‏ Deuteronomy 12


Instructions When Entering the Land

1And these are the orders and the judgments, which you shall guard to do in the land of which the lord the God of your fathers gives to you by lot, all the days of which you live upon the land. 2By destruction you shall destroy all the places in which [3serve 4there 1the 2nations] their gods, whose lands you shall inherit them upon the [2mountains 1high], and upon the hills, and underneath every [2tree 1bushy]. 3And you shall raze their shrines, and break their monuments; and [2their sacred groves 1you shall cut down]; and the carvings of their gods you shall incinerate by fire; and you shall destroy their names from out of that place. 4You shall not do so with the lord your God. 5But in the place which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] from all of your tribes to name his name there, and to be called upon -- even you shall seek after and enter there.

Instructions Concerning Offerings

6And you shall bring there the whole burnt-offerings of yours, and your sacrifices, and your tenths, and your vow offerings, and your voluntary offerings, and your acknowledgment offerings, the first-born of your oxen, and of your sheep. 7And you shall eat there before the lord your God, and you shall be glad in all the things of which ever you should put your hands, you and your houses, in so far as [3blessed 4you 1the lord 2your God]. 8You shall not do according to all as many as we do here today -- each doing the pleasing thing before him. 9[3not 1For 2you have] come unto the present time for the rest and for the inheritance which the lord our God gives you. 10But you shall pass over the Jordan, and you shall dwell upon the land of which the lord our God shall inherit to you; and he shall rest you from all your enemies round about; and you shall dwell with safety. 11And there will be the place which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] [2to be called upon 1his name] there -- there you shall bring all as many things as I give charge to you today; your whole burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the first-fruits of your hands, and every choice thing of your gifts, as many as you should vow to the lord. 12And you shall be glad before the lord your God, you and your sons, and your daughters, and your manservants, and your maidservants, and the Levite at your gates; for there is not to him a portion nor lot with you. 13Take heed to yourself that you should not offer of your whole burnt-offerings in any place of which ever you should behold, 14but only in the place which [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] it, in one of your cities -- there you shall offer your whole burnt-offerings, and there you shall do all as many things as I give charge to you today. 15But in all your desire you shall sacrifice and shall eat meats according to the blessing of the lord your God which he gave to you in every city -- the unclean among you, and the clean [3the same 1shall eat 2it], as a doe or stag. 16Except the blood you shall not eat upon the land; you shall pour it out as water. 17You shall not be able to eat in your cities the tithe of your grain, and your wine, and your olive oil, the first-born of your oxen, and of your sheep, and all the vows, as many as you should have vowed, and your acknowledgment offerings, and the first-fruits of your hands. 18But only before the lord your God shall you eat them in the place in which ever [4should choose 1the lord 2your God 3himself] for you and your son and your daughter, your manservant and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the foreigner in your cities. And you shall be glad before the lord your God over all of whatsoever you should put [2upon 1your hand]. 19Take heed to yourself! that you should not abandon the Levite all the time, as much as you should live upon the land. 20And if [3should widen 1the lord 2your God] your borders, just as he spoke to you, and you shall say, I will eat meats; if [2should desire 1your soul] so as to eat meats, in every desire of your soul, you shall eat meats. 21And if at a farther distance from you be the place which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] to call upon his name there, then you shall sacrifice from your oxen, and from your sheep what ever [3should give 4to you 1the lord 2your God], in which manner I gave charge to you; and you shall eat in your cities according to the desire of your soul. 22As [6are eaten 1the 2doe 3and 4the 5stag], so shall you eat it; the unclean among you, and the clean [2likewise 1shall eat it]. 23Take heed strongly! to not eat blood, for its blood is life. You shall not eat life with the meats. 24You shall not eat blood; upon the earth you shall pour it out as water. 25You shall not eat it, that good should happen to you, and to your sons after you, if you should do the good and the pleasing thing before the lord your God. 26Except your holy things, which ever should come to you, and [2your vow offerings 1taking], you shall come into the place which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] [2to be called upon 1his name] there. 27And there you shall offer your whole burnt-offerings; the meats you shall offer upon the altar of the lord your God; but the blood of your sacrifices you shall pour towards the base of the altar of the lord your God, but the meats you may eat. 28Guard and hearken! and you shall do all the words which I give charge to you, that good should happen to you, and to your sons through the eon, if you should do the pleasing and the good thing before the lord your God. 29But if [3should utterly destroy 1the lord 2your God] the nations into which you enter there to inherit their land from your presence, and you should inherit them, and dwell in their land; 30take heed to yourself! you should not seek to follow them after their being utterly destroyed from your face. In no way should you seek after their gods, saying, How [2act 1these nations] with their gods [2shall act 1I also]. 31You shall not do so to the lord your God; for the abominations which the lord detested they did with their gods; for also their sons and their daughters they incinerated in fire to their gods. 32Every word which I give charge to you today, this you shall guard to do. You shall not add unto it, nor remove from it.
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