‏ 2 Peter 1


Exhortation for Godly Living

1Simon Peter, a bondman and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the ones equally honored with us having obtained belief in righteousness of our God and deliverer Jesus Christ. 2Favor to you and [2peace 1may] be multiplied in full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3as all things to us [2divine 3power 1of his], the things for life and piety, being presented through the full knowledge of the one having called us by glory and virtue, 4by which [2the things 3esteemed 4for us 5and 6greatest 7declarations 1he has presented], that through these you should become [2divine 1partners of] nature, having escaped the [2in 3the world 4by 5lust 1corruption]. 5[3also 2for this same reason 1And], [3diligence 2all 1adding], supply in the belief of yours the virtue, and in the virtue the knowledge, 6and in the knowledge the self-control, and in the self-control the endurance, and in the endurance the piety, 7and in the piety the brotherly affection, and in the brotherly affection the love! 8For these things being in you, and being superabundant, [2not 3idle 4nor 5unfruitful 1they stand] in the [2of our Lord 3Jesus 4Christ 1full knowledge]. 9But in whom [2are not 3at hand 1these things] is blind, losing sight, [2forgetfulness 1having taken] of the cleansing of his earlier sins. 10Therefore rather, brethren, hurry [6firm 2your 3calling 4and 5selection 1to make]! for these things doing, in no way should you fail at some time or other. 11For thus richly shall be supplied to you the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and deliverer Jesus Christ. 12Therefore I shall not neglect [2you 3continually 1to remind] concerning these things, though knowing, and being fixed firmly in the [2at hand 1truth]. 13But justly I esteem it, for as long as I am in this tent, to awaken you by recollection; 14knowing that [5quick 4is 1the 2getting rid 3of my tent], as also our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to me. 15But I will hurry also always for you to have after my exodus, the [3of these things 2remembrance 1making]. 16For not [2discerning 3fables 1following after] did we make known to you the [4of our Lord 5Jesus 6Christ 1power 2and 3arrival], but [2spectators 1having been] of that ones' magnificence. 17For having received from God the father honor and glory, [2voice 3having been brought 4to him 1such a] by the majestic glory, saying, This is my son the beloved, in whom I take pleasure in. 18And this voice we heard [2from 3heaven 1brought], [2with 3him 1being] on the [2mountain 1holy].

The Prophetic Word

19And we have more firm the prophetic word; which well you do heeding, as a lamp shining forth in a dismal place, until which day should shine through, and the morning star should arise in your hearts. 20This first knowing, that every prophecy of scripture [3by private 4explanation 1does not 2take place]. 21For not by will of man was [2borne 3at some time or other 1prophecy], but by [2spirit 1holy] being borne [5spoke 1the 2holy 4of God 3men].
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