‏ Exodus 9


Death of the Egyptian Livestock

1[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Enter to Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says the lord God of the Hebrews, Send out my people! that they may serve to me 2For if then you do not want to send out my people, but still to have power over them, 3behold, the hand of the lord will be against your cattle in the plains, and against also the horses, and against the beasts of burden, and the camels, and oxen, and sheep, [3plague 2great 1by an exceedingly]. 4And I will do an incredible thing, even I in that time, between the cattle of the Egyptians, and between the cattle of the sons of Israel. And there shall not come to an end of any of the ones of the sons of Israel in particular. 5And God gave confirmation, saying, In the next morning the lord will do this thing upon the land. 6And the lord did this thing in the next day. And there came to an end all the cattle of the Egyptians. But of the cattle of the sons of Israel they did not come to an end -- not one. 7[3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that none came to an end from all of the cattle of the sons of Israel -- not one, [4was oppressed 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and he did not send out the people.

Boils Break Out in the Land of Egypt

8[3spoke 1And 2the lord] to Moses and Aaron, saying, Take with you [2full 1hands] of soot of a furnace! and let Moses strew it into the heaven before Pharaoh, and before his attendants! 9And let there become a cloud of dust upon all the land of Egypt! and there will be upon men and upon the four-footed creatures sores of boils breaking out among both men, and among the four-footed creatures, and in all the land of Egypt. 10And they took the soot of the furnace before Pharaoh; and [2strew 3it 1Moses] into the heaven; and there became sores of boils breaking out among both men, and among the four-footed creatures. 11And [3were not 4able 1the 2sorcerers] to stand before Moses, on account of the sores. [4happened 1For 2the 3sores] among the sorcerers, and in all the land of Egypt. 12[3hardened 1And 2the lord] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not hearken to them; as the lord ordered to Moses.

Hail of Destruction upon Egypt

13[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Rise early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says the lord God of the Hebrews, Send out my people! that they may serve to me. 14[2in 3the 1For] present time I will send out all my events into your heart, and your attendants, and your people, that you might see that there is not another as I in all the earth. 15For now, sending my hand, I will strike you; and your people I shall put to death; and I will obliterate you from the earth. 16And because of this you were carefully kept, that I might demonstrate in you my strength, and how [2should be declared 1my name] in all the earth. 17Still then you cause my people [2to not 3be sent out 1for them]. 18Behold, I rain this hour tomorrow [3hail 2great 1exceedingly], in which such has not happened in Egypt from which day it was created, and until this day. 19Now then hasten to bring together your cattle, and as much as is to you in the plain! For all the men, and the cattle, as much as might be found in the plains, and what might not enter into a residence, [3should have fallen 1and 4upon 5them 2what hail], it will come to an end. 20The ones fearing the word of the lord of the attendants of Pharaoh brought together their cattle into the houses. 21And he who did not take heed to the thought unto the word of the lord, he allowed the cattle to stay in the plains. 22[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Stretch out your hand unto heaven! and there will be hail upon all the land of Egypt; upon both the men, and the cattle, and upon all pasturage upon the land. 23[3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his hand unto the heaven, and the lord gave sounds and hail. And [2ran across 1fire] upon the earth. And the lord rained hail upon all the land of Egypt. 24And there was hail, and the fire blazing in the hail. And the hail was great -- exceedingly, in which was there not such in Egypt from when there was [2upon 3it 1a nation]. 25[4struck 1And 2the 3hail] in all the land of Egypt -- all as much as was in the plain from man unto beast. And all pasturage in the plain [3struck 1the 2hail]. And all the trees in the plains broke. 26Except in the land of Goshen, of which were there the sons of Israel, there was not hail. 27[3sending 1And 2Pharaoh], called Moses and Aaron, and he said to them, I have sinned now, the lord is just, but I and my people are impious. 28Make a vow then to the lord, and let [3cease 4to happen 1the sounds 2of God], and the hail and fire! And I will send you out, and no longer will I insist for you to remain. 29[3said 1And 4to him 2Moses], whenever I should go from the city, I will spread forth my hands to the lord, and the sounds will cease; and the hail and the rain will not be any longer, that you may know that [3is of the 4 lord 1the 2earth]. 30And you and your attendants -- I know that you do not yet fear the lord. 31And the flax and the barley were struck. For the barley was standing, and the flax was seeding. 32And the wheat and the wild oat were not struck, [3late 1for 2it was]. 33[3went forth 1And 2Moses] from Pharaoh outside of the city, and he spread forth the hands to the lord, and the sounds ceased, and the hail; and the rain did not drip any longer upon the land. 34[3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that [3has been ceased 1the 2rain], and the hail, and the sounds -- he added to sin. And [3was oppressed 1his 2heart], and the ones of his attendants. 35And [4was hardened 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and he did not send out the sons of Israel; just as the lord said to Moses.
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