‏ Deuteronomy 14


Clean and Unclean Animals

1You are sons of the lord your God. You shall not make baldness between your eyes for the dead. 2For [3people 2a holy 1you are] to the lord your God, and [3chose you 1the lord 2your God] to become [3people 1his 2prized] of all the nations of the ones upon the face of the earth. 3You shall not eat any abomination. 4These are the cattle which you shall eat -- the calf of the oxen, and a lamb of the sheep, and a young he-goat of the goats, 5the stag, and doe, and roebuck, and antelope, and white-tailed hart, and gazelle, and cameleopard. 6Every beast cloven hoof, and cloven-footed to claw with two claws, and embarks chewing the cud among the cattle, these you shall eat. 7And these you shall not eat -- from of the ones embarking chewing the cud, and of the ones being cloven of the hoofs, and clawing cloven-footed -- the camel, and hare, and hyrax -- for they embark chewing the cud, but the hoof is not cloven, these are unclean to you. 8And the pig, for [2is cloven 3of hoof 1this one], and claws cloven-footed of hoof, but this one as far as chewing the cud does not chew the cud -- this one is unclean to you; from their meats you shall not eat, and of their decaying flesh you shall not touch. 9And these you shall eat from all the ones in the waters -- all as much as there are [4on 5them 1fins 2and 3scales] you shall eat. 10And all as much as there is not [4to them 1fins 2and 3scales] you shall not eat; [3unclean 1these 2shall be] to you. 11[2every 4fowl 3clean 1You shall eat]. 12And these you shall not eat of them -- the eagle, and the griffin, and the osprey, 13and the vulture, and the kite, and the ones likened to it, 14and every crow and the ones likened to it, 15and the ostrich, and owl, and gull, 16and heron, and swan, and ibis, 17and cormorant, and hawk, and the ones likened to it, and hoopoe, and long-eared owl, 18and pelican, and curlew, and the ones likened to it, and the purple-legged stork, and bat. 19All the crawling things of the winged creatures -- [3unclean 1these 2are] to you, you shall not eat from them. 20Every winged creature being clean you shall eat. 21Any decaying flesh you shall not eat. To the foreigner in your cities it shall be given, and he shall eat it; or you shall render it to the alien. For [3people 2a holy 1you are] to the lord your God. You shall not boil a lamb in the milk of his mother. 22A tenth you shall tithe of all [2produce 3of seed 1your], the produce of your field year by year. 23And you shall eat it before the lord your God in the place in which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] [2to be called upon 1his name] there. You shall bring the tithes of your grain, and of your wine, and of your olive oil, and the first-born of your oxen, and of your sheep, that you should learn to fear the lord your God all the days. 24And if [4far 3should be 1the 2journey] from you, and you should not be able to offer them, because [3is far 4from 5you 1the 2place] which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] [2to be called upon 1his name] there, that [3shall bless 4you 1the lord 2your God]; 25then you shall render for them of silver, and you shall take the silver in your hands, and you shall go to the place which ever [3should choose 1the lord 2your God] it. 26And you shall give the silver for all, of what ever [2should desire 1your soul], for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for liquor, or for any thing of which ever [2should desire 1your soul]. And you shall eat there before the lord your God. And you shall be glad, you and your house. 27And the Levite in your cities -- you shall not abandon him, for there is not to him a portion nor a lot with you. 28After three years you shall bring forth every tenth of your produce; in that year you shall place it in your cities. 29And [3shall come 1the 2Levite], for there is no portion for him nor lot with you, and the foreigner, and the orphan, and the widow in your cities, and they shall eat and shall be filled; that [3should bless 4you 1the lord 2your God] in all the works of your hands, in whichever ones you should do.
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