but had all thinges commen. 33And with greate power gave the Apostles witnes of the resurreccion of the Lorde Iesu. And greate grace was with them all. 34Nether was ther eny amonge them that lacked. For as many as were possessers of londes or housses solde them and brought the pryce of the thinges that were solde 35and layed yt doune at the Apostles fete. And distribucion was made vnto every man accordinge as he had nede. 36And Ioses which was also called of the Apostles Barnabas (that is to saye the sonne of consolacion) beynge a Levite and of the countre of Cipers 37had londe and solde it. and layde the pryce doune at the Apostles fete.
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