‏ Colossians 3


Seek Heavenly Things

1If then you were raised up together with the Christ, [2the things 3upward 1seek]! where the Christ is at the right hand of God sitting down. 2[2the things 3upward 1Think], not the things upon the earth! 3For you died, and your life has been hid with the Christ in God. 4Whenever the Christ should be manifested in our life, then also you with him shall be manifested in glory. 5Deaden then your members! the ones upon the earth -- harlotry, uncleanness, passion, [2desire 1evil], and the desire for wealth, which is idolatry; 6through which comes the wrath of God upon the sons of disobedience, 7among whom also you walked at some time or other, when you were living in these things. 8But now put aside, even you, all anger, rage, evil, blasphemy, obscene talk from out of your mouth! 9Do not lie to one another! But be divesting the old man with his actions; 10and putting on the new, the one being restored in full knowledge, according to the image of the one creating him; 11where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, free; but [2is the 3all 4and 5in 6all 1Christ]! 12Put on then as chosen ones of God, holy ones, and beloved, feelings of compassion, pity, graciousness, humility, gentleness, long-suffering! 13enduring one another, and granting forgiveness to each other if any [3against 4any 1should have any 2blame]. As also the Christ granted forgiveness to you, so also you. 14[2upon 3all 1And] these things the love which is the bonding together of the perfection. 15And [2the 3peace 4of God 1let] preside in your hearts! in which also you were called in one body. And [2gracious 1be]! 16[2the 3word 4of the 5Christ 1Let] dwell in you richly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and [2odes 1spiritual], with favor singing in your heart to the Lord! 17And everything, what ever you should do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and father by him.

Concerning Submission

18The Wives -- submit to your own husbands, as relates in the Lord! 19The husbands -- love the wives, and be not bitter against them! 20The children -- obey the parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord! 21The fathers -- do not aggravate your children, that they should not be depressed! 22The bondmen -- obey in all things the [2according to 3the flesh 1masters]! not in eyeservices as ones who try to please men, but in singleness of heart, fearing God. 23And all, whatever you should do, [2from 3the soul 1work] as to the Lord, and not to men! 24knowing that from the Lord you shall accept the reward of the inheritance -- for to the Lord Christ serve! 25And the one wronging shall receive for what he wronged; and there is no discrimination.
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