‏ 2 Chronicles 25


Amaziah Reigns in Judah

1A son being twenty and five years old was Amaziah in his taking reign. And twenty and nine years he reigned in Jerusalem. And the name of his mother was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem. 2And he did the upright thing before the lord, but not with [2heart 1a full]. 3And it came to pass as [3was placed 1the 2kingdom] in his hand, that he killed his servants -- the ones murdering [2the 3king 1his father]. 4And their sons were not killed according to the covenant of the law of the lord, as is written in the law of Moses, as the lord gave charge, saying, [2shall not die 1fathers] for the children, and the sons shall not die for the fathers, but only each for his own sin shall die. 5And Amaziah gathered the house of Judah, and he established them according to the houses of their families for commanders of thousands, and commanders of hundreds, in all Judah and Benjamin. And he numbered them from twenty years old and up. And he found of them three hundred thousand mighty ones going forth for war, mighty ones holding spear and shield. 6And he hired from Israel a hundred thousand mighty ones in strength for a hundred talents of silver. 7And the man of God came to him, saying, O king, let not [3go 4with 5you 1the force 2of Israel]! for [2is not 1the lord] with Israel -- of any of the sons of Ephraim. 8For if you should undertake to grow strong by these in the battle, the lord will put you to flight before the enemies, for there is strength to the lord to help, and to put to flight. 9And Amaziah said to the man of God, And what shall I do with the hundred talents which I gave to the force of Israel? And [4said 1the 2man 3of God], It is with the lord to give to you more of these. 10And Amaziah parted the force coming to him from Ephraim, to go forth to their place. And they were enraged in their anger exceedingly over Judah, and returned to their places in an anger of rage.

Amaziah Strikes Seir

11And Amaziah grew strong, and took to himself his people, and went into the valley of salts, and struck there the sons of Seir -- ten thousand. 12And [5ten 6thousand 4took alive 1the 2sons 3of Judah], and they brought them upon the tip of the precipice, and flung them from the tip of the precipice, and all were torn to pieces. 13And the sons of the force, whom Amaziah returned so as to not go with him to war, assailed against the cities of Judah from Samaria and unto Beth-horon. And they struck among them three thousand, and despoiled [2spoils 1many]. 14And it came to pass after the coming of Amaziah, having struck the Edomite, that he brought to them the gods of the sons of Seir, and he set them up to himself as gods; and [2before 3them 1he did obeisance], and sacrificed to them. 15And [3came 1the anger 2of the lord] against Amaziah, and he sent to him a prophet, and he said to him, Why did you seek the gods of the people, the ones which did not rescue their own people from your hand? 16And it came to pass in the speaking to him by him, that he said to him, Have [3counselor 4of the 5king 1I appointed 2you]? Take heed to it! that they should not strike you. And [3kept silent 1the 2prophet], and said, I know that [2consulted 1the lord] to utterly destroy you, for he did this, and you did not heed my advice. 17And [4consulted 1Amaziah 2king 3of Judah], and sent to Joash son of Jehoahaz, son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, Come, for we should see each other's faces. 18And [4sent 1Joash 2king 3of Israel] to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, The thorn-bush in Lebanon sent to the cedar in Lebanon, saying, Give your daughter to my son for a wife; but, behold, [7shall come 1the 2wild beasts 3of the 4field 5in 6Lebanon], and [3came 1the 2wild beasts], and they trampled the thorn-bush. 19You said, Behold, I struck Edom; and [5lifts you up 3heart 1your 2heavy]. Now be seated in your house, for why do you unite in evil, and you shall fall, and Judah with you? 20But [2hearkened not 1Amaziah], for by the lord it was to deliver him into the hands of Joash, for he inquired of the gods of the Edomites. 21And [5ascended 1Joash 2the 3king 4of Israel]. And they saw one another, he and Amaziah king of Judah, in Beth-shemesh, which is of Judah. 22And Judah was put to flight before the face of Israel; and [2fled 1each] unto his tent.

War between Israel and Judah

23And Amaziah king of Judah was overtaken by Joash king of Israel in Beth-shemesh, and he brought him to Jerusalem, and he tore down from of the wall of Jerusalem, from the gate of Ephraim unto the gate of the corner -- four hundred cubits. 24And all the gold, and the silver, and all the items being found in the house of the lord, and the things with Obed Edom, and the treasures of the house of the king, and of the things of the sons of the alliances he took, and he returned to Samaria. 25And [7lived 1Amaziah 2the 3son of 4Joash 5king 6of Judah] after the dying of Joash the son of Jehoahaz king of Israel [2years 1for fifteen]. 26And the rest of the words of Amaziah, the first and the last, behold are they not written upon the scroll of the kings of Judah and Israel? 27And at the time when Amaziah departed from the lord, they made an attempt against him in a conspiracy in Jerusalem, and he fled unto Lachish; but they sent after him unto Lachish, and they killed him there. 28And they took him upon the horses, and entombed him with his fathers in the city of David.
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