‏ Ezekiel 13


Ezekiel Prophesies against the Prophets

1And [3came 1the word 2of the lord] to me, saying, 2Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, the ones prophesying! And you shall speak to the prophets, to the ones prophesying from their own heart. And you shall prophesy, and shall say to them, Hear the word of the lord! 3Thus says Adonai the lord; Woe to the ones prophesying from their own heart, to the ones going after their own spirit, and altogether they do not see. 4As foxes in the desolate places, so are your prophets, O Israel. 5They stood not in firmness, and they gathered not flocks unto the house of Israel; they did not rise up in war, the ones saying, In the day of the lord. 6Ones seeing false visions, using [2oracles 1vain], the ones saying, Thus says the lord, and the lord has not sent them. And they began to raise up a false word. 7Have you not [3vision 2a false 1seen], and [3divinations 2vain 1spoken]? And you speak, says the lord, and I spoke not. 8On account of this, say! Thus says Adonai the lord; Because your words are false, and your divinations vain, on account of this, behold, I am against you, says Adonai the lord. 9And I will stretch out my hand against the prophets, of the ones seeing false visions, and the ones declaring vain things in instruction of my people. They will not be, nor [2among 3the writing 4of the house 5of Israel 1shall they be written], and into the land of Israel they shall not enter; and they shall know that I am Adonai the lord.

The Wall shall Fall

10Because they misled my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and this one builds a wall, and they plaster it -- it shall fall. 11Say to the ones plastering it, that, It shall fall, and there shall be [2rain 1flooding], and I will appoint [2stones 1rock throwing] against their chambers, and they shall fall; and [2wind 1a removing], and it shall be broken asunder. 12And behold, [3has fallen 1the 2wall], (and shall they not say to you, Where is your plaster by which you plastered it?) 13On account of this, Thus says Adonai the lord, that, I will tear forth [2breath 1a removing] with rage, and [3rain 2a flooding 4in 5my anger 1there will be], and the stones for rock throwing in rage I will bring unto completion. 14And I will raze the wall which you plastered, and it shall fall. And I will put it upon the ground, and [2shall be uncovered 1its foundations], and it shall fall. And you shall be exhausted with reproofs; and you shall realize that I am the lord. 15And I will exhaust my rage against the wall, and upon the ones plastering it, and it shall fall. And I said to you, [3is not 1The 2wall], nor the ones plastering it -- 16the prophets of Israel, the ones prophesying against Jerusalem, and the ones seeing her peace, and there is no peace, says Adonai the lord.

The LORD is against the False Prophetesses

17And you, O son of man, firmly fix your face against the daughters of your people! the ones prophesying from their own heart. And you prophesy against them! 18And you shall say, Thus says Adonai the lord; Woe to the ones sewing together pillows under every elbow of the hand, and making coverings for every head of every stature to pervert souls. The souls are perverted of my people, and [2souls 1they protected]. 19And they profaned me before my people for a handful of barley, and for pieces of bread loaves, to kill the souls who must not die, and to protect souls who must not live, in you declaring to a people listening to vain maxims. 20On account of this, Thus says Adonai the lord; Behold, I am against your pillows upon which you [3there 1confederate 2souls]; and I will tear them from your arms, and I will send out the souls, the ones whom you distorted their souls for dispersing. 21And I will tear up your coverings, and I will rescue my people from out of your hand, and no longer will they be in your hands for a confederacy; and you shall realize that I am the lord. 22Because you pervert the heart of the just wrongfully, for I did not pervert him; and you strengthened the hands of the lawless one altogether, to not turn him from [3way 1his 2evil], so as to enliven him. 23Because of this, [3false visions 1in no way 2shall you see], and [3divinations 1in no way 2shall you divine] still. And I will rescue my people from out of your hand, and you shall know that I am the lord.
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