‏ 1 Samuel 8


Samuel's Wicked Sons

1And it came to pass as Samuel grew old, that he placed his sons as magistrates in Israel. 2And these are the names of his sons. The first-born was Joel, and the name of the second Abiah, magistrates in Beer-sheba. 3And [2did not 3go 1his sons] in his way. And they turned aside after the contribution, and they took bribes, and turned aside ordinances.

Israel Asks for a King

4And [3gathered together 1the men 2of Israel], and they came to Samuel into Ramah. 5And they said to him, Behold, you grow old, and your sons do not go in your way. And now place over us a king to adjudicate for us as all the nations! 6And [3was 4wicked 1the 2matter] in the eyes of Samuel, as they said, Give to us a king to adjudicate for us! And Samuel prayed to the lord. 7And the lord said to Samuel, Hearken to the voice of the people! as whatever they should speak to you, for it is not you they treat with contempt, but only me they treat with contempt, to not reign over them. 8According to all the works which they did to me, from which day I led them from Egypt, and until this day; even as they abandoned me, and served other gods, so they do also to you. 9And now hearken to their voice! Only that in testifying you should testify to them, and you shall report to them the ordinance of the king, which shall reign over them. 10And Samuel spoke all the words of the lord to the people, of the ones asking of him for a king.

Ordinance Regarding Kings

11And he said, This will be the ordinance of the king, of the one reigning over you. Your sons he shall take and put them in his chariots and among his horsemen, and they shall run in front of his chariots. 12And he will appoint them for himself as commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, to plow his plowing, and to harvest his harvest, and to gather the vintage of his gathering the crops, and to make items for his warfare, and items for his chariots. 13And your daughters he will take for perfumers, and for cooks, and for baking. 14And your fields, and your vineyards, and [3olive groves 1your 2good] he will take and will give to his servants. 15And your seeds he will take a tenth, and of your vineyards, and he will give to his eunuchs, and to his servants. 16And your menservants, and your maidservants, and [3herds 1your 2good], and your donkeys he shall take; and he will take a tenth for his works. 17And [2of your flocks 1he will take a tenth]. And you will be to him for servants. 18And you shall yell in that day before the face of your king, of which you chose for yourselves; and [2will not heed 1the lord] you in those days. 19And [3willed not 1the 2people] to hearken to the voice of Samuel. And they said to him, Not so, but let it be that a king will be over us. 20And [3will be 2also 1we] as all the nations. And [3shall adjudicate 4for us 2king 1our], and he shall go forth in front of us, and he will wage our war. 21And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he spoke them into the ears of the lord. 22And the lord said to Samuel, Hearken to their voice, and let [2reign 3unto them 1a king]! And Samuel said to the men of Israel, Let [2run 1each man] to his city!
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