‏ Acts 19


Paul in Ephesus

1And it came to pass in the fact of Apollos being in Corinth, Paul having gone through the remote parts, came unto Ephesus; and having found certain disciples, 2he said to them, Did [3spirit 2holy 1you receive] having believed? And they said to him, Not even if [3spirit 2holy 1there is] have we heard. 3And he said to them, By what then were you immersed? And they said, By the immersion of John. 4[3said 1And 2Paul], John indeed immersed with an immersion of repentance, [2to the 3people 1saying], [3on 4the one 5coming 6after 7him 1that 2they should believe], that is to say in Jesus the Christ. 5And having heard, they were immersed in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6And [2having put 4upon 5them 1Paul 3hands], [4came 1the 3spirit 2holy] upon them, both speaking languages and prophesying. 7[5were 1And 3the 2all 4men] about twelve. 8And having entered into the synagogue, he spoke openly for [2months 1three], reasoning and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God. 9But when some were hardened, and resisted persuasion, speaking evil of the way before the multitude, having left from them, he separated the disciples, by day reasoning in the school of a certain Tyrannus. 10And this took place for [2years 1two], so that all the ones dwelling Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.

The Sons of Sceva

11And works of power, not happening by chance, God did through the hands of Paul, 12so that even unto the ones being invalid [6were borne 4from 5his flesh 1scarfs 2or 3aprons], and [3were rid 4from 5them 1the 2diseases], and the [2spirits 1evil] went forth from them. 13[8attempted 1But 2certain ones 3of 4the 5traveling 6Jewish 7exorcists] to name [6against 7the ones 8having 10spirits 9evil 1the 2name 3of the 4Lord 5Jesus], saying, We bind you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims! 14And there were certain ones, [2sons 3of Sceva 4a Jew 5a chief priest 1seven] doing this. 15And responding the [2spirit 1evil] said, Jesus I know, and Paul I have knowledge of; but you, who are you? 16And [3springing 4upon 5them 1the 2man], in whom was the [2spirit 1evil], and having dominated them, he prevailed against them, so that naked and wounded they fled from out of that house. 17And this became known to all, both Jews and Greeks, dwelling in Ephesus. And [2fell 1fear] upon all of them, and [6was magnified 1the 2name 3of the 4Lord 5Jesus]. 18And many of the ones believing came, acknowledging and announcing their actions. 19And a fit amount of the ones [2useless works 1practicing] found it advantageous [2the 3books 1to incinerate] before all; and they joined in tallying their value, and found it to be [3of silver 2myriads 1five]. 20Thus with might the word of the Lord grew and strengthened. 21And when these things were fulfilled, Paul set in the spirit, having gone through Macedonia and Achaia, to go unto Jerusalem, having said that, After my being there, it is necessary for me also to see Rome. 22And having sent unto Macedonia two of the ones serving him, Timothy and Erastus, he waited for a time in Asia.

An Outcry in Ephesus

23And came to pass according to that time [3disturbance 1no 2little] concerning the way. 24For Demetrius, a certain one by name, a silversmith, making temples of silver of Artemis, furnished to the craftsmen [3work 1no 2little]; 25whom gathering together, and the ones concerning such workers, said, Men, you know that from out of this work [2our means 1is]. 26And you view and hear that not only Ephesus, but nearly all Asia, this Paul, having persuaded, changed over a fit multitude, saying that [5are not 6gods 1the things 3by 4hands 2being made]. 27[2not 3only 1And] this, it exposes danger to us, lest the part [2into 3disrepute 1come], but also the [2of the 3great 4goddess 5Artemis 1temple 7as 8nothing 6is considered], [4is about 1and 3also 5to be lowered 2her magnificence], which all Asia and the habitable world worship. 28And having heard, and having become full of rage, they cried out, saying, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians. 29And [4was filled 1the 3city 2entire] of confusion. And they advanced with one accord unto the theater, having seized by force Gaius and Aristarcus, Macedonian traveling companions of Paul. 30 And Paul wanting to enter unto the people, [3did not 4allow 5him 1the 2disciples]. 31And certain ones also of the Asiarchs, being friends with him, sending to him, appealed to not put himself in the theater. 32Others therefore one thing and some another were crying out; [4was 1for 2the 3assembly] in tumult, and most did not know for what reason they had come together. 33And from the multitude they forced Alexander, [3burgeoning him forth 1of the 2Jews]; but Alexander, having waved his hand, wanted to make a defense to the people. 34And recognizing that he is a Jew, [3voice 1there became 2one] from all, for about [2hours 1two] crying out, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians. 35[4having restrained 1And 2the 3scribe] the multitude, says, Men, Ephesians, for what man is there who does not know the [2of the Ephesians 1city] being a devotee of the great goddess Artemis, even of the one sent by Zeus? 36Indisputable then [2being 1these things], it is necessary for you [2restrained 1to be], and in nothing [2precipitously 1to act]. 37For you brought these men, who are neither sacrilegious nor blasphemous of your god. 38If indeed then Demetrius and the [2with 3him 1craftsmen] [3against 4anyone 2a matter 1have], let advocates be led; and there are proconsuls; let them accuse one another! 39But if anything concerning other matters you anxiously seek, [2in 3the 4lawful 5assembly 1it shall be explained]. 40For also we are exposed to danger to be accused of insurrection concerning today, with no one reason existing concerning which we shall be able to render a word for this tumult. 41And these things having said, he dismissed the assembly.
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