‏ 1 Peter 3


Concerning Submission in Marriage

1In like manner the wives, being submitted to their own husbands; that even if any resist persuasion to the word, by the [2of the 3wives 1behavior 5without 6a word 4they shall be gained], 2having scrutinized [4in 5fear 2pure 3behavior 1your]. 3Whom let there not be the outward braiding of hair, and adornment of gold or clothing of garments of ornamentation! 4But let it be the hidden [2of the 3heart 1mankind], in the incorruptible ornament of the gentle and unassuming spirit, which is [2in the presence of 3of God 1lavish]. 5For thus at some time or other also the holy women, the ones hoping upon God, adorned themselves, being submitted to their own husbands; 6as Sarah obeyed to Abraham, [3lord 2him 1calling]; of whom you became children, doing good and not fearing with any terror. 7The husbands, in like manner, living with them according to knowledge, as being a weaker utensil in the feminine way, bestowing honor as also joint-heirs of favor of life, so as to not hinder your prayers. 8But the conclusion -- all be agreeing, sympathizing, having brotherly affection, compassionate, obliging, 9not rendering evil for evil, or reviling for reviling; but on the other hand, blessing, knowing that in this you were called, that [2a blessing 1you should inherit]. 10For the one wanting [2life 1to love], and to behold [2days 1good], let him cease his tongue from evil, and his lips to not speak deceit! 11Let him turn aside from evil, and let him do good! Let him seek peace, and pursue it! 12For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears towards their supplication. But the face of the Lord is against the ones doing evil.

Concerning Affliction

13And who is the one afflicting you, if [3of the 4good 2mimics 1you should become]? 14But if also you may suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you; but the fear of them you should not fear, nor should you be disturbed. 15[3the Lord 1But 4God 2sanctify] in your hearts, and be ready continually for a defense to all, to the one asking you a word concerning the [2in 3you 1hope], with gentleness and fear; 16[3conscience 1having 2a good], that in what they should speak ill of you as ones doing evil, [8should be put to shame 1the ones 2threatening 3your 4good 6in 7Christ 5behavior]. 17For it is better [7for doing good 1if 5wants you 2the 3will 4of God 6to suffer], than doing evil. 18For Christ also [2once 3for 4sins 1suffered], the just for the unjust, that he should lead us forward to God, having put to death indeed the flesh, but being restored to life to the spirit; 19in which also [3to the 5in 6prison 4spirits 1having gone 2he proclaimed], 20to the ones who disobeyed at some time or other, when once [4was accepted 1the 3of God 2long-suffering] in the days of Noah, carefully preparing the ark, in which few, that is to say, eight souls were preserved through water. 21Which [2also 5us 1antitype 3now 4delivers] -- immersion, not the flesh getting rid of filth, but [3conscience 2of a good 1the response] towards God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22who is at the right of God, being gone into heaven, [6being submitted 7to him 1with angels 2and 3authorities 4and 5powers].
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