‏ Exodus 8


Frogs Cover the Land of Egypt

1[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Enter to Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says the lord, Send out my people that they may serve me! 2But if [2should not 3be willing 1you] to send, behold, I strike all your boundaries with frogs. 3And [3will discharge forth 1the 2river] frogs. And in ascending, they shall enter into your houses, and into the closets of your bedrooms, and upon your beds, and into the houses of your attendants, and your people, and in your batches of flour, and in your ovens. 4And upon you, and upon your people, and upon your attendants [3will ascend 1the 2frogs]. 5[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Say to Aaron your brother! Stretch forth in your hand the rod upon the rivers, and upon the aqueducts, and upon the marshes, and lead the frogs! 6And Aaron stretched out his hand upon the waters of Egypt, and he led the frogs. And [3was brought up 1the 2frog], and covered all the land of Egypt. 7[6did 1And 7likewise 8also 2the 3enchanters 4of the 5Egyptians] with their sorceries; and they led the frogs upon the land of Egypt. 8And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said, Make a vow for me to the lord, and remove the frogs from me, and from my people! And I will send the people, and they shall sacrifice to the lord. 9[3said 1And 2Moses] to Pharaoh, Order for me! when should I make a vow for you, and for your attendants, and your people, to remove from view the frogs from you, and from your people, and from your houses -- except for the ones in the river which shall be left behind? 10 And he said, During tomorrow. He said therefore, As you have said; that you might see that there is no other besides the lord. 11And [3shall be removed 1the 2frogs] from you, and from your houses, and from your attendants, and from your people, only the ones in the river will be left behind. 12[5went forth 1And 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] from Pharaoh. And Moses yelled out to the lord concerning the enactment of the frogs, as Pharaoh arranged. 13[3did 1And 2the lord] just as Moses said, and ended the frogs from the houses, and from the properties, and from the fields. 14And they brought them heaps upon heaps, and [3stunk 1the 2land].

Midges Cover Man and Beast

15[3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that there came to pass a respite, [2was weighed down 1therefore his heart], and he did not hearken to them, just as the lord said. 16[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Say to Aaron! Stretch out with your hand your rod, and strike the embankment of the land! and there will be midges in all the land of Egypt. 17[3stretched out 1Then 2Aaron 6with the 7hand 4the 5rod], and he struck the embankment of the earth, and there were the midges among both men and among also the four-footed creatures. And among all embankments of the land there were the midges in all the land of Egypt. 18[5did 1And 6likewise 4also 2the 3enchanters] in their sorceries, to lead out the midge, but they were not able. And there were midges among both men, and among the four-footed creatures. 19[3said 4then 1And the 2enchanters] to Pharaoh, [2the finger 3of God 1This is]. And [4was hardened 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and he did not listen to them, just as the lord said.

The Dog-fly Covers the Land of Egypt

20[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Rise early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh! And behold, he will come forth near the water. And you shall say to him, Thus says the lord, Send out my people! that they shall serve me in the wilderness. 21But if you do not want to send out my people, behold, I will send upon you, and upon your attendants, and upon your people, and upon your houses the dog-fly. And [5shall be filled 1the 2houses 3of the 4Egyptians] with the dog-fly, and into the land upon which they are upon it. 22And I will do an incredible thing in that day in the land of Goshen, upon which my people are upon it; upon which there will not be there the dog-fly, that you may know that I am the lord of all the earth. 23And I will make a difference between my people, and between your people. And in the next morning [2will be 3the 4sign 1this] upon the land. 24[3did 1And 2the lord] so. And [3came 1the 2dog-fly] in multitude in the houses of Pharaoh, and in the houses of his attendants, and in all the land of Egypt. And [3was utterly destroyed 1the 2land] because of the dog-fly. 25[3called 1And 2Pharaoh] Moses and Aaron, saying, In going, you sacrifice to your God in the land! 26And Moses said, It is not possible to be so. For the abominations of the Egyptians we sacrifice to the lord our God. For if we should sacrifice the abominations of the Egyptians before them, we shall have stones thrown at us. 27A journey of three days we shall go into the wilderness, and we shall sacrifice to the lord our God, just as he told us. 28And Pharaoh said, I shall send you, and you sacrifice to the lord your God in the wilderness! but do not [3far away 2to extend 1go]! Make a vow then for me to the lord! 29[3said 1And 2Moses], Behold I will go forth from you, and I will make a vow to God, and [3shall go forth 1the 2dog-fly] from you, and from your attendants, and from your people tomorrow. You should not add again, O Pharaoh, to deceive completely, to not send out the people to sacrifice to the lord. 30[3went forth 1And 2Moses] from Pharaoh, and made a vow to God. 31[3did 1And 2the lord] just as Moses said, and removed the dog-fly from Pharaoh, and from his attendants, and from his people; and he did not leave behind even one. 32And Pharaoh was oppressed in his heart also at this time, and he did not want to send out the people.
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