‏ Genesis 32

1But Iacob went forth on his iourney. And the angells of God came and mett him. 2And when Iacob sawe them he sayde: this is godes hoost: and called the name of that same place Mahanaim. 3Iacob sente meessengers before him to Esau his brother vnto the lande of Seir and the felde of Edom. 4And he comaunded them saynge: se that ye speake after this maner to my lorde Esau: thy seruaunte Iacob sayth thus. I haue sogerned ad bene a straunger with Laban vnto this tyme: 5and haue gotten oxen asses and shepe menservauntes and wemanseruauntes and haue sent to shewe it mi lorde that I may fynde grace in thy syghte. 6And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sainge: we came vnto thi brother Esau and he cometh ageynst the and .iiij. hundred men with hi. 7Than was Iacob greatlye afrayde and wist not which waye to turne him selfe and devyded the people that was with him and the shepe oxen and camels in to .ij. companies 8and sayde: Yf Esau come to the one parte and smyte it the other may saue it selfe. 9And Iacob sayde: O god of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac: LORde which saydest vnto me returne vnto thy cuntre and to thy kynrede and I will deall wel with the. 10I am not worthy of the leaste of all the mercyes and treuth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunte. For with my staf came I over this Iordane and now haue Igoten .ij. droves 11Delyver me from the handes of my brother Esau for I feare him: lest he will come and smyte the mother with the childeru. 12Thou saydest that thou woldest surely do me good and woldest make mi seed as the sonde of the see which can not be nombred for multitude. 13And he taried there that same nyghte and toke of that which came to hande a preasent vnto Esau his brother: 14ij hundred she gootes ad xx he gootes: ij hundred shepe and xx rammes: 15thyrtye mylch camels with their coltes: xl kyne ad x bulles: xx she asses ad foles 16and delyuered them vnto his seruauntes euery drooue by them selues ad sayde vnto them: goo forth before me and put a space betwyxte euery drooue. 17And he comaunded the formest sayngeWhe Esau my brother meteth the ad axeth the saynge: whose seruaute art thou and whither goost thou and whose ar these that goo before ye: 18thou shalt say they be thy seruaunte Iacobs and are a present sent vnto my lorde Esau and beholde he him selfe cometh after vs. 19And so comaunded he the seconde ad euen so the thirde and lykewyse all that folowed the drooues sainge of this maner se that ye speake vnto Esau whe ye mete him 20ad saye more ouer. Beholde thy seruaunte Iacob cometh after vs for he sayde. I will pease his wrath with the present yt goth before me and afterward I will see him myself so peradventure he will receaue me to grace. 21So went the preset before him ad he taried all that nyghte in the tente 22ad rose vp the same nyghte ad toke his .ij. wyves and his .ij. maydens and his .xi. sonnes and went ouer the foorde Iabok. 23And he toke them ad sent the ouer the ryuer ad sent ouer that he had 24ad taried behinde him selfe alone.And there wrastled a man with him vnto the breakynge of the daye. 25And when he sawe that he coude not prevayle agaynst him he smote hi vnder the thye and the senowe of Iacobs thy shranke as he wrastled with him. 26And he sayde: let me goo for the daye breaketh. And he sayde: I will not lett the goo excepte thou blesse me. 27And he sayde vnto him: what is thy name? He answered: Iacob. 28And he sayde: thou shalt be called Iacob nomore but Israell. For thou hast wrastled with God and with men ad hast preuayled. 29And Iacob asked him sainge tell me thi name. And he sayde wherfore dost thou aske after my name? and he blessed him there. 30And Iacob called the name of the place Peniel for I haue sene God face to face and yet is my lyfe reserved. 31And as he went ouer Peniel the sonne rose vpon him and he halted vpon his thye: 32wherfore the childern of Israell eate not of the senow that shrancke vnder the thye vnto this daye: because that he smote Iacob vnder the thye in the senow that shroncke.
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