‏ 1 John 5


Love God

1Every one believing that Jesus is the Christ, [2by 3God 1is engendered]; and every one loving the one engendering, loves also the one being engendered by him. 2By this we know that we love the children of God, whenever we love God, and [2his commandments 1should keep]. 3For this is the love of God, that the commandments of his we should keep; and his commandments [2heavy 1are not]. 4For every one being engendered by God overcomes the world; and this is the victory in the overcoming the world -- the belief of ours. 5Who is the one overcoming the world, unless it be the one believing that Jesus is the son of God? 6This is the one coming by water and blood -- Jesus the Christ; not by the water only, but by the water and the blood; and the spirit is the one witnessing, for the spirit is the truth. 7For three are the ones bearing witness in the heaven -- the father, and the word and the holy spirit; and the three in one are. And three are the ones witnessing upon the earth – 8the spirit, and the water, and the blood; and the three [2in 3the 4one 1are]. 9If the witness of the men we receive, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which he has witnessed concerning his son. 10The one believing in the son of God, he has the witness in himself; the one not believing in God, [3a liar 1has made 2him], for he has not believed in the witness which [2has witnessed 1God] concerning his son. 11And this is the witness -- that [5life 4eternal 2gave 3to us 1God], and this life [2in 3his son 1is]. 12The one having the son, has the life; the one not having the son of God, [3life 1does not 2have]. 13These things I wrote to you, to the ones believing in the name of the son of God; that you should know that [3life 2eternal 1you have], and that you should believe in the name of the son of God.

Asking in Confidence

14And this is the confidence which we have with him, that if anything we should ask according to his will, he hears us. 15And if we know that he hears us, what ever we should ask, we know that we have the requests which we ask from him. 16If anyone should see his brother sinning a sin not to death, he shall ask, and he shall give to him life, to the ones not sinning to death. There is sin to death; not concerning that do I say that he should ask. 17Every unrighteousness is sin; and there is sin not to death. 18We know that every one being engendered of God does not sin; but the one engendered of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him. 19We know that [2of 3God 1we are], and the [2world 1whole 4to 5the 6evil one 3is situated]. 20And we know that the son of God has come, and has given to us thought that we should know the one true; and we are in the one true, in his son Jesus Christ. This one is the true God, and the life eternal. 21Sons, guard yourselves from the idols! Amen.
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