‏ 1 Kings 8


Solomon Holds an Assembly

1Then [3held an assembly 1king 2Solomon] of all the elders of Israel, and all rulers of tribes, leaders of the families of the sons of Israel, for king Solomon in Jerusalem to bear the ark of the covenant of the lord from out of the city of David -- this is Zion, 2in the month Athanim during its holiday, this is [2month 1the seventh]. And [5came 1all 2the 3elders 4of Israel]. 3And [3lifted 1the 2priests] the ark, 4and the tent of the testimony, and all the [2items 1holy], the ones for the tent of the testimony. 5And the king and all the people of Israel were before the ark sacrificing oxen and sheep -- innumerable. 6And [3carried 1the 2priests] the ark of the covenant of the lord unto its place, into the dabir of the house, into the holy of holies, under the wings of the cherubim. 7For the cherubim were being opened and spread out in the wings over the place of the ark. And [3covered all 1the 2cherubim] over the ark, and over its holy things from above. 8And [3projected 1the 2sanctified staves], and [5looked out 1the 2heads 3of the 4sanctified staves] from the holies unto the front of the dabir. And they were not seen outside, and they were there until this day. 9There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets of stone, tablets of the covenant, which [2put 3there 1Moses] in Horeb, which the lord ordained with the sons of Israel in their going forth from out of the land of Egypt.

God's Glory Fills the House

10And it happened as [3came forth 1the 2priests] from out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house. 11And [3were not 4able 1the 2priests] to stand to officiate in front of the cloud, for [3filled 1the glory 2of the lord] the house of the lord. 12Then Solomon said, The lord spoke of encamping in dimness. 13And I built a house to your name, holy to you, and readied, and to your chair [2to encamp 1for you] in it into the eons. 14And [3turned 1the 2king] his face, and blessed all Israel. And all the assembly of Israel stood. 15And he said, Blessed be the lord God of Israel, who spoke by his mouth concerning David my father, and by his hands fulfilled, saying, 16From which day I led out my people Israel from Egypt, I have not chosen a city in one chiefdom of Israel to build a house [3to be 2name 1for my] there. But I chose in David to be the one leading over my people Israel. 17And it was upon the heart of David my father to build a house to the name of the lord God of Israel. 18And the lord said to David my father, That it was upon your heart to construct a house to my name [2well 1you did], for it was upon your heart. 19Except you shall not build the house, but your son, the one coming forth from out of your sides, this one shall build the house to my name. 20And the lord raised up his word which he spoke. And I am risen up instead of David my father, and I sat down upon the throne of Israel, as the lord spoke. And I built the house to the name of the lord God of Israel. 21And I established there a place for the ark, in which is there the covenant of the lord, which the lord ordained with our fathers, in his leading them from out of the land of Egypt.

Solomon's Prayer

22And Solomon stood in front of the altar of the lord before all the assembly of Israel. And he opened and spread out his hands into the heaven. 23And he said, O lord God of Israel, there is no [2as 3you 1God] in the heaven upward and upon the earth below, guarding covenant and mercy with your servant, to the one going before you with [2entire 3heart 1his]; 24which you kept with your servant David, my father, which you have spoken by your mouth; and by your hands you fulfilled as even this day. 25And now, O lord God of Israel, keep with your servant David, my father, that which you spoke to him! saying, There shall not be lifted away from you a man from my face sitting upon the throne of Israel, except that [2shall guard 1your sons] their ways to go before me, as you went before me. 26And now, O lord God of Israel, trustworthy indeed is your word to David my father. 27But shall truly God dwell with men upon the earth? Shall the heaven and the heavens of the heavens be sufficient for you? How then also this house which I built to your name? 28And should you look also upon my prayer, upon my supplication, O lord God of Israel, to hear the supplication and the prayer which your servant prays before you, to you today. 29For [2to be 1your eyes] open towards this house day and night, to this place which you said, [2shall be 1My name] there. To listen to the prayer which [2prays 1your servant] in this place. 30Then you shall hearken to the supplication of your servant, and of your people Israel, as many things as they should pray in this place. And you should hear in [2place 1your dwelling] in heaven, and you shall do; and you shall be propitious, 31as many things as [2should sin 1a man] against his neighbor. And if he should take upon himself an oath to curse him, and he should come and should declare openly in front of your altar in this house; 32then you shall listen from the heaven, and shall act, and shall judge your people Israel -- to act as lawless with the lawless, to impute his way upon his head; and to do justice with the just, to impute to him according to his righteousness. 33And in the failing of your people Israel before their enemies -- because they shall sin against you, and shall return and shall acknowledge your name, and shall pray and beseech in this house; 34then you shall hearken from the heaven, and shall be propitious to the sins of your people Israel, and shall turn towards them in the land which you gave to their fathers. 35And in the holding together the heaven and there not being rain because they shall sin against you, and if they shall pray in this place, and shall acknowledge your name, and [2from 3their sins 1shall turn], whenever you should humble them; 36then you shall listen from the heaven, and shall be propitious to the sins of your servant, and your people Israel, for you shall manifest to them the [2way 1good] to go by it; and you shall give rain upon your land, which you gave to your people for an inheritance. 37And if famine happens, if plague happens, when there will be a combustion, or the grasshopper, if blight happens, and if [2shall afflict 3him 1his enemy] in one of their cities, every event, every misery, 38every prayer, every supplication, if it should happen to any man, whenever [2should know 1each one] the infection of his heart, and should open and spread out his hands in this house, 39then you shall hearken from the heaven, from out of [2prepared 3home 1your], and you will be propitious, and you will act, and you will impute to a man according to all his ways, as you know his heart; for you alone know the heart of all of the sons of men; 40so that they should fear you all the days which they live upon the earth which you gave to our fathers. 41And to the alien who is not from your people -- this Israel, that shall come from a land far off on account of your name, 42for they shall hear [3name 1your 2great], and [3hand 1your 2strong], and [3arm 1your 2high], and shall come and pray to this place; 43then you shall listen from the heaven, from [2prepared 3home 1your], and you shall act according to all what [3should call upon 4you 1the 2alien], so that [6should know 1all 2the 3peoples 4of the 5land] your name, so that they should fear you, as your people Israel, and should know that your name has been called upon in this house, which I built. 44And if [2should go forth 1your people] to war against their enemies, in the way which you shall send them, and they shall pray in the name of the lord by way of the city which you chose in it, and the house which I built to your name; 45then you shall listen from the heaven to their supplication, and their prayer, and shall do justice to them. 46If it be that they shall sin against you, for there is no man who shall not sin, and if you should strike upon them, and should deliver them up before their enemies, and [3should take them captive 1the ones 2taking captive] into a land far or near; 47and they shall turn their hearts in the land which they were led away there, and they shall turn and beseech you in the land of their displacement, saying, We sinned, we acted lawlessly, we did wrong; 48and they shall turn to you with [2entire 3heart 1their], and with [2entire 3soul 1their] in the land of their enemies who led them away, and should pray to you by way of their land which you gave to their fathers, and of the city which you chose, and of the house of which I constructed to your name; 49then you shall listen from the heaven, from [2prepared 3home 1your], of their prayer and their supplication, and you shall do the just thing for them, 50and you shall be propitious to their iniquities which they sinned against you, and according to all their wickednesses which ever they disregarded. And you shall appoint them for compassions before the ones capturing them, and they shall pity them. 51For they are your people, and your inheritance, whom you led out of the land of Egypt, from out of the midst of the foundry furnace of iron. 52And let [4be 1your eyes 2and 3your ears] open to the supplication of your servant, and to the supplication of your people Israel! to hearken to them in all what ever they should call upon you. 53For you drew them apart unto yourself for an inheritance from out of all the peoples of the earth, as you spoke by the hand of your servant Moses, in your leading out our fathers from the land of Egypt, O Lord, O lord. 54And it came to pass as Solomon completed praying to the lord all the prayer, and this supplication, that he rose up in front of the altar of the lord, having kneeled upon his knees, and his hands being opened and spread out unto the heaven. 55And he stood, and blessed all the assembly of Israel [2voice 1with a great], saying, 56Blessed be the lord who gave today rest to his people Israel, according to all as many things as he spoke. Not [3perished 2word 1one] in all [3words 1of his 2good] which he spoke by the hand of Moses his servant. 57May [3be 1the lord 2our God] with us as he was with our fathers. May he not abandon us, nor turn from us; 58but to incline our heart to himself, to go in all his ways, and to guard all his commandments, and his orders, and his judgments, which he gave charge to our fathers. 59And let [2be 1these words] which I have beseeched before the lord our God today, approaching to the lord our God day and night, to do the right action for your servant, and the right action for your people Israel -- [2matter 1a days] in its day! 60How that [6should know 1all 2the 3peoples 4of the 5earth] that the lord God -- he is God, and is there no other. 61And let [2be 1our hearts] perfect to the lord our God! [2sacredly 1to go] by his orders, and to keep his commandments as this day. 62And the king, and all the sons of Israel sacrificed a sacrifice before the lord. 63And [3sacrificed 1king 2Solomon] the sacrifices of the peace offerings which he sacrificed to the lord -- [5oxen 1two 2and 3twenty 4thousand], and [5sheep 1a hundred 2and 3twenty 4thousand]. And [3dedicated 4the 5house 6of the lord 1the 2king], and with all the sons of Israel. 64In that day [3sanctified 1the 2king] the middle of the courtyard in front of the house of the lord; for he prepared there the whole burnt-offering, and the sacrifice offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings, because the altar of brass before the lord was small so as to not be able to receive the whole burnt-offering, and the gift offering, and the sacrifices of the peace offerings. 65And Solomon observed the holiday feast in that day, and Israel with him, [2assembly 1a great] from the entering of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before the lord our God seven days and seven days -- four and ten days. 66And on the [2day 1eighth] he sent out the people, and they blessed the king. And [2went forth 1each] unto his tent rejoicing, and with good heart over the good things which the lord did to David his servant, and to Israel his people.
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