‏ 1 Thessalonians 5


The Day of The Lord

1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, [2no 3need 1You have 5to you 4to be written], 2[3yourselves 1for 5exactly 2you 4know] that the day of the Lord [3as 4a thief 5in 6the night 1so 2comes]. 3For whenever they should say, Peace and safety, then sudden [2sets upon them 1ruin], as if the pangs to the one [2in 3the womb 1having one]; and in no way should they flee from it. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day [2you 3as 4a thief 1should overtake]. 5[3all 1You 4sons 5of light 2are], and sons of day; we are not of night nor of darkness. 6So then we should not be sleeping as also the rest; but we should be vigilant and be sober. 7For the ones sleeping, [2night 1sleep at]; and the ones being intoxicated, [2at night 1are intoxicated]. 8But we being of day should be sober, putting on the chest plate of belief and love, and helmet -- hope of deliverance. 9For [4not 2set 3us 1God] for wrath, but for the procurement of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10the one having died for us; that whether we be vigilant, or whether we sleep, together with him we shall live. 11Therefore comfort one another, and let [2build up 1one] the other one, as even you do!

Final Exhortations

12And we appeal to you, brethren, to know the ones tiring in labor among you, and being set over you in the Lord, and admonishing you; 13and to esteem them superabundantly in love on account of their work. Make peace among yourselves! 14And we appeal to you, brethren, admonish the ones in disorder! Console the ones being faint-hearted! Hold to the weak! Be long-suffering to all! 15See that not anyone [3hurt 4for 5hurt 2anyone 1should recompense]! but at all times [2good 1pursue] both towards one another and towards all! 16At all times rejoice! 17Continually pray! 18In everything give thanks! for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19[3the 4spirit 1Do not 2extinguish]! 20[3prophecies 1Do not 2treat] with contempt! 21[2all things 1Prove]! [2the 3good 1Hold to]! 22[2from 3every 4appearance 5of evil 1Be at a distance]! 23And he, the God of peace, may he sanctify you perfectly complete; and may your entire spirit, and soul, and body, [2blamelessly 3in 4the 5arrival 6of our Lord 7Jesus 8Christ 1be kept]. 24[4is trustworthy 1The one 2calling 3you], who also will act. 25Brethren, pray for us! 26Greet [2the 3brethren 1all] with [2kiss 1a holy]! 27I adjure you by the Lord, [3to be read 1for the 2letter] to all the holy brethren. 28The favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
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