‏ 2 Kings 7


The Syrian Army Abandons Camp

1And Elisha said, Hear the word of the lord! Thus says the lord, At this same hour tomorrow, a measure of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. 2And [3responded 1the 2tribune] (upon whom the king rested upon his hand) to the man of God, and he said, And if the lord should make a torrent in the heaven, shall [2be 1this thing], no. And Elisha said, Behold, you shall see with your eyes, but [3from there 1you shall not 2eat]. 3And four men, lepers, were by the door of the city. And said one man to his neighbor, Why do we sit here until we die? 4If we should say, We should enter into the city, and the famine is in the city, then we shall die there. And if we sit here, then we shall die. And now, come, and we shall fall into the camp of Syria. If they should bring us forth alive, then we shall live. And if they should kill us, then we shall die. 5And they rose up in the darkness to enter into the camp of Syria. And they entered unto a part of the camp of Syria. And behold, there was not a man there. 6For the lord [2audible 1made] in the camp of Syria a sound of chariots, and a sound of horses, and a sound [2force 1of a great]. And [2said 1each man] to his neighbor, Behold, [4has hired 5against 6us 1the 2king 3of Israel] the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of Egypt, to come against us. 7And they rose up, and ran away in the darkness. And they abandoned their tents, and their horses, and their donkeys, as was in the camp; and they fled for their lives. 8And [2came 1these lepers] unto a part of the camp. And they entered into [2tent 1one], and ate, and drank, and lifted from there silver, and gold, and clothes, and they went and hid everything. And they returned and entered into [2tent 1another], and they took from there, and went and hid them. 9And said one man to his neighbor, [2not 3thus 1We are] doing right. This day [2a day 3of good news 1is], and we keep silent, and are waiting until light of the morning, and we shall find iniquity. Now then, come, we should go and announce to the house of the king. 10And they entered and yelled by the gate of the city. And they announced to them, saying, We entered into the camp of Syria, and behold, there is not there a man nor a voice of a man, but only a horse being tied and a donkey being tied, and their tents as they are. 11And they called the doorkeepers. And they announce to the house of the king inside. 12And [3rose up 1the 2king] in the night, and said to his servants, I shall report indeed to you what [3have done 4to us 1the 2Syrians]. They know that we hunger, and they went forth from out of the camp, to hide in a field, saying, They shall come forth from out of the city, and we shall seize them alive, and we shall enter into the city. 13And answered one of his servants, and said, Let them take indeed five of the horses, of the ones being left behind, which they left behind here. Behold, they are for all the multitude of Israel faltering; for we will send there and see. 14And they took two riders of horses; and [4sent them 1the 2king 3of Israel] after Syria, saying, Go and see! 15And they went after them unto the Jordan. And behold, all the way was full of clothes and items, which the Syrians tossed in their being distraught. And [3returned 1the 2messengers], and announced to the king. 16And [3came forth 1the 2people], and they tore in pieces the camp of Syria. And [3became worth 1a measure 2of fine flour] a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the saying of the lord. 17And the king placed the tribune (upon whom the king rested upon his hand) over the gate. And [3trampled 4him 1the 2people] at the gate, and he died as [4said 1the 2man 3of God], who spoke with the [2coming down 1messenger] to him. 18And it came to pass as Elisha said to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel, and it will be at this hour tomorrow at the gate of Samaria. 19And [3answered 1the 2tribune] to the man of God, and said, And if the lord should make a torrent in the heaven, shall [2be 1this thing], no. And [4said 1the 2man 3of God] Behold, you will see with your eyes, but from there you will not eat. 20And it came to pass so; and [3trampled 4him 1the 2people] in the gate, and he died.
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