‏ 2 Samuel 22


David's Ode to The LORD

1And David spoke to the lord the words of this ode in the day which [2rescued 3him 1the lord] from the hand of all his enemies, and from out of the hand of Saul. 2And he said, The lord my rock, and my fortress, and the one rescuing me. 3 My God, my guard, I will be yielded upon him; my defender and horn of my deliverance; my shielder and my refuge; my deliverance from the unjust; you shall deliver me. 4Praiseworthy, I shall call upon the lord, and from my enemies I shall be delivered. 5For [3compassed 4me 1conflicts 2of death], and the rushing streams of lawlessness made me distraught. 6Cords of Hades encircled me, and [3anticipated 4me 1shackles 2of death]. 7In my affliction I shall call upon the lord, and to my God I will yell. And he heard [2from out of 3his temple 1my voice], and my cry in his ears. 8And [3was shaken 4and 5disturbed 1the 2earth]; even the foundations of the heaven were disturbed and thrown into a spasm, for the lord was enraged with them. 9There ascended smoke in his wrath, and fire from out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by it. 10And he leaned the heavens, and came down; and dimness was under his feet. 11And he mounted upon cherubim, and was spread out, and was seen upon the wings of the winds. 12And he placed darkness for his concealment. Round about him his tent was darkness of waters; thickened in clouds of air. 13From the brightness before him [3were kindled 1coals 2of fire]. 14[3thundered 4from out of 5heaven 1The 2 lord], and the highest gave out his voice. 15And he sent arrows, and he dispersed them; and he flashed lightning, and he startled them. 16And [3were seen 1the releases 2of the sea], and [5were uncovered 1the 2foundations 3of the 4inhabitable world] at the reproach of the lord, by the breath of spirit of his rage. 17He sent from the height, and took me; he drew me out of [2waters 1many]. 18He delivered me from the strength of my enemies, from the ones detesting me; for they were strong above me. 19They anticipated me in a day of my affliction, and the lord became my stay. 20And he led me into an enlargement, and rescued me, for he thought to do well by me. 21And [2recompensed 3unto me 1the lord] according to my righteousness. And according to the cleanliness of my hands he shall make recompense to me. 22For I guarded the ways of the lord, and was not impious before my God. 23For all his judgments were in front of me, and his ordinances did not depart from me. 24And I will be unblemished to him, and I shall keep guard from my lawlessness. 25And [2shall recompense 3to me 1the lord] according to my righteousness, and according to the cleanliness of my hands before his eyes. 26With the sacred you shall be sacred, and with the innocent you shall be innocent, 27and with the chosen you shall be chosen; and with the crooked you shall be crooked. 28And the [2people 1poor] you shall preserve, and the eyes of the proud you shall humble. 29For you shall light my lamp, O lord; and the lord shall shine forth in my darkness. 30For in you I shall run lightly armed, and by my God I shall leap over a wall. 31 God -- unblemished is his way. The saying of the lord is tried in the fire. He is a defender to all the ones yielding upon him. 32For who is God besides the lord? And who is creator besides our God? 33 God -- the one strengthening me, is power; and he established [2as unblemished 1my way]; 34setting my feet as a stag, and standing me upon the heights; 35teaching my hands for war, and breaking the bow of brass by my arms. 36And you gave to me a shield of my deliverance, and obedience of you multiplied me. 37And you widened my footsteps underneath me, and [2did not 3shake 1my legs]. 38I will pursue my enemies, and I will remove them. And I shall not return until of which time I shall finish them off. 39And I will crush them, and they shall not rise up; and they shall fall under my feet. 40And you shall gird on me power for war. You shall bend the ones rising up against me, underneath me. 41And [2my enemies 1you gave] to me; [2the back of the neck 3of ones detesting 4me 1I trampled]. 42They yelled out, and there was not one delivering; to the lord, and he did not take heed of them. 43And I ground them as dust of the earth; [2as 3the mud 4of the 5streets 1I made them fine]. 44And you rescued me from disputes of people; you shall guard me as head of nations. A people whom not knowing, served to me. 45With a hearing ear it obeyed me. [2sons 1Alien] lied to me; 46[2sons 1alien] shall reel -- and they shall trip from their confinement. 47As the lord lives -- for blessed be the one shaping me, and [2shall be raised up high 1my God] -- my deliverer. 48The lord is strong, the one giving acts of vengeance to me, and humbling peoples underneath me. 49And he led me from my enemies. And from the ones rousing up against me, you shall raise me up high. [3from 4men 5of offences 1You shall rescue 2me]. 50On account of this I will make acknowledgement to you, O lord, among the nations. And [2to 3your name 1I will strum], 51O one magnifying the deliverance of his king, and doing mercy to his anointed one, to David and to his seed unto the eon.
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