‏ Acts 5


Ananias and Sapphira

1[3man 1And 2a certain], Ananias by name, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession. 2And he pilfered from the value, [3being fully conscious of it 1and 2his wife], and having brought a certain part [2by 3the 4feet 5of the 6apostles 1put it]. 3[3said 1And 2Peter], Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart for you to lie against the [2spirit 1holy], and to pilfer from the value of the place? 4[4not 1Remaining 2in your possession 3did it] remain? and for selling [2in 3your 4authority 1it existed]? Why is it that you put [2in 3your heart 1this thing]? You did not lie to men, but to God. 5[3hearing 1And 2Ananias] these words, falling down, he expired. And there became [2fear 1great] upon all the ones hearing these things. 6And having risen up, the younger men wrapped him, and having brought him forth they entombed him. 7And it came to pass about [2hours 1three] interval, and his wife, not knowing what happened, entered. 8[3responded 1And 4to her 2Peter], Tell me if [2so much 3for the 4place 1you rendered]? And she said, Yes, for so much. 9 And Peter said to her, Why is it that you joined in one accord to test the spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of the ones burying your husband are at the door, and they shall bring you forth. 10And she fell immediately by his feet, and expired. [4having entered 1And 2the 3young men], found her dead; and having brought her forth they entombed her by her husband. 11And there became [2fear 1great] upon the entire assembly, and upon all the ones hearing these things. 12And by the hands of the apostles there took place signs and miracles among the people -- many, (and they were with one accord all together in the stoa of Solomon; 13but of the rest no one dared join them, but [3magnified 4them 1the 2people]; 14and more were added believing in the Lord, multitudes of men and also of women) 15so as in the squares to bring forth the weak, and to put them upon beds and litters, that at the coming of Peter even the shadow should overshadow some one of them. 16And came together also the multitudes of the [2all around 1cities] into Jerusalem, bringing the weak and ones being mobbed by [2spirits 1unclean], who were cured all together.

Apostles Imprisoned

17And having risen up, the chief priest and all the ones with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) were filled of zeal. 18And they put their hands upon the apostles, and put them in [2keep 1a public]. 19But an angel of the Lord by night opened the doors of the prison, [2leading 4out 1and 3them] said, 20Go! and standing, speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life! 21And having heard, they entered at the dawn into the temple, and were teaching. But having come, the chief priest and the ones with him, they called together the sanhedrin and all the council of elders of the sons of Israel, and sent to the jail for them to be brought. 22And the officers having come, did not find them in the prison, and having returned, they reported, 23saying that, Indeed the jail we found locked with all security, and the keepers standing before the doors; but having opened [3inside 2no one 1we found]. 24And as they heard these words, both the priest and the commandant of the temple and the chief priests were perplexed concerning them, whatever this might be. 25And having come, a certain one reported to them, saying that, Behold, the men whom you put in the prison are in the temple standing and teaching the people. 26Then [3having gone forth 1the 2commandant] with the officers led them, not with force; for they feared the people, that they should not be stoned. 27And having brought them, they stood them in the sanhedrin; and [3asked 4them 1the 2chief priest], 28saying, Was it not with an exhortation we exhorted to you to not teach in this name? And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you want to bring upon us the blood of this man. 29And answering Peter and the apostles said, [2to yield obedience 1It is necessary] to God rather than men. 30The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you laid hands upon having hanged upon a tree. 31This one -- God, chief and deliverer, exalted by his right hand, to give repentance to Israel and release of sins. 32And we are his witnesses of these things; [2also 3the 5spirit 1but 4holy], which God gave to the ones yielding obedience to him. 33And the ones hearing were sawed through, and they consulted to do away with them.

Gamaliel's Advice

34And having risen up, a certain one in the sanhedrin, a Pharisee, by name Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, esteemed by all the people, urged [4outside 5a little while 1the 2apostles 3to be made to go]. 35And he said to them, Men, Israelites, take heed to yourselves over these men what you are about to act! 36For before these days Theudas rose up, naming [2to be 3somebody 1himself], in whom [3leaned towards 1a number 2of men], about four hundred, who were done away with; and all as many as were persuaded by him, were parted, and came to nothing. 37After this [4rose up 1Judas 2the 3Galilean] in the days of the census, and he separated [2of people 1a fit amount] to go after him; and that one perished; and all as many as were persuaded by him, were dispersed. 38And at present I say to you, abstain from these men, and allow them! for if [2should be 3of 4men 1this counsel], then this work will be broken up. 39But if [2of 3God 1it is], you will not be able to break it up, lest at any time even [2as fighters against God 1you be found]. 40And they were persuaded by him. And having called the apostles, having flayed them, they exhorted them to not speak in the name of Jesus, and they released them. 41 Indeed then they went rejoicing from in front of the sanhedrin, that they were deemed worthy for the name of Jesus to be dishonored. 42And every day in the temple, and by house, they ceased not teaching and announcing good news of Jesus the Christ.
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