‏ 2 John


The Truth Abides into the Eon

1The elder, to the chosen lady, and to her children, whom I love in truth, and not I alone, but also all the ones knowing the truth; 2through the truth abiding in us, and [2with 3us 1shall be] into the eon. 3There shall be with us favor, mercy, peace from God the father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the father, in truth and love. 4I rejoiced exceedingly that I have found of your children walking in truth, as [2commandment 1we received] from the father. 5And now I ask you, lady, not as [4commandment 1writing 2to you 3a new], but which we had from the beginning, that we should love one another. 6And this is the love, that we should walk according to the commandments of his. This is the commandment as you heard from the beginning, that in it you should walk.

Beware of Antichrists

7For many deluded ones entered into the world, the ones not acknowledging Jesus Christ coming in flesh. This is the deluded one, and the antichrist. 8Take heed of yourselves! that we should not lose what things we worked, but [3wage 2a full 1should accept]. 9Anyone violating and not abiding in the teaching of the Christ [3God 1does not 2have]. The one abiding in the teaching of the Christ, this one [2even 3the 4father 5and 6the 7son 1has]. 10If anyone comes to you, and this teaching does not bring, do not receive him in the house, and [3hail 4to him 1do not 2say]! 11For the one saying to him, Hail, participates with [3works 1his 2evil]. 12Many things having to write to you, I do not want to with papyrus and ink; but I hope to come to you, and mouth to mouth to speak, that our joy might be filling. 13[6greet 7you 1The 2children 5sister 3of your 4chosen]. Amen.
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